DirectorK discusses anime: The Asterisk War: What RWBY "COULD" have been


New member
Aug 22, 2014
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I'm DirectorK and today I want to discuss about the anime The Asterisk War and how it compares to RWBY. Yes, I am actually going to talk about this anime because unlike most people I actually ended up liking it for a few reasons. Now before you start grabbing your pitchforks and torches and scream "BLASPHEMY! This guy actually likes this anime!" hear me out.

I'll be the first to admit that this anime is nothing new or original and that it's generic as hell and full fanservice, not to mention that the very first episode gives a very bad impression. But once I got over the first episode, this series really grew on me the more I watched. And considering by it was made by A-1 Pictures, the same studio that made Sword Art Online, it's understandable why people would avoid this anime like the plague. And before someone mentions it, yes I am well aware of people saying that Chivalry of a Failed Knight is practically a carbon copy of The Asterisk War. Don't ask me to compare Failed Knight to this because I haven't seen it.

Is TAW anything special? No. Not by a long shot.

Are the characters any good? Well, if you're expecting this to be anything other than harem anime you're pretty much going to be disappointed.

What about the story and setting? Well, the story for the most part is... pretty good. Nothing new, I grant you that, but I still liked the story regardless. As for the setting... if you can get past the biggest plot hole of this anime than you should be fine. I personally didn't have that big of an issue with it and many others had for good reason.

Now, if haven't noticed from the title of this topic the question I'm sure you're asking right now is "What does this have to do with RWBY?" RWBY being Rooster Teeth's poor attempt in making an anime. Well, there are two reasons why I liked TAW over RWBY since they were airing around the same time, RWBY being in it's third season now.

One: TAW shares almost the exact same concept as RWBY except it's executed a lot better. The characters are better written(not perfect of course, but better than RWBY's), their motivations are much clearer, and unlike RWBY it didn't waste two whole freakin' seasons getting to the special tournament.

I'm going to say this right now. If Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum really wanted to go the "Tournament-Between-Schools" route in RWBY, this is how they should have done it. Unlike RWBY, TAW doesn't wastes it's time shoveling out pointless exposition or poorly done romantic scenes. Yes, TAW does have romantic comedy that can be cringe at times but that's because it's a harem. RWBY, on the other hand, isn't. Yes, TAW could've gotten to the tournament a little sooner but I felt the build up to it was done much better than RWBY. Despite it's flaws, TAW gets straight to the point and from a storytelling point of view, it doesn't disappoint.

The second reason I like this anime is because... well, just listen to this ending song!


No seriously! Listen to it! In fact, listen to it again! You can't tell me that's not the most beautiful ED song you've ever heard in an anime, and that it was sung entirely in English! If nothing else this song almost makes the entire series worth watching, especially if you are trying to get rid of your frustrations after watching the next episode. Rasmus Faber did an excellent job making the music for this anime and thanks to this song I'm officially a fan of him now.

And on a side note: A-1, quit being copyright assholes and release the full version of the song on Youtube. You're not doing yourself any favors seeing how this anime has already gotten such a mixed reception.

Now, let's discuss and compare TAW to RWBY and how RWBY could have been like TAW.

Story and Setting
As mentioned before, this anime is nothing new or original in terms of story and setting. The story it does have is basically this: A sudden disastrous event struck the whole world in the form of a meteor called "Invertia" during the 20th Century. As a result, numerous cities were destroyed and much of humanity was wiped out. However, from that meteor came the element--heh, heh, you guessed it--Mana! Thanks to this new element humanity was able to make significant and rapid strides with technology and weapons while also gaining magical abilities, giving birth to a new generation called the Star Pulse Generation. This has led to the rise to the city of Asterisk, an advanced city sitting on a island surrounded by six different academies.

At first glance, this actually doesn't sound that bad and it's very to the similar to RWBY, the only difference being that TAW doesn't have its characters dealing with the creatures of darkness, using magic crystals, or a terrorist organization. What it does have is technologically advanced weaponry that honestly makes RWBY's weapons look like a joke and corrupt corporations that make money off of these tournaments. The one thing TAW and RWBY do have in common is "auras".

