do people hate things that are mainstream or popular?


New member
Nov 28, 2007
m_jim said:
Sorry to post twice in a row, but...
Kirosilence said:
insectoid said:
A lot of people hate mainstream and popular things simply because they are such. Those people like to be different, just 'cause they can.
The irony being that in trying to be different, they wind up just like the other mass of people trying to be different.
And the further irony being that "freethinking" people have made this same argument millions of times over.
This is just an incredibly ironic train of thought.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
Kirosilence said:
m_jim said:
Sorry to post twice in a row, but...
Kirosilence said:
insectoid said:
A lot of people hate mainstream and popular things simply because they are such. Those people like to be different, just 'cause they can.
The irony being that in trying to be different, they wind up just like the other mass of people trying to be different.
And the further irony being that "freethinking" people have made this same argument millions of times over.
This is just an incredibly ironic train of thought.
Haha, and thus the cycle continues...


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I just hate things that suck. That includes (but is not exclusive to) some mainstream trends or objects.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
People are trying to be different, unique and cool so they go around saying that everything sucks and try to be like Yahtzee.


New member
Jun 3, 2008
dashiz94 said:
Yeah, I see your point. Some people try to stay away from the mainstream because we have this mindset that involvement is uncool. However, I believe a lot of reasons people hate mainstream is because it ends up being a cash cow. Take the Jonas Brothers for exampl, they're talented musicians (and no one with half a brain can argue that) yet they are hated for being mainstream by making music that has already been made because the record company knows that little girls and teenagers all over the world will adore their unoriginal lyrics and cute looks. This is what I have heard, no one call me gay. So in a nutshell, yeah, a lot of peole hate mainstream things, but some people still like it. The difference is if people like it because of the label they put on it, or if they value the actual product for its worth.
THE JONAS brothers are talented, but the back up musicians are to. the thing is, there lyrics and everything about them is unoriginal. plus they cant solo.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I've got no problem with the mainstream as such, it's when something is created to appeal to the mainstream that it tends to lack in other areas.

In that case it tends to be aimed at the lowest common denominator to hit the largest audience, and therefore ends up not very satisfying to anyone, but 'ok' to many.

Stewart Lee covers this in his TV show, about the fact that 'Delboy falling thru the bar' is the funniest thing that's ever been on TV.

Of course, most popular and well known and most often repeated comedy scene, doesn't equate to funniest, but it satisfies polls and surveys and pleases the millions who enjoyed it.

He does make a good point about how the combined works of Monty Python and the Goons amount to nothing compared with a man who was vertical becoming horizontal.

It's the same reason that over here at least, Billy Connolly and Peter Kay often top the 'Funniest comedian ever' polls, you can't really quantify 'funniest', but you can say who's most popular. For my money, Louis CK kills me, but, you couldn't play his stuff to millions on a Saturday night without there being rioting in the streets because he said a bad word.
Mar 6, 2009
Personally I judge things based on whether I like them or not.
I'm not gonna label something as bad just because it's made by a certain person or anything. :)


New member
Mar 29, 2009
People really just hate OVERRATED things. Popular things are popular because... Well, they're good. That's the difference between popular and overrated.

For example, I do not enjoy WoW (should I not have said that?)


New member
Jan 14, 2009
The majority of people are stupid.
If stupid people like something, it has a high potential to be stupid.

I can understand why people stereotype mainstream as bad.

Some things that are popular are actually quite good. Like Tool and Radiohead. But many things that are popular are quite terrible, like Hannah Montana and Soulja Boy.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I always strictly believed that there are the individuals who hate things that become popular because it makes them feel less "unique". We all love that one band that no one else knows, I know that. It makes us feel like an individual. But then when you see everyone else wearing that band's t-shirt and listening to them exclusively, you feel more of the mainstream crowd and no longer an individual. It's just the way we are.

The thing that I never got were the people who wanted to be "different" and their way of doing so was just doing what everybody else was doing.