Deadpool Movie Will Be Part of X-Men Filmverse


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Deadpool Movie Will Be Part of X-Men Filmverse

<a href=>Deadpool writer/producer Simon Kinberg says the new film "obviously fits into" the X-Men movie universe.

If there's been one big trend lately when it comes to superhero films, it's that they're all connected. Hollywood has very much committed itself to tying everyone and everything into everyone and everything else. Then you have entities like Spider-Man and the X-Men who, thanks to age old rights issues, have to live off in their own little isolated world with nary a friend to keep them company. That being the case, Marvels mutants may soon have another costumed individual to start palling around with.

That, at least, is what <a href=>Deadpool writer/producer Simon Kinberg indicated in a recent interview. Speaking about the Deadpool flick, Kinberg affirmed that its version of <a href=>the merc with a mouth would be a part of the "overall plan" that Twentieth Century Fox currently has for its take on the X-verse.

"There's definitely a sort of overall plan that we've all been talking about for the X-Men universe now," said Kinberg. "Deadpool obviously fits into that. So yeah, I guess I would say it's part of certainly an overall timeline and thought process that goes into these films, some of which is inspired by the comics and some which is inspired by seeing what Marvel's done with telling a larger tapestry and linking all those movies together, even as they stand independently as well. The same kind of thought is going to go into these X-Men movies at Fox."

This statement likely clears up a lot of questions for fans of the character who have long been left wondering about his status after his arguably wasted appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. How that film winds up playing into the new movie, currently slated for 2016, is something we'll be interested to see.

Source: ComicBook



Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
So Fox is finally stepping up for and starting a film-verse of thier own?

Well, it couldnt be worse than that abortion Sony thought was adequate.

Also, are Fox done burying all references to that so-called "Fantastic 4" film yet?

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
Honestly, I think this is a bad choice. Deadpool is at his best when he's wrecking and deconstructing everything around him in a hilarious way while the rest of the world plays straight man. Tying him into an established verse is gonna limit him, because he won't be able to go completely nuts without breaking the story, at least not when there are other characters around. He'd still be funny, as we've seen him leave the Fourth Wall intact before like in Hulk Vs Wolverine, but he can't live up to his full potential.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
The idea of any of these companies with the exception of Marvel trying to make a movieverse makes me cringe. I'm not saying they can't do it, but they certainly aren't doing it as good.

Fox is at least okay with retconning junk that doesn't work, so that's my bet for Deadpool's role in X-Men Origins. (Didn't they already more or less retcon most of X-Men Origins anyway? Am I thinking of a different movie? This is all so confusing).


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Adding him to Xmen might change the movie to much for people who dont read comics. He is a pretty out there character and i cant see him being in an Xmen movie - which are mostly serious. Now Deadpool in his own movie would be great.


New member
May 17, 2010
I feel like they somewhat hinted that (even if not initially intentional) in the opening of the leaked footage when he says to the audience, "You're probably wondering about the new outfit..." like we already knew him but in a different way ie when he appeared in Origins. If they are in fact continuing that (and God help us if they dredge up that crap) he's going to need a real good explanation for why he is or isn't firing optic blasts, teleporting (though I think it's somehow in his original moveset) and talking (unless that's just simply a "He ripped his mouth open again and it healed to normal" handwave).


New member
May 10, 2011
Well, in the leaked script, a certain X-men shows up... It's very unexpected, and it made me giggle how much fun they had with it.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Oh, that's a bit disappointing. I've always considered the X-Men universe to be a tragic shell of failed potential.

Hopefully it doesn't have many cameos if any.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
Deadpool vs Apocalypse! I want to see this! Or at least a cameo in AoA as "Dead Man Wade".


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Oh man... I just hope this isn't deadpool post that stupid operation in the previous wolverine movie...


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Wikipedia: "He was portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in the 2009 film X-Men Origins: Wolverine and will appear in his own feature film set to be released on February 12, 2016.[4]"

So that's early 2016.
I was kinda surprised he showed up in X-MEN, as he is not a born mutant.

Remember in 'MARVEL: House of M' that all the mutants hated Spiderman for being a 'human' and not a mutant from birth?
How that distinction is relevant to them amazed me, as he was a human who became a mutated spider-human. Who cares if it was from birth? I guess being transformed by Project X is enough movie-rights wise to classify Wade Wilson as a mutant.

Should Marvel try to get Deadpool back from Fox with their argument that he is an augmented human?
Aren't the Inhumans also not in any Fox movies because of the exact same reason, that they are somehow not classified as mutants?


