Dark Void Cinematic Trailer Is Slightly Impenetrable

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Dark Void Cinematic Trailer Is Slightly Impenetrable

The latest trailer for Capcom's Dark Void probably won't make much sense to anyone who doesn't already know what the game's supposed to be about.

I have to admit that Capcom's jetpack action game Dark Void has been mostly slipping under my personal radar, which is a shame because jetpacks are awesome. All I know about the game is that it is apparently dark and there may or may not be one or more void involved, that the main character uses a jetpack and fights, uh, people. Things - Brad Pitt [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/96272-Dark-Void-Trailer-Confuses-and-Enthralls] will be in the movie.

Well okay, reading through those newsposts tells me more about the game then I knew before, but that's not the point - the point is that I probably knew more about the game than your average Gamer Joe, and the recently-unveiled Cinematic Trailer seen here still kind of confused me.

Perhaps I shouldn't say that the trailer "confused me." Rather, if I didn't know better it would feel like the trailer is advertising two completely different games. On the one hand, a pair of flight jockeys piloting a 1950s-era airplane crash on a tropical island - sounds like a plot to me. But then there are robots, and the guy has a suit of armor that would seem to fit perfectly in Mass Effect, and he's flying through the sky with a jetpack (see, I knew there was a jetpack!) and attacking UFOs. Furthermore, while the environment does in fact look rather cool, it's actually rather well-lit and I don't see so much as a single void anywhere.

I'm usually all in favor of simplicity in game advertisement, and not every trailer needs a Don LaFontaine-style voiceover narrating every single plot point. But if this is how Capcom is going to market the game to people who don't know the story to begin with, don't you think it would be a bit helpful to, y'know, actually try and offer some context for the damn thing?



Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
I thought the trailer was cheesey. I can't deny it looks impressive graphically but the scene wear he puts on the rocketpack was just awful.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Well that didn't make any sense. You're right, that did look like two totally different games.

It just seems weird that this trailer establishes how this character ended up in what I assume is the void, yet it makes no effort to explain why he's fighting robots and where he got the jet pack from. To me, those are the important details. Are we supposed to assume that this island is infested with killer robots and that there is also a jetpack just lying around on it?

And why the hell are the robots so weak? They appear to be covered in armor, yet being hit by just one bullet is enough to slaughter them. Are these the robot equivalents of hemophiliacs?

I think the trailer would have actually been better if they cut out everything before 0:45.

Jim Grim

New member
Jun 6, 2009
Ok I know nothing about the plot and now, from the title and that trailer alone, I will try to decifer it.
A pilot is flying a plain when suddenly he hits a dark void in the sky, and finds himself on an island. The island is inhabited byu strange and hostile blue beings, and somehow he gets a hold of a jetpack, armour and weapons which he can fight them with for some reason.
Did I guess right?

To be honest I don't see anything wrong with that as an advert. It shows players that they will be killing things while flying, which is probably what most of the gameplay will entail. Isn't that enough?


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Sean B. said:
I know what the game is about and I mean wow...that confused me.
Same here...strange marketing ploy for them.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
I think it told me all I need to know. You fight aliens with a jetpack. *shrug* This isn't rocket science, people. It's just a video game.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Aurgelmir said:
All I could think of was:
"Look at me I is the Steam powered Iron Man!"
The robots all have a glowing ring thing on their backs that look exactly like the glowing ring thing from the Iron Man movie too.

I guess they liked Iron Man, but felt it needed more robot aliens or something. In the middle of nowhere. I dunno, I'm completely lost.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Ok would YOU wnat to
syndicated44 said:
Whats up with games and helmets latey?
would you want to be flying a jetpack around without a helmet??


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Yeah, the trailer does look confusing, but not as much as the Watchers, right? After looking into the game it makes more sense. Apparently they enter the Void through the Bermuda triangle - with an airplane, by accident - and find an alien race preparing to invade our dimension, something like that. Then he meets Nikola Tesla who has been stuck in the Void for a while and has been reverse-engineering alien technology, among which is the jetpack.

Did that clear things up? Probably not. Forget I said anything.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Malicious said:
Ive heard of the game, supposedly it features jetpack fueled air combat with aliens, as well as the great scientist Tesla in some sort of alternate dimension in the bermuda triangle where aliens have taken over. Just saying that makes me feel bad -_-. Needless to say in not enthusiastic about this game, and the trailer does nothing to make me at least consider buying it...its just two guys crashing than some guy flying and killing aliens like hes Boba Fet.
I don't know it's made by the same people who made Crimson Skies and that game was pretty fun. Zeppelin vs Zepplin multiplayer battles would have been nice though.


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
Wasn't this game supposed to be the interactive conclusion of LOST?

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Internet Kraken said:
It just seems weird that this trailer establishes how this character ended up in what I assume is the void, yet it makes no effort to explain why he's fighting robots and where he got the jet pack from. To me, those are the important details. Are we supposed to assume that this island is infested with killer robots and that there is also a jetpack just lying around on it?
Of course not, our protagonist obviously shops at Jetpacks R' Us (the choice of the discriminating Jetpack consumer).

The killer robots are indigenous though.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Silly goofballs, this isn't called Dark Void. It's called Rocketeer 2! Those UFO's are simply Nazi's.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I wasn't interested in the game to begin with, but after this, I care less about this game even more now. The trailer seems lazy and pointless.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
syndicated44 said:
Whats up with games and helmets latey?

The developers don't have to spend time animating decent facial expressions if the character wears a helmet.