This honestly, is my pick of the year.
:/ its possibly the most memorible game ive played all year. ((next to Dead raising 2))
With the halos, i cant tell where the story begins, and where it ends.
Ive played and beaten them all half a dozen times, and i cant remember anything in perticular that stood out. ((other then the horrible, downward spiral the story began to follow))
With Kayne and Lynch 2, i remember every detail. Every gritty scene.
I got it. And because i got it, i loved it.
While it may sound "chilidish" or " pompous and pretentious" to say "You just dont get it", ITS TRUE!
I got it. I saw where they were going. Sure, the ending sucked hard, but thats the only honest gripe i have about the game. And even then, i can see what they did with it. No happy ending. No sad ending. Just an ending. Cut, print, edit. So that the next game ((which i seriously hope is made)) has a good, easy referance point to start off on.
Is different. And different is eather loved or hated.
Halo Reach: A copy paste of Halo ODST with nicer graphics and retexured guns. It wasnt different in any respect. It felt like i was playing a DLC for halo 3. And i hate that. I hate it alot. The only big differance is that the game mode select and "Match making" ((if you can call it that)) are completely broken.
I would give Halo reach a 2/10. I wouldent buy it. If you offered it to me, i wouldent accept it. If you taped it to my arm, i would rip my arm off, and beat you with it until you removed the game for me, so i wouldent have to touch it.
Kayne and Lynch 2, i would give a 7/10. It wasnt perfict, but nothing is. But its better then the re-used, over-done, wannabe space marines known as "spartans".
THIS IS NOT SPARTA!! (Throws Halo Reach into a bottomless pit)