Hello friends,
So This game was released in 2013. long ago and it become the best wild west game ever made (sorry RDR). the reason it being because its incredibly fun, its gunplay is almost FEAR and Doom tier. its story is amazing and lot like Max payne as it has comic book style cutscene and main character silas greeves is so badass. its Max payne equivalent of western FPS.
Before Gunslinger, COJ games were not good. original was mediocre, bound in blood was kinda bland but ok and cartel was worst of all. It was out of nowhere and become great.
so i have been thinking that where is the sequel? why did techland made shitty Dying light instead of its sequel. although Dying light 2 looks great but i really hope they will make a sequel to this. the only problem with this game was its too short but it was not full price game. if sequel use bigger budget and being more longer with linear but somewhat open design then it will become masterpiece.
so my friends, do we need sequel to best western game ever made? lets discuss.