Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition is Prepared for Consoles

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition is Prepared for Consoles

Prepare to die again on October 26th.

If you were planning on picking up Dark Souls for the 360 or PS3, you might want to wait a little longer. The Prepare to Die Edition of the game just released on PC will be hitting consoles on October 26th, complete with the Artorias of the Abyss add-on content. The extra content will also be available as paid DLC for those of you who've already dropped cash on the original release.

The Artorias DLC introduces new areas, equipment and monsters, and is around 10 hours long according to producer, Daisuke Uchiyama. It'll also introduce PVP matchmaking, add a few more checkpoints to the game world and cost $14.99.

According to reports, the PC version of the game is very much a mixed bag. It's still the same rewarding but brutally punishing game that delighted and infuriated console gamers last year, but it's also one of the worst ports in recent memory. The internal resolution is knackered (though easily fixed, apparently), a gamepad is an absolute necessity, it uses the ever-unpopular Games For Windows Live and the action is hard-capped at 30FPS. That being said, you can't argue that From Software didn't warn us that this would be the case, [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/117754-From-Software-is-Having-Trouble-Porting-Dark-Souls] and the fact the game made it PC at all does prove that internet petitions aren't entirely useless. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/115244-Namco-Notices-Dark-Souls-PC-Petition]

Source: Destructoid [www.destructoid.com/dark-souls-prepare-to-die-edition-hits-consoles-oct-26-233852.phtml?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Destructoid+%28Destructoid%29]



New member
Jul 30, 2012
It'll be a looong wait till October... Damn those masochists from From Software and Namco Bandai.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
47_Ronin said:
It'll be a looong wait till October... Damn those masochists from From Software and Namco Bandai.
You can always play that knife hand stab game at home. At as many fps as you want.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
As much as it kills me that I've bought yet another product a few months too early (first the 3DS, now this), I'm just glad I'll be able to play this on my PS3.


New member
Jul 14, 2012
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I think that was a mistake by BandaiNamco when they made a post to their Facebook page. The comment got a lot of people hyped on the PS3 Dark Souls board over on GameFAQs, but we eventually found out it was a false post.


Then again, I've also heard that they're only releasing the DLC as a retail package for Europe, Japan, and Australia for consoles on the 26th, but no specified date for the Americas, so perhaps is just a case of really bad translations or NamcoBandai screwing up with something...again. So who knows what's going on. Kinda makes me wish Atlus was the publisher again like with Demons' Souls, but oh well. The game's coming out in the end at some point, so no use worrying.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
The only problem I have with the PC version of Dark Souls is that my mouse pointer appears in game. So when i pan the camera around my mouse pointer moves with it. I use dual monitors so if I pan the camera too far my mouse pointer will go onto my other monitor and if I click my mouse to attack when the pointer is on the other monitor it minimizes the game. It can be quite infuriating.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Evil Smurf said:
47_Ronin said:
It'll be a looong wait till October... Damn those masochists from From Software and Namco Bandai.
You can always play that knife hand stab game at home. At as many fps as you want.
I think I am way to attached to my fingers, catch my drift?

Captcha: red herring = Pendant


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
The only problem I have with the PC version of Dark Souls is that my mouse pointer appears in game. So when i pan the camera around my mouse pointer moves with it. I use dual monitors so if I pan the camera too far my mouse pointer will go onto my other monitor and if I click my mouse to attack when the pointer is on the other monitor it minimizes the game. It can be quite infuriating.
If you get the resolution fix from Durante and press F8 or F9(can't remember which) it will make your cursor disappear in game.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
At least this gives me time to finish the game and get the new stuff.

Considering how many times I've died thus far I think I'm gonna be good until then.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
I really miss Atlus at this point, they were the ones who brought Demon's Souls out of Japan. They've supported the games for years, paying out of their pocket to keep the server on so that the multiplayer option stays up.

From changed the way multiplayer works with Dark, not calling a central server but working on a P2P-type system that just doesn't work as well. When you play Demon's, you see hint signs rated in the 100s, and phantoms running all over the place. Everyone in your region that's playing is all there.

From said years ago that there was no plans for any DLC for Dark Souls, (and I'm paraphrasing), but they claimed that "they were more interested in making a complete game with tons of content than one that relies on add-ons and supplemental content."

Namco has since essentially forced them to make a PC version of the game that they weren't prepared for and lacked the ability to make, to re-release the game with a subtitle on the same consoles it released on before, making the "GOTY" trap that makes you feel like you own the lesser game if you supported at launch. Artorias being released as DLC is the one thing alleviating this.

My point is that it seems like Namco is willing to support Dark Souls for years and ongoing as long as there's money involved. As long as users of a new system are buying it, as long as there's DLC to be sold, and as long as the same game +10 hours of content can be resold at retail to the original buyers. Atlus took the high road, and is not only doing what's "right" but beyond that, spending money to support Demon's while Namco is doing all the "modern" things about current game development to maximize profit that piss many of us off. I really wonder if From Software is happy about a lot of this, or if Namco offers them enough incentives to close their eyes and ride it out. Pick one: /Atluslover /tinfoilhat .


New member
Mar 25, 2010
DarkhoIlow said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
The only problem I have with the PC version of Dark Souls is that my mouse pointer appears in game. So when i pan the camera around my mouse pointer moves with it. I use dual monitors so if I pan the camera too far my mouse pointer will go onto my other monitor and if I click my mouse to attack when the pointer is on the other monitor it minimizes the game. It can be quite infuriating.
If you get the resolution fix from Durante and press F8 or F9(can't remember which) it will make your cursor disappear in game.
It's F9. F10 will force the mouse to stay within the game's window as well. Everyone with the PC version of Dark Souls should grab the resolution fix, I don't see how you'd tolerate it otherwise.

New versions are coming out as well, so anyone who already has a previous version should get the latest one when it comes out.

Latest version is at: http://blog.metaclassofnil.com/?tag=dsfix