Derail Valley - Darling Eurojank Indie Train Sim

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
So, I'm sure that I've expressed my love for trains and such here before. Just one of those early childhood interests and hobbies that time and cynicism has, thankfully, been unable to lessen thus far. Which sucks when most train sims are just...terrible, god awful crap. All of them with graphics straight off of a PS2, and due to the more niche nature of the genre absolutely ridiculous pricing with tiny piece meal DLC that can total literal thousands of dollars. The genre is so stagnant that 20+ year old MS Train Simulator is still an actual contender for 'best train sim'.

So, go figure then when about four years ago I came across Derail Valley, which looked like everything I could want from a train sim; hands on control of locomotives with fuses to turn on and starter sequences, open world, first person movement allowing you to do more than just sit in the cab, a job system like the American/European truck sims and a physics system to let you crash the trains if you so wished (or messed up). The real kicker? VR only, which I did not, and still don't, own. Thankfully, not too long after finding it (and the immense disappointment in the VR requirement), they put out an update that gave the game a standard FPS control scheme for normal computers with the same style of 'grab the pull the buttons and levers of the locomotive' that made the game appealing in the first place. Three years ago they managed to release their big 'Overhauled' update, adding a new large diesel/electric loco and hazardous cargos that could explode as well as general improvements to the map at large. I even used some promotional material from the developers from this update for the header image of the 'Complain Train' thread. After a handful of smaller updates, they kind of fell of the face of the Earth as they worked on the next big update, and earlier this month they finally released it;

Completely rebuilt the entire simulation side of the locomotion in the game for both the diesel/electric and steam power types of locos already in the game (complete with new and varied points of failure, with the steam engines gaining the ability to have boiler explosions), as well as adding in two new types of motive power with a fully mechanical diesel and a diesel with a hydraulically driver powertrain (think the automatic transmission in your car). A day/night cycle with weather that impacts locomotive performance. New effects and so much more, it's literally a whole new game. Now, I know I called it 'Eurojank' in the title, but I mean that in a positive tone (then again, I kind of like the term 'Spaghetti Western', so my opinion is probably wrong, lol) along the lines of something like STALKER; a great, if slightly buggy, game made with love and care by a small studio. Even with this huge update, the game still sits firmly in 'beta' territory, passenger coaches that are fully modeled and implemented but don't spawn in and stations in some of the city locations for passengers but aren't used at present due to lack of AI/passengers. Next huge update promises to be another huge shakeup, with over a hundred new cargo types, a half dozen new rolling stock, and a huge update to the entire rail line to get it ready for AI trains (passing sidings and double tracks sections, updating the mainline with straighter/faster sections of better maintained track, sideline and industrial line with less maintained/used tracks, adding electrification to the mainline and signals and such).

But enough background and blathering as I've just noticed that I've barely talked about the game itself as it is currently. Like all simulators, there's no real story outside of a general setting. It's set in the 80's/90's in an unnamed Eastern European country on a slightly rundown a rail line, with locomotive designs based on a variety on European, and even American rolling stock. The diesel with the fully mechanical drivetrain is based on the British Class 03, the 0-6-0 steam switcher/shunter they released after the big update is based on a Yugoslavian JŽ class 62 (itself based upon the WWII US Army S100 tank locomotive that went literally everywhere), the diesel with the hydraulic transmission based upon a German design, and the big diesel electric based upon typical North American road switchers like the SD40. Rolling stock has North American style bogies with European style buffer and chain couplers. You don't have to purchase locomotives yourself, but you do have to purchase licenses to use anything other than the smallest shunting loco, as well pay for maintenance, repairs, and fuel. There are currently three different job types you can take; freight haul where you take goods/raw materials from one location or industry to another, logistical haul where you simply move empty freight cars between the various locations, or shunting where you either unload, take apart and store trains from the former and either storing or using the latter to load and put together trains for further freight hauls. The whole open map works on a sort of light transport tycoon model, with different locations and industries needing different materials or cargo to produce other things which are then moved through the network to other stops. For example, there are a couple of forest locations that produce logs, which then need transport to a sawmill. The sawmill turns the logs into boards and lumber, which are sent to one of the cities where the lumber is turned into furniture, which is then taken to the harbor to be shipped elsewhere.

The game is a lot like the big trucking sims, in that you can choose what you want to do and see, with the only challenge really being to get to the destination under time and in one piece (this isn't called Derail Valley for nothing). While you can hurry all over the place to try and get the bonus for coming in under the par time, there's no penalty for taking your time or assembling as big of a manifest as you can, hitting multiple locations and exchanging parts of it until you hit your end point. It's the perfect game for turning on a podcast or listening to music, either your own or ingame through preloaded cassettes (you can also load you own if you wish) or even to online radio stations such as TruckersFM, and with the enhanced visuals and day/night cycle of the newest update makes this game simply sublime for idle time wasting at the end of the day.

