This is among the least convincing arguments ever. We are perfectly capable of evaluating something's worth even if we do not work in that craft. If you actually believe this line of reasoning, you have no right to ever complain about any computer malfunction ever again for the rest of your life. Thanks.Can you make one better? No, you probably can't so stop bad mouthing it when you have no idea what it's about
And it's not that it's just not Zero Punctuation. Most of the people here that I've seen are of the stance that it's perfectly acceptable for Mr. Croshaw to take a week off, because it's m.f-ing Xmas. He can have a week off. He can have two, as far as I'm concerned, or however many as long as what he DOES put out is of good quality and continues to be entertaining. But then again, I read Absurd Notions, which updates maybe quarterly. Your mileage may vary.
The problem here is that the video is bad.
I will agree with the others that visually it is acceptable, though it gets repetitive at points. This is, to an extent, necessary with a Warcraft-based video sequence; there are only so many ways you can make a character look like they're talking, and these get ridiculous amounts of use. If you see enough Warcraft videos or actually play World Of, then you stop seeing this as characters talking and start seeing them as /laugh or /talk or whatever the commands are. Which really takes away from the presentation, rather than adding to it as such visuals should. This issue is mostly with the choice to use Warcraft as the medium, rather than some other more robust polygon animation business.
Next comes the issue of the 'flow,' which I will continue to beat the dead horse in saying that it's not good at all. If you need time to figure out what you're going to say, write it down first. If you can't get it out fast enough on the mic, then you have audio editing tools--use them to take out the blank spaces. The monotone doesn't help either, and slightly more advanced audio techniques (overlays, strategic silences, etc) would have made a huge difference. I won't criticize the choice of song to parody, because really, that's artistic liberty, and it CAN be done well with that track. It just wasn't this time.
And now the content. For what it was talking about, I guess it was all right. There was a variety of 'supporting points' as it were, different things that were rapped about. But the thing is that it's still talking about what is easily one of the more asinine behaviors in the game, and thus less likely to be a laughing matter generally speaking. Bad choice.
Okay, we've brought some serious, substantive arguments to the table. Apologists, your turn.