Hello escapist! So here's the thing. A friend and I have been arguing as to what game is harder, Dark Souls (or Demon's Souls for that matter), or Ninja Gaiden. Now, neither of us had played the games in question, though I've heard quite the tall tales about Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, whilst he heard the same for Ninja Gaiden.
Now, I may not have played those particular games, but I'd like to think I played similar games. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my impression that Ninja Blade is similar to Ninja Gaiden. That said, I didn't find Ninja Blade difficult at all. Sure, a few frustrating quick-time events, especially at the end, but that pretty much covers it. On the other hand, I'd like to think that Gothic 2: NotR is similar to Dark Souls. No boss fights lurking around each corner, but you die anyway. The first time I played the game I kept dying and dying - it's the reason I quicksave every 5 seconds in each and every game.
So, escapist, which game is harder? Dark Souls or Ninja Gaiden?
Now, I may not have played those particular games, but I'd like to think I played similar games. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my impression that Ninja Blade is similar to Ninja Gaiden. That said, I didn't find Ninja Blade difficult at all. Sure, a few frustrating quick-time events, especially at the end, but that pretty much covers it. On the other hand, I'd like to think that Gothic 2: NotR is similar to Dark Souls. No boss fights lurking around each corner, but you die anyway. The first time I played the game I kept dying and dying - it's the reason I quicksave every 5 seconds in each and every game.
So, escapist, which game is harder? Dark Souls or Ninja Gaiden?