Not really, with video games being so homogeneous these days, I feel like I played most of them before they even come out. For example, Jedi Fallen Order is Dark Souls design with Sekiro parry combat with Uncharted/nu-Tomb Raider platforming and light Metroidvania. And, from what I've heard about the game, it does none of those elements better than said games. I've already played better versions of those gameplay mechanics, plus I hate Star Wars so I wasn't playing it anyway. Same thing with Ubisoft games (I already played them), most shooters, etc. Even genres I prefer more than others like Immersive Sims are basically the same game over and over again (some mix of Deus Ex and System Shock). I've definitely made it a point to play games that I feel will be new experiences and only play sequels (or similarly styled games) that I really really love the gameplay, and that has made it tons easier to narrow down what to play and what not to. And the truly "new" games are usually much shorter than the Skinner box infested AAA games that want you playing the damn thing literally every day. Plus, there's little reason to continue playing a series for the story since 90% of video game writing is shit. The only reason I get backed up on video games is because other mediums are all outa bubblegum and kicking ass like TV and board games. When you spend at minimum 10 hours a week playing board games (and that doesn't even include 2 PnP games that aren't every week), there ain't that much video game time left.