But then comes the show's biggest problem that's also the biggest plot hole and it's pretty much the same reason why RWBY suffers. School Academy setting. Yeah, you probably guessed that one and you can now understand why a lot of people don't like this show. And I don't blame them. With RWBY the Huntsman Academies don't seem to much of use for the students attending there because we never see any real huntsman who have graduated from there and that the tournament was the only thing to look forward to. With TAW it's... pretty much the opposite. The students are there to specifically train for these tournaments for the entertainment of the people living in the city, kind of similar to The Hunger Games.

But then comes this question: Why students? If they are just there to participate in the tournament why are they even bothering with education? And why are students only allowed to participate? It's pretty much the same with RWBY. Why are students the only ones to participate in Vytal Festival Tournament? The only thing I can say to that is... it's anime. Your guess is as good as mine. At this point I was beyond caring and just pressed on through.

Some were probably expecting a post apocalyptic world but you know what I was actually quite glad that A-1 didn't go that route because to be honest I've gotten really sick and tired of those kind of settings. I wanted to see a more positive portrayal of the future where humans and technology actually got along quite well and TAW pretty much did that. Hell, in episode 3 we get to see that McDonald's(a knockoff, that is) still exists despite the disastrous event from before and to be honest I actually thought the whole scene where Julis goes to a fast food restaurant for the first time in her life was really cute. Speaking of which...

Characters and how they're Presented
The characters in TAW is what you expect in a harem anime. You have the idiot male protagonist and a bunch of cute girls representing every single trope you can think of. But one thing you can be thankful for when comparing it to RWBY is that it remains focused on those characters, giving them the right amount of screen time to develop them and provide their backgrounds while not getting too sidetracked from the main story. Each one of them has their own reasons for attending the academies and their own goals. Not always the most virtuous granted but at least it's something that you can get behind and follow.

RWBY, on the other hand, pretty much does the opposite when it comes to it's characters. Not only does it have a shit ton of characters, some of which have only appeared once and then are never seen again except maybe for a cameo, but the character development is all but nonexistent! And what's worse is it can't even remain focused on a certain group of characters, especially the ones that the show is named after! Their motivations and goals are also all but nonexistent, Actually no, a better word for it would be nonsensical. Ruby wants to become a huntress because... it's cool? Weiss only seems to be attending to get away from her family problems. Blake says that she's going there in hopes to make people see her for who she truly is yet it feels more like she's trying to hide from the White Fang. And Yang on top of it all has no reason to be there! Hell, she has no reason to be in the show at all!

Now let's compare goals to some of the characters in TAW. Ayato hopes to find out what had happened to his older sister who had disappeared a few years before. Julis wants to obtain money so she can send it to an orphanage back in her home country because she has many close friends there but are in danger of losing their orphanage due to the lack of funds. And Kirin is trying to clear her father's name and to free him from prison. The character's goals and motivations still raises the question of why they are attending an academy but at least their goals are much clearer than the ones in RWBY.

Another thing I found in TAW, what actually made me like the series, was something that RWBY was severely lacking and can be summed up in one word: Compassion.

You remember back in Volume 1 of RWBY when the bunny girl Scarlett Valentina was getting bullied because she's a Fanaus and no one was doing anything about it including Blake even though she was later revealed to be a Fanaus herself? You remember that? They keep trying to portray Remnant as an advanced and civilized world. Yeah, right. If that was true, where is the compassion between humans and Fanaus? Where is the respect? Why is no one making an effort to convince the free Faunus that not all humans are evil and racist and that the White Fang has done nothing but use them in order to further their goals? It just makes it look like nobody in the world of Remnant really gives a shit, cares about nothing but themselves, and just wants to be entertained by these special tournaments.

Another thing in RWBY when it comes to compassion is the lack teamwork. This was the biggest issue I had with Volume 1, particularly in episode 8. Ruby and Jaune became the leaders of their teams for no reason other than pulling something out of their ass all of a sudden. We've seen time and again just how incompetent they are as leaders. Yeah, they do help each other out whenever there's a problem, but it?s done in such a contrived way it makes it difficult to accept. For example, Blake running herself running over nothing or Jaune trying to go out with Weiss after seeking some help from his teammates.

In comparison to RWBY, TAW does a better job because the team leaders defend their teammates. Let me give you a few examples. Ayato comes to Julis's defence twice throughout the first season, once from a big guy who is trying bully her into a duel and then later comes to her rescue when she tries to deal with a major problem herself out of respect for him but gets injured in the process. Why does he do this? Because he cares about her despite their rocky start in the beginning. He does this again with Kirin later after he discovers that her uncle is using her for his own gains, going as far as accepting a duel despite knowing the risks.

