Do you think Rockstar should charge full price for GTA V when it gets released on PC?


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Probably, I imagine it'll still be cheaper than it's console counterpart tho due to no console licensing fees and less need to depend on advertising


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Personally, I think they should charge less, but I can't fault them for trying.

The game is two years (?) old now and I am sceptical about how well the port will be done. Past GTA ports have been obscenely bad, after all. As far as I am informed, they tried to do better this time, though.

But frankly, given that people who make primarily console-targetted games always complain about piracy on PC, slapping a 60$ price tag on the port of an old game is not a good way to discourage piracy.


New member
Nov 13, 2011
TristanBelmont said:
The title should say it all. I'm not trying to make a point, start an argument, or even really get significant data. I'm just really curious. Should the British Bulldogs charge $60 for Stealy Wheely Automobiley 5?
PC games should always be cheaper than their console versions theres no $10-$20 licence fee to use the monopolies hardware.


New member
Jul 25, 2014
No. They didn't even tell us it'd be on PC or next gen systems until after they released it for PS3 and 360. I'm kinda pissed off because if I knew there'd be a PS4 version I would've bought that. Or maybe the PC, just for the mods.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
If I was Rockstar I'd charge sixty bucks, even though the little real me won't buy it at that price. I'll get it when it's 15? if then.


New member
Nov 10, 2013
They shouldn't, but people will, justifying Rockstar's decision, pay the full price. It's the same with games on PS3 and 360 being given HD releases for full price on the PS4 and Xbox One. In short, it's completely the fault of consumers with no sense.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I think Rockstar has the background and the good PR to get away with it. I also feel there isn't enough direct PC competition to a game like GTA5 to warrant a price drop for an aged game.

If I were Rockstar I'd do the same thing.

If they take the Shovel Knight approach and refuse to put the game on sale for a year then I could see getting annoyed as a consumer. However, I'm willing to bet this game will frequently go on sale like all other Rockstar products on steam.


New member
Feb 25, 2008

Unless they do the multiple log-in rubbish again, in which case free will be too much money.

On a more serious note, with the graphics, first person mode and some other stuff Rockstar appear to have spent quite a lot of time and money making the GTA V PC version. Since it's not a re-release I don't see any reason why they shouldn't charge full price for it.

Of course it won't stay at full price for long since PC games never do.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
It's only worth what people are willing to pay for it and I just know that people will willingly pay $60 for GTAV on PC at launch. I don't really think it matters what they charge since a game like GTAV is going to print money in no time anyway but I foresee a lot more people buying it later on once it starts getting slashed by seasonal and, holiday sales.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Well, first off, than can charge whatever they really want... but I personally think they should as well. The two years argument is bogus, when they're still charging the same amount for the PS4/Xbox One versions of the game. Not only that, they've done multiple improvements to appease the PC gaming crowd. I don't find it unreasonable in the least to charge them so much.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
I don't see why not. There are plenty of people who would pay for it at that price for whatever reason. And for the people who aren't willing to pay that price, they can just cut the price or put it on sale some time down the line. And so long as the port isn't crappy, they shouldn't have a problem selling it even at $60.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Yeah, it's just a port and as such should be no more expensive than its console equivalents (yes I know the consoles tend to vary in price themselves, but its still typically in the high range £40-50 price for new releases).


New member
Dec 25, 2008
They'll charge full price at first to sucker in those who are too impatient to wait. The rest of us who plan on buying it will do so when the price is fair. I'm willing to pay $20 for it, and that's all I really care about. Once I get a price that I deem appropriate, I'll buy it.


New member
Mar 13, 2015
GTA V was a great game, and I played it on console. They have every right to charge as much as they want on any platform--but since I already played it on console, I'm not going to pay full price. I'll just wait for it to come down and buy it then.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Pr0 said:
Yeah the price point on GTA V for PC is what is going to stop me from buying it til way after it no longer matters.

Its a matter of principle, the games been out for two years on two console generations now.