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Kenjitsuka said:
Wikipedia: "He was portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in the 2009 film X-Men Origins: Wolverine and will appear in his own feature film set to be released on February 12, 2016.[4]"

So that's early 2016.
I was kinda surprised he showed up in X-MEN, as he is not a born mutant.

Remember in 'MARVEL: House of M' that all the mutants hated Spiderman for being a 'human' and not a mutant from birth?
How that distinction is relevant to them amazed me, as he was a human who became a mutated spider-human. Who cares if it was from birth? I guess being transformed by Project X is enough movie-rights wise to classify Wade Wilson as a mutant.

Should Marvel try to get Deadpool back from Fox with their argument that he is an augmented human?
Aren't the Inhumans also not in any Fox movies because of the exact same reason, that they are somehow not classified as mutants?
Eh, he started off in New Mutants and has regularly appeared in the X-Men universe (he even had a duo going on for a good while with Cable). He was also a member of Weapon X which has already been established in the X-men universe specifically.

We'd have to have the contract to see why Deadpool would be excluded from the list. It is a travesty to see what Fox has done with its IPs. They'd stand to make more money just by giving some rights back over to Marvel while maintaining majority control.


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
vid87 said:
I feel like they somewhat hinted that (even if not initially intentional) in the opening of the leaked footage when he says to the audience, "You're probably wondering about the new outfit..." like we already knew him but in a different way ie when he appeared in Origins. If they are in fact continuing that (and God help us if they dredge up that crap) he's going to need a real good explanation for why he is or isn't firing optic blasts, teleporting (though I think it's somehow in his original moveset) and talking (unless that's just simply a "He ripped his mouth open again and it healed to normal" handwave).
There were multiple post-credit endings to X-Men Origins: Wolverine, one of which showed the rubble of the fallen power plant tower with an arm sticking out of it, groping around. It reaches for Deadpool's head and you can see that the sealed up mouth has been torn open and when it touches it the eyes pop open. He also says something, I don't remember what at this point. In fact, here it is on YouTube:


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009
United States
So by the way, I've been hearing out there that it was "Confirmed" that Deadpool was going to be a PG-13 movie. I just want to know... is this ACTUALLY something confirmed, or just a rumor that's been going around?

Semi-off-topic I know, but I GOTTA KNOW!!!!


New member
May 17, 2010
COMaestro said:
vid87 said:
I feel like they somewhat hinted that (even if not initially intentional) in the opening of the leaked footage when he says to the audience, "You're probably wondering about the new outfit..." like we already knew him but in a different way ie when he appeared in Origins. If they are in fact continuing that (and God help us if they dredge up that crap) he's going to need a real good explanation for why he is or isn't firing optic blasts, teleporting (though I think it's somehow in his original moveset) and talking (unless that's just simply a "He ripped his mouth open again and it healed to normal" handwave).
There were multiple post-credit endings to X-Men Origins: Wolverine, one of which showed the rubble of the fallen power plant tower with an arm sticking out of it, groping around. It reaches for Deadpool's head and you can see that the sealed up mouth has been torn open and when it touches it the eyes pop open. He also says something, I don't remember what at this point. In fact, here it is on YouTube:
I was remembering that so wrong - I thought he just put a finger to his lips and went "shhh" or something (unless that was like ending 3 of 5 or something - I know the other one was supposed to hint at Wolverine in Japan). I do remember he opens his eyes though so apparently he just automatically controls the optic blasts with no explanation how, though I suppose that inadvertently implies the thing about Cyclops not being able to control it because of a head injury.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Well, those fourth-wall paradoxes had to be explained somehow, I guess...

Other than that, I'm really not seeing the potential tie-in to the X-men filmverse right now... (Must be the lack of the fourth wall or something like that...)


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Lightknight said:
We'd have to have the contract to see why Deadpool would be excluded from the list. It is a travesty to see what Fox has done with its IPs. They'd stand to make more money just by giving some rights back over to Marvel while maintaining majority control.
That would be SO good for all IP involved, but big, cutthroat businesspeople appearantly hold grudges (like maybe cancelling Fantastic Four comics)...


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Kenjitsuka said:
Lightknight said:
We'd have to have the contract to see why Deadpool would be excluded from the list. It is a travesty to see what Fox has done with its IPs. They'd stand to make more money just by giving some rights back over to Marvel while maintaining majority control.
That would be SO good for all IP involved, but big, cutthroat businesspeople appearantly hold grudges (like maybe cancelling Fantastic Four comics)...
I don't really know that many people who follow Fantastic Four for fun anymore. They seem to have utterly failed to grow with the times aside from some minor marital issues and such but the hero's personal life isn't entirely attention grabbing.