Saya does the same thing after she teams up with Kirin after discovering that they're participating in the tournament for similar reasons. As they get to know each other, Kirin reveals to Saya that she can't swim and asks Saya to teach her. While they're at the pool, Kirin accidently crashes into another student from another school while practicing alone since Saya had gone off to get drinks. Saya comes to Kirin's defence and accepts a duel from the enraged student, only to kick the student?s ass in ten seconds(no joke, she literally does that).

Now let me ask you this: Have we seen anything like this in RWBY? Sure, like I said above the characters do help each other but again it?s done in such a contrived way it's difficult to take seriously. Now we come to...

The Fight Scenes
The fight scenes in RWBY is arguably the only thing that holds it up seeing how how it was done by Monty Oum before his unfortunate death. However, the problem with the fight scenes in RWBY is that they have a tendency to completely contradict the script. In Volume 1 Episode 8, Ruby states that they don?t have to the fight the Creatures of Grimm yet they end up doing so anyway in the most dangerous area when they've could've taken them out in the open. In Volume 2 Episode 4, RWBY's teamwork skills are just downright stupid. All of them should have died at some point from that battle mech but thanks to the plot armor called "aura" that doesn't happen. And then later in episode 11 when they're on the train they decide to split up for no particular reason, completely forgetting that their task was to stop the train, not to fight the people inside. Volume 3 doesn't suffer from this problem so far but it still suffers because it lacks Monty Oum's magic.

In TAW, yeah the fight scenes can get a little silly at times, particularly in episode 4, but at least they don't contradict the script. Ayato is indeed overpowered but I didn't find that to be a problem and Saya is just a badass with her big ass guns and bazookas. The fights were, for the most part, enjoyable. I appreciate that they weren't overly choreographed and that they didn't lose their intensity through the editing process. Plus, when you're using lightsaber sound effects for your weapons, then you know it's going to be good.

While RWBY does have some memorable fights, I found TAW's to be more enjoyable and, if you think about it, more realistic. You can see through the characters in TAW what they're fighting for. They may not appreciate it because of how the tournaments are treated, and you may not either, but you can still root for them because deep down you want to see them accomplish their goals because they are noble. With RWBY, I never felt any of that. What are their goals? What are they trying to accomplish? What are the Huntsman fighting for? To make the world a freer and better place? Like I said before nobody in Remnant doesn't seem to care about that. Hell, maybe Cinder actually has a point when she declared that the people have been relying too much on the Kingdoms and the Academies since they seemed to have done nothing over the years. Or maybe that's just Miles's and Kerry's shitty writing.

Overall Thoughts
When you compare these two shows going by their concepts, I think you will agree that TAW is the better show. However, don't be thinking that one is leagues better than the other. TAW is as generic as anime can get. RWBY is not much better despite what Rooster Teeth fanboys will say.

I found myself growing increasingly frustrated with RWBY in this new volume, probably more so than the last two. Even now it's still struggling to find it's identity, and by that I am saying that it?s still in a constant tug of war on whether it should be dark and serious or a teenage romantic comedy. Now I know someone?s going to bring up the most recent episode and that it's about to get really serious but after the extremely disappointing, if not insulting, ending of the last volume, I'm not willing to get suckered in by the hype since we all know how that went last time. TAW, on the other hand, knows what it is and sticks to it. Yes, it's not the most original but it's there and I very much appreciate it.

Now the question some of you are probably asking is: Would I recommend watching TAW?

Well, the answer is no. Despite my praises of it TAW is still a typical generic anime in the end. If you tried watching this without having watched RWBY you wouldn't give this show a second glance after Episode 1. On that thought though, if you had watched RWBY but had grown increasingly disappointed with it because of it?s poor execution and was left with a void that needed to be filled, then I would suggest watching this show. Not recommend, suggest, because that?s what made me come back to it. I got so frustrated with RWBY Volume 3 I had to stop watching before I lost my mind. If you can ignore the flaws and all the fanservice in TAW than you should come to appreciate it like I did even if you still didn't like it in the end.

What made me appreciate TAW the most, despite it's flaws, was the compassion between the characters. That was its charm. RWBY has tried to do this through all three volumes and while it might have arguably been set it well enough throughout the series, it just didn't it hit me as much as TAW did. And to be honest, I?m looking forward to what happens next in TAW infinitely more than what RT does with RWBY, if there is to be a Volume 4.