Rockstar is trying to justify a 60 dollar PC buy in based on "features" that are literally foundational expectations of PC gaming...I really don't care that they spent a bunch of time redesigning the game so it could be high resolution and run at 60 FPS on PC's....cause thats what I expect from PC games as a attempting to sell me basic stuff like...textures that aren't muddy pixelated shit, and a game that runs at a frame rate that is considered a PC baseline standard...isn't doing it for me.

I would have instantly bought the game at a 30 dollar price point, because I feel that would have been more realistic of Rockstar to price a 2 year old game at.

The 60 dollar price tag is simply because they know that regardless of what they charge, 30 million+ nerds are going to buy it because theres plenty of nerds with expendable income that are always looking for the next big game to play.

Personally I'm not broke and I'm not worried about what it costs, I just don't feel like a two year old game is worth sixty USD. I'll get it when its on sale.....long after everyone else is done with it.

I'll save my new release hype for an actual new release, like The Witcher 3.
pretty much this.

I'm not really swayed by the delays, the "here's some high def screenshots guys, we're super comitted to PC gaming for reals!" and the textures in 4k look muddy as hell, the 60 fps trailer was treating PC gamers like complete tards in my eyes since 60fps has been an expected thing and has been for PC games for the past decade if not longer, they only stapled it on because the current gen is supposed to be reaching that and since it isn't 100% of the time they feel they need to slap it on and hope the PC version sells.

I can say I don't care how much they charge but they can forget about me paying the full price let alone pre order, the near 2 year long delay just makes me feel like it isn't worth the price, I'll most likely wait it out till it;s £20 because to be honest the last GTA game on PC was pants and R* did little to correct that, the 2 year delay for this one is no exception either, if it takes this long to make a GTA game in the present and future to run perfect then we should expect 2-5 year delays because it's apparently perfectly normal to delay PC versions that long (yes someone will defend the retarded milking practice).

At least Witcher 3 is coming out soon anyway, at least they aren't delaying the PC version for 2 years while giving PC fans the cold shoulder while having balls to ask full price much later on, I feel Witcher devs deserve all the money they can get with W3, I'll buy that day 1 since they are more PC centric and far more supportive.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
They can charge whatever they want, the idea that the game is two years gone on console ergo it should be cheaper once it reaches PC is quite comical though. The conversion quality and content vs the delay should determine the cost not how long it took to get here by itself.

What I can say is that having paid full price for PS3 and PS4 versions once the single player is done the majority of the content switches to the online portion and Rockstar have fooled me twice with that one. The online gameplay is an example of one step forward nineteen yards backwards but whatever the case Rockstar have had two years to get the online infrastructure sorted, to stream line the service and make it a smooth and enjoyable experience and to this date it is lacking basic functionality and service which should have been there right from the start. Actually doing anything outwith freeroam ends up taking way too long and feels like a chore rather than a fun gaming experience.

The thing is though the basics for an outstanding experience are there, if Rockstar pulled it's head out of it's arse and spent just one or two updates actually fixing the issues (crappy servers support, piss poor matchmaking, the constant jumping from host to host, the fact that EVERY mission has to be downloaded at join, get rid of the armoured vehicles don't fucking add more) instead of launching wave after wave of Shark Card selling content updates the online part of the game could be truly outstanding, The Heists gave us a small look at how good it can be.

The problem though is

a). I see no way in which the PC release is going to improve things, in fact I am willing to bet that not only will PC players have issues playing online on release but so will console players.
b). With the heists out and the PC version out say good bye to the free shark card selling DLC and say hello to the paid for DLC.

To put it simply Rockstar couldn't get me to pay for another version of GTA5, even the ability to mod the game won't draw me to pay for the PC version, though I suspect the modding community is going to be disappointed with just how locked down the PC version will be.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
They're free to charge whatever they want, and I'm free to not buy it until it's $10 or less.

I couldn't really give less of a shit about GTA V at this point to be honest. All the hype dried up literal years ago.