Do you ever feel like there's too many video games?


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
There's just so many games to play, and I don't have nearly enough time to play as many of them as I'd like to. And I'd like to replay a bunch of the ones I've finished and liked but am starting to forget because of faulty human memory, but there's no time because there's always more games I haven't gotten to yet.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Drathnoxis said:
There's just so many games to play, and I don't have nearly enough time to play as many of them as I'd like to. And I'd like to replay a bunch of the ones I've finished and liked but am starting to forget because of faulty human memory, but there's no time because there's always more games I haven't gotten to yet.
Yeah, my Steam library of unplayed/unfinished games and a handful of *free* PSN games, as well as the others I?m actively chipping away at are proof of that. I suppose it means I don?t really have to spend any more on upcoming games, but there?s always something new and improved in some ways to top it off.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Depends what you mean by "too many."

If you mean there's too many in terms of raw numbers, then no. There can't really be too many of anything in this case. If you mean too many in that there's always more than you have time to play, that's true. Still, that's a given. Children have less money but more time, while adults have less time but more money. Fact of life that extends across all mediums.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Not really, with video games being so homogeneous these days, I feel like I played most of them before they even come out. For example, Jedi Fallen Order is Dark Souls design with Sekiro parry combat with Uncharted/nu-Tomb Raider platforming and light Metroidvania. And, from what I've heard about the game, it does none of those elements better than said games. I've already played better versions of those gameplay mechanics, plus I hate Star Wars so I wasn't playing it anyway. Same thing with Ubisoft games (I already played them), most shooters, etc. Even genres I prefer more than others like Immersive Sims are basically the same game over and over again (some mix of Deus Ex and System Shock). I've definitely made it a point to play games that I feel will be new experiences and only play sequels (or similarly styled games) that I really really love the gameplay, and that has made it tons easier to narrow down what to play and what not to. And the truly "new" games are usually much shorter than the Skinner box infested AAA games that want you playing the damn thing literally every day. Plus, there's little reason to continue playing a series for the story since 90% of video game writing is shit. The only reason I get backed up on video games is because other mediums are all outa bubblegum and kicking ass like TV and board games. When you spend at minimum 10 hours a week playing board games (and that doesn't even include 2 PnP games that aren't every week), there ain't that much video game time left.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Quite often. Every time I buy a new game, usually because "Hey, this game sounds interesting and it's own sale" and I immediately think of all the games I still have left.

I've become much more discriminating about what games I buy anymore but when steam and gog first hit I was snapping up all sorts of games on sale because they were cheap and "I'll get to them eventually", which builds up the backlog and compounds the problem. The fact a lot of games are longer doesn't help this.

But between having a home(which needs maintence and repair on a regular basis), a family and a job, video gaming is when I can fit it in.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Dalisclock said:
Quite often. Every time I buy a new game, usually because "Hey, this game sounds interesting and it's own sale" and I immediately think of all the games I still have left.

I've become much more discriminating about what games I buy anymore but when steam and gog first hit I was snapping up all sorts of games on sale because they were cheap and "I'll get to them eventually", which builds up the backlog and compounds the problem. The fact a lot of games are longer doesn't help this.

But between having a home(which needs maintence and repair on a regular basis), a family and a job, video gaming is when I can fit it in.
I had basically the same experience. Where once i bought and played all games that appealed to me enough (and still had too much time left) i eventually found that i suddenly could not give every interesting games the attention they deserved. And that i started to drop mediocre/disappointing games that i once would have played through.

It took a while to adjust purchasing habits accordingly.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Too many if you have more money than time and intend to play everything that looks mildly attractive. Unless you mean all of them, which would be worrying. Same as film, music and literature; there's no human capable of consuming the amount available alongside the mountain of new material added to any medium each passing day. The only realistic option is to trim away at one's desires.
There are tips that work for me in reducing this need/desire, which I can give away for free until you start profiting from them;

1. Get a really needy, clingy pet or two (Maybe even a kid, but they tend to grow up to hate you anyway, so better not take the chance there). These clingy beasts will take away a lot of opportunities to focus and, therefore, opportunities to veg out in front of every entertainment.

2. Be poor. Yes... it not fun, like at all. Buuuut it's a very effective limiter on hopeful plans involving the spendature of disposable income.

3. Read the most negative review for every game, and only that review!. Works wonders for saving money as well as time. Just don't communicate with anyone else about it.

4. If all else fails, gain a debilitating drug addiction. It will override most other desires including playing the videogames and paying the bills.

Hope that helps. I got more tips for not aging too. They also tend to involve unnecessary suffering.
Mar 30, 2010
Yup. My game library is filled with games I've bought but have yet to put more than 30 minutes into because I have so many other games to play. Most of the time I look at my library, get overwhelmed by the vast choice on offer, think "fuck it" and start a new Skyrim/New Vegas character.

EDIT - So a quick look at my library lists 248 games currently installed, with the option to re-install a further 400+. Wwwaaayyy too many games...


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Sometimes. It depends. I know for me if it's a game I know I am going to play, I usually pre-order it or I wait for a sale. If not, I don't bother. Granted, with many games on the Western side being so homogenized, I tend to not bother with them. I don't bother RPGs of both calibers, as I don't have time for that anymore. As long as it's a game that is 6-14 hours with great replay value, I'm good. Or even smaller titles with addictive gameplay can old my interests for a long time. What helps is I am not spoiled.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
When it comes to AAA, no.

When it comes to indies, YEEEESSS!!!!!

I feel sorry for most indie developers, they're throwing their needle in a haystack.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I feel it?s more like I personally have too many games. Basically because when I had disposable income Steam and Origin would reliably make money out of me with every sale.