Now if you're a RT fan and love RWBY to death I?m sure you probably think I'm spewing a bunch of bullshit out of my mouth and I could very well be. You have every right to think so and I wouldn't hold it against you. I'm not going to try to convince you to think the way I do because that would just be a waste of time. If you do watch TAW and end up liking it, good for you. If not, at least you can appreciate the beautiful ending song it has.

I'm DirectorK and until next time, stay tuned. :)


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
I don't think a mediocre show should copy another mediocre show. It's like directors copying Michael Bay. Heck, you even wrote several paragraphs admitting that the show is bad.

Bring back cowboy bebop, Eva, Lain, and princess Mononoke. Bring back the golden decade of anime.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
Fox12 said:
I don't think a mediocre show should copy another mediocre show. It's like directors copying Michael Bay. Heck, you even wrote several paragraphs admitting that the show is bad.

Bring back cowboy bebop, Eva, Lain, and princess Mononoke. Bring back the golden decade of anime.
They may be mediocre, but at least one has an identity while the other is still trying to find it. And I never said that TAW is bad, but it's not great either. However, I appreciated it more than I did with RWBY for reasons I listed above. Like you said, it's mediocre.


New member
May 18, 2015
Everyone I know said that Asterisk was irredeemable trash and Chivalry was just slightly better than that, so I watched it instead. And it is boring. My main problem is the dialogue, it's just plot and cliches. None of the character are characters - they're infodumps.

And the plot. What were they really thinking? They created this generic future setting just to justify the teenagers whacking at each other with swords. This is ten times worse than my problems with The Hunger Games. That fell apart after it created an intriguing futuristic setting, and then ignored that entirely, just to have a bunch of teenagers murdering each other in a forest. Chivalry is even worse, it doesn?t even bother to make the setting interesting in the first place.

As for Asterisk, Digibro has made an entire series of videos on every single detail wrong with that show, and it's a series that is soon longer than the anime itself.
So grab yourself a bag of popcorn, the bloody massacre upon awful anime is about to begin.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
Seriously you're glad that ASW isn't a post dystopian setting, if that true then why are high schoolers fighting, certain plots don't really make sense if they don't fit the setting.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
PapaGreg096 said:
Seriously you're glad that ASW isn't a post dystopian setting, if that true then why are high schoolers fighting, certain plots don't really make sense if they don't fit the setting.
Well, at least in this setting they're not trying to kill each other for some prize like they do in The Hunger Games. And not to be rude, but did you read the entire thing or did you just stop when you read that sentence? Because I asked that very same question later on as well.

Julis herself said that the whole thing is messed up, and I agree, but has no choice but to go along with it since she has no other way to accomplish her goal. The same goes for the other characters. Believing it or not, several of the students there are actually more intelligent than the citizens who watch these tournaments.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I'll never understand this perception of RWBY that exist in some places, particularly on here... do people not realize it's only a web series and not a professional production?

Also let me say it, 'tournament arcs' are garbage. Well they can be okay, but they're way overdone in anime and I find them to be a pretty lazy way to progress the story. Years ago I think it was Yu Yu Hashuko that burnt me out on them.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
DirectorK said:
PapaGreg096 said:
Seriously you're glad that ASW isn't a post dystopian setting, if that true then why are high schoolers fighting, certain plots don't really make sense if they don't fit the setting.
Well, at least in this setting they're not trying to kill each other for some prize like they do in The Hunger Games. And not to be rude, but did you read the entire thing or did you just stop when you read that sentence? Because I asked that very same question later on as well.

Julis herself said that the whole thing is messed up, and I agree, but has no choice but to go along with it since she has no other way to accomplish her goal. The same goes for the other characters. Believing it or not, several of the students there are actually more intelligent than the citizens who watch these tournaments.
Wait aren't kids in the show fighting to get some prize and if death isn't a possiblity then why does Julis think its messed up. You pretty much contradicted yourself in the same sentence


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Smygskytt said:
As for Asterisk, Digibro has made an entire series of videos on every single detail wrong with that show, and it's a series that is soon longer than the anime itself.
Exactly. Asterisk War is a downright terrible, generic, boring show that has no redeeming qualities of which to speak what so ever. Digibro's analysis of the series is far, far more interesting then the show itself. He is the Plinkett of anime.

Part 8:

I really hate that part 8 was taken down due to a strike.

