POLITICAL CENSORSHIP? Oh my [REDACTED]. I don't think you can trust any [REDACTED] nowadays.
But let's be fair here. There are always two sides to an argument. If one considers the factor of [REDACTED], combined with the current media trend of always [REDACTED] their [REDACTED], then from that point of view this [REDACTED] does start to look fairly reasonable. Of course [REDACTED] would say that [REDACTED] might be construed in a more [REDACTED] light, in which case my whole [REDACTED] point is rendered largely moot. Which isn't to say that [REDACTED] isn't worth serious consideration.
But nobody's seriously thinking [REDACTED], are they? I think the majority of people would say that [REDACTED] is a pretty ridiculous position to take, especially considering [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]. In the end, common-sense should prevail over [REDACTED]. And isn't that what we're all striving for?
I think an acceptable compromise would have to be [REDACTED]. It seems to be something that both sides, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], could easily agree to without either having to sacrifice any major [REDACTED]. It's basically a win-win situation. And if all else fails, they can always [REDACTED] or - on a more humorous note - maybe [REDACTED] the [REDACTED].
With a cucumber, no less.