Holy shit that was a lot more than I expected to type up, lots or run on sentences and that title is a mess, woops lol

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
So I know you've been dying to hear more about the trains, so here it is. Welcome to getting railroaded (part two).

Formatting, in one of my threads, at this time of day, localized entirely in a discussion about a train sim? And yes, you may see it

So, I mentioned briefly that this game used to be VR only, before adding in a FPS/normal mode. Well, for this last update they also went ahead and added a whole menu based interface to run all the train functions so you can run the train entirely in third person camera, even operating switches and the couplers and brakes of individual cars in the consist. The option to play like this is entirely up to you, and you can even customize the difficulty of the game to your liking such as restricting use of these controls/third-person views and how far you dash, even how much insurance co-pay you have.

Look at it, in all its boring, Excel glorious-ness. Every number serves a purpose, and every control for the loco can be accessed here, including whistles

Gameplay is rather simple in the variety of things you can do, but there is a large open world map for you to get around, either by walking, 'dashing' (a holdover from the pure VR days where you can teleport about 20 feet around yourself), or even fast travel to any of the stations on the map. It ain't all that of a pretty map once you leave the stations and move away from the rail-line, with all the glory that an Unreal engine sandbox can offer. But then, it doesn't really need to be, and besides, more and more with each of these major updates they've been steadily improving how the stations and industries you do interact with, and promise further improvements to come.

The map writ large at the moment. Not shown on this map is all the variations in grade and speed limits that make up Derail Valley's twisting main lines.

The map has a whole interconnected industry system that wouldn't seem to out of place in something like an actual transport tycoon style of game, with each of the stations or industries requiring different raw materials to make other goods, which then are sent to other places to be refined into specialized things. Anything from oil, to cut lumber, to cows all the way to new automobiles and tractors. Among these cargoes are also hazardous materials and chemicals that require extra care to prevent catastrophic damage.

Look at this spaghetti mess of nonsense. A visual guide of what each station does in regards to the others

Which is where the challenge of the game comes in, because you do have to take care, not only with the hazardous cargo but just driving the train in general. The main line of Derail Valley has always been a bit fantastical, in that it is fraught with sudden grade changes and sometimes unpredictable speed limits, and not taking proper care can send you careening off of the tracks at a sharp bend. With the addition of weather, now you not only need to watch out for water and slippery rails, but even visibility is affected, especially at night. Windshield wipers have suddenly become incredibly important and it's great.

So, there's about an additional eight or so cars past the end of the one we start to lose track off, while pushing it into a siding to load these up for transport. Yeah.

It isn't all sunshine and rainbows though, as like I said, it is a bit janky still considering it is still in Early Access. If you take a look at the pictures I've been posting of the steam shunter, you may have noticed how the wheels all clip about an inch or two into the rails. Or how sometimes the tracks disappear beneath the surrounding ground clutter, or how you may sometimes dash to quick for the game to load and fall beneath the environment. A big bug/feature is that, while the game does offer both saving and automatic quick saves (that you can change the frequency of) and saves the state you're train was in, one thing that doesn't transfer over when loading that save is the train's momentum, starting from a complete stop when the save file loads.

But honestly? The game more than makes up for this by being just such a breath of fresh air among it's competitors. No other train sim gives me this level of tactile feeling, where I need to go and not only pick what job I do but also attach and set it up myself. Where I can cause horrible confusion and delay, if I choose, or run under time, or even just sit back and relax to a pod cast or music while moving train cars around a yard. Especially since the next update and things they have planned promise to take this already fun game to greater heights, with AI trains, better main line/branch line separation (with worse/less straight tracks on underused parts of the line), the option for American style knuckle couplers, even an American themed DLC (with appropriate map and locomotives to match).


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
I use these detailed breakdowns to have conversation fodder in my buddys "special interest" of trains and train sims.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I'll be honest, I have no interest in trains aside from them often being more convenient in getting to a lot of our major city centers over going by car (cuz Europe), but I'm enjoying the enthusiasm you're bringing here. I sort of envy it.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
I'll be honest, I have no interest in trains aside from them often being more convenient in getting to a lot of our major city centers over going by car (cuz Europe), but I'm enjoying the enthusiasm you're bringing here. I sort of envy it.
Eh, nothing to envy here really. It's less enthusiasm (I still love the game and all) than it is a convenient distraction, both the game and posting about it here. The long winded-ness of these posts is more to make up for the fact that I haven't really posted anything here with more effort than bare minimum shitposting or referential humor in about a couple of years now. Which on that front, this is a distraction from the slew of posts I've left behind with half finished thoughts and "I'll return to post the rest later" (after I return from getting cigarettes and milk).

EDIT: Honestly, it's just nice to know that these long and rambling posts were at least enjoyed by others. Thanks