As for comparing the two, while I really did not like RWBY it was still a better series even if one that was of the exact level of quality you'd expect a serious drama being made as a web original animation series by people who used machinama filming for a decade.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
RandV80 said:
I'll never understand this perception of RWBY that exist in some places, particularly on here... do people not realize it's only a web series and not a professional production?
RWBY exists in an odd place where it's trying to be a professional production, but it has neither the budget nor he talent to do so. Though RoosterTeeth did see it fit for the DVD release (yes, there was a DVD release) to be priced at a similar level as a real series.

It wants to be a professional series, so a lot of people treat it as such, and that really does not bode well for them.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
If you're gonna make it this massive can you please have bullet points.
DirectorK said:
The Asterisk War: What RWBY "COULD" have been.
I would say RWBY does 4 things right for every 5 mistakes.The Asterisk War, what do it do right? There's so much wrong, but nothing to compensate for it.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
And another thing, the reason why people compared Chivalry of a Failed Knight and Asterisk War is due to the fact they're the same damned story. There are 2 or 3 anime that are the generic battle high school every season. Every. Damn. Season.

Some on very rare occasion are good, most, like Asterisk War and Chivalry of a Failed Knight, are terrible. They use the same cliches and the same archetypes and they all blend into each other. You could literally make a standardized form for these things in terms of the plot, the characters, and the pacing.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
Oh, my God. Did everyone just decide to read only a sentence or two and to make a rant on that instead of reading the whole thing?! Seriously, I feel like I'm being treated like a fucking heretic here because I dared to bring up The Asterisk War!

Not once did I say that TAW was a great show, nor do I think it's leagues better that RWBY. I was only comparing them because they shared similar concepts and I found that TAW did it better. The whole thing is still shit but I still ended up appreciating it more than RWBY. All my reasons are explained up above in the original post. Why don't you guys try reading that before making a comment of how "braindead" I am because I happened to like TAW a little.

For God Sakes! I'm not trying to make you guys agree with me. I was only trying to make a statement. Sorry if I offended all you guys.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
What RWBY lacks in, well, everything (Except character design), it does make up for in enthusiasm. It's a mess, but it's fun nonetheless. It's not Log Horizon, which I hold to be the zenith of series going for that kind of tone, but it passes the time.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
DirectorK said:
Oh, my God. Did everyone just decide to read only a sentence or two and to make a rant on that instead of reading the whole thing?! Seriously, I feel like I'm being treated like a fucking heretic here because I dared to bring up The Asterisk War!

Not once did I say that TAW was a great show, nor do I think it's leagues better that RWBY. I was only comparing them because they shared similar concepts and I found that TAW did it better. The whole thing is still shit but I still ended up appreciating it more than RWBY. All my reasons are explained up above in the original post. Why don't you guys try reading that before making a comment of how "braindead" I am because I happened to like TAW a little.

For God Sakes! I'm not trying to make you guys agree with me. I was only trying to make a statement. Sorry if I offended all you guys.
1. You said that RWBY should like TAW and we are not only disagreeing with you but saying a RWBY should follow a mediocre show is beyond stupid

2. You post this on a forum, as in you are going to have some people who are gonna disagree and spout their own opnion


New member
May 18, 2015
DirectorK said:
Oh, my God. Did everyone just decide to read only a sentence or two and to make a rant on that instead of reading the whole thing?! Seriously, I feel like I'm being treated like a fucking heretic here because I dared to bring up The Asterisk War!

Not once did I say that TAW was a great show, nor do I think it's leagues better that RWBY. I was only comparing them because they shared similar concepts and I found that TAW did it better. The whole thing is still shit but I still ended up appreciating it more than RWBY. All my reasons are explained up above in the original post. Why don't you guys try reading that before making a comment of how "braindead" I am because I happened to like TAW a little.

For God Sakes! I'm not trying to make you guys agree with me. I was only trying to make a statement. Sorry if I offended all you guys.
I found this quote about Roman slavery that I think fits extremely well here too:

"I've heard intelligent people state that classical slavery wasn't as bad as slavery in America's Antebellum South. You can make a case for that, but I consider it along the lines of arguing that the Spanish Inquisition wasn't as bad as the Gestapo. "
- David Drake, author.

You see, it is still awful, no matter how you turn it.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
PapaGreg096 said:
DirectorK said:
Oh, my God. Did everyone just decide to read only a sentence or two and to make a rant on that instead of reading the whole thing?! Seriously, I feel like I'm being treated like a fucking heretic here because I dared to bring up The Asterisk War!

Not once did I say that TAW was a great show, nor do I think it's leagues better that RWBY. I was only comparing them because they shared similar concepts and I found that TAW did it better. The whole thing is still shit but I still ended up appreciating it more than RWBY. All my reasons are explained up above in the original post. Why don't you guys try reading that before making a comment of how "braindead" I am because I happened to like TAW a little.

For God Sakes! I'm not trying to make you guys agree with me. I was only trying to make a statement. Sorry if I offended all you guys.
1. You said that RWBY should like TAW and we are not only disagreeing with you but saying a RWBY should follow a mediocre show is beyond stupid

2. You post this on a forum, as in you are going to have some people who are gonna disagree and spout their own opnion
Did you even read the title? I said "COULD" not "SHOULD". I was trying to say that if RT wanted to the "School-Tournament" route they could have followed TAW's example since I felt TAW did it better. And before you say it, I know that would have been impossible seeing how RWBY came out two years before. I'm well aware of how mediocre TAW is. I never once denied that. You don't need to keep reminding me.

What I don't like is you saying is that I'm stupid because I dared to compare the two shows. All I'm getting from that is that I'm insulting your intelligence because I'm acknowledging TAW exists. Don't start giving me that crap. You made it very clear why you hate TAW and, like I said up above, I don't blame you. But don't come here telling me that I'm stupid because I was merely expressing my opinion.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
DirectorK said:
PapaGreg096 said:
DirectorK said:
Oh, my God. Did everyone just decide to read only a sentence or two and to make a rant on that instead of reading the whole thing?! Seriously, I feel like I'm being treated like a fucking heretic here because I dared to bring up The Asterisk War!

Not once did I say that TAW was a great show, nor do I think it's leagues better that RWBY. I was only comparing them because they shared similar concepts and I found that TAW did it better. The whole thing is still shit but I still ended up appreciating it more than RWBY. All my reasons are explained up above in the original post. Why don't you guys try reading that before making a comment of how "braindead" I am because I happened to like TAW a little.

For God Sakes! I'm not trying to make you guys agree with me. I was only trying to make a statement. Sorry if I offended all you guys.
1. You said that RWBY should like TAW and we are not only disagreeing with you but saying a RWBY should follow a mediocre show is beyond stupid

2. You post this on a forum, as in you are going to have some people who are gonna disagree and spout their own opnion
Did you even read the title? I said "COULD" not "SHOULD". I was trying to say that if RT wanted to the "School-Tournament" route they could have followed TAW's example since I felt TAW did it better. And before you say it, I know that would have been impossible seeing how RWBY came out two years before. I'm well aware of how mediocre TAW is. I never once denied that. You don't need to keep reminding me.

What I don't like is you saying is that I'm stupid because I dared to compare the two shows. All I'm getting from that is that I'm insulting your intelligence because I'm acknowledging TAW exists. Don't start giving me that crap. You made it very clear why you hate TAW and, like I said up above, I don't blame you. But don't come here telling me that I'm stupid because I was merely expressing my opinion.
That doesn't make it any better if it could be anything then it could be good not a bellow average harem fantasy. And thats the problem I have with your thread you compare two bad shows but have a show you precieve as better and show how the worse show could be better. Its like comparing two bullies and saying that bully could be like the other.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
TAW was pretty much as generic as it comes, trying to describe it is pretty much the same as describing the genre of light novels that it comes from. It was especially unfortunate for it to come out in a season where we had two other shows from that genre one of which really excelled at what it did. Chivalry wasn't an exceptionally good show, but it was fairly competent. It took most of the tropes associated with that genre and played with them. The two leads admitted to liking each other pretty much from the start and they actually talked through their issues which I honestly don't see a lot of in this stuff.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
DirectorK said:
I'm going to say this right now. If Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum really wanted to go the "Tournament-Between-Schools" route in RWBY, this is how they should have done it.
I'm not a particularly die-hard fan of RWBY (and don't know anything about TAW), but I really wouldn't say RWBY's ever really been about Tournaments, it's always been about killing monsters.

Hell, I'm fairly convinced the only reason the tournament in season 3 was a thing was so that we could still get a couple of cool fight scenes while we waited for the Villians to finally get the plot moving.