Dragon Age: Inquisition Review - Monumental


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
That's some crazy shiny graphics in places. The hair made me giggle!


New member
May 3, 2011
If I remember correctly Escapist gave Dragon Age II 10/10... I'm just gonna wait till TB does a "WTF is..." of this game, I find his videos less hyped.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Seriously, Greg of all people?
I too am going to wait for TB's WTF. And get the game when it's $10 if he says good things. I'm done with AAA on launch dates. Except for The Witcher 3.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Kevlar Eater said:
*Greg gives Inquisition 5 stars*

Too late to get a refund since I've redeemed the code for my digital copy?
EA Allows a refund for up to 24 hours after you first launch the game, actually.

Yeah, kinda surprising, huh?

I don't know how the game is, so, as to if Greg has "Pulled a DA2", I don't know.

However, I do hope that in three years time, people aren't still grilling him over this review!

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I think I'm missing out on something here. Was there something controversial about The Escapist's previous reviews of Dragon Age?


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Hmmm, I'm still on the fence here. I hated DA: Origins with a passion, which in turn led me to miss out on DA2. But this one is generating a lot of positivity and perking my interest as the weeks go on.

Maybe we'll see in the future.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Johnny Novgorod said:
I think I'm missing out on something here. Was there something controversial about The Escapist's previous reviews of Dragon Age?
<-<..... Not sure if serious.....
Ah, I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt.

For all those who don't know, Greg reviewed the last Dragon Age game (Dragon Age 2), really liked the game, and gave it a 5/5.

A fair amount of people, didn't share his opinion on the game [sub](also happened with GTA5, though I don't think people even got to play the game yet when they started complaining)[/sub].

So people who didn't like DA:2 are making jokes, or are really worried that they might not like DA:I, because Greg gave both games the same score.

Though, if the score is the only thing their going on, that is a little silly. ;p

That said, not everyone can like the same game, and often MANY people don't like the same games. That's why I've seen 8 reviews of DA:I (including Greg's), before deciding to be VERY hyped for the game. :)


New member
Nov 12, 2008
Imp Emissary said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I think I'm missing out on something here. Was there something controversial about The Escapist's previous reviews of Dragon Age?
<-<..... Not sure if serious.....
Ah, I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt.

For all those who don't know, Greg reviewed the last Dragon Age game (Dragon Age 2), really liked the game, and gave it a 5/5.

A fair amount of people, didn't share his opinion on the game [sub](also happened with GTA5, though I don't think people even got to play the game yet when they started complaining)[/sub].

So people who didn't like DA:2 are making jokes, or are really worried that they might not like DA:I, because Greg gave both games the same score.

Though, if the score is the only thing their going on, that is a little silly. ;p

That said, not everyone can like the same game, and often MANY people don't like the same games. That's why I've seen 8 reviews of DA:I (including Greg's), before deciding to be VERY hyped for the game. :)
So... if people feel like Greg having liked Dragon Age 2 is an indicator that his opinion on this game is likely to be based on different criteria then them (he loved an RPG they hated), why not... read another review by someone who didn't like Dragon Age 2..?

I understand that a lot of people were legitimately angry at DA2, but there was still enough quality in that game that some people love it to pieces despite its flaws. Some of those people happen to write reviews for game publications.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Rabbitboy said:
I liked Dragon Age 2 a lot so I don't mind that Greg gives this game a 5/5.

I've told myself all year I was going to wait for the game of the year edition. But now I'am not so sure if I can wait that long.
The main problem with the Dragon Age 2 wasn't his opinion, it was his evaluation of the game. You can like something and still recognize it is flawed, rushed, with stupid combat mechanisms and prone to disapoint fans of the series. He was incapable to point those things out. \\his review looks like some fan gushing about the game.

The game was so obvioulsly flawed that Bioware revamped everything on the third iteration. The story on this one is terrible, but everything else is top notch, this one is obviouly a much better game - and now they share the same score, which is very dumb and inconsistent.

His review, his opinion - it is valid. But of course, it is a opinion with very little value in the mind of some, myself included.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Darkeagle6 said:
Imp Emissary said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I think I'm missing out on something here. Was there something controversial about The Escapist's previous reviews of Dragon Age?
<-<..... Not sure if serious.....
Ah, I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt.

For all those who don't know, Greg reviewed the last Dragon Age game (Dragon Age 2), really liked the game, and gave it a 5/5.

A fair amount of people, didn't share his opinion on the game [sub](also happened with GTA5, though I don't think people even got to play the game yet when they started complaining)[/sub].

So people who didn't like DA:2 are making jokes, or are really worried that they might not like DA:I, because Greg gave both games the same score.

Though, if the score is the only thing their going on, that is a little silly. ;p

That said, not everyone can like the same game, and often MANY people don't like the same games. That's why I've seen 8 reviews of DA:I (including Greg's), before deciding to be VERY hyped for the game. :)
So... if people feel like Greg having liked Dragon Age 2 is an indicator that his opinion on this game is likely to be based on different criteria then them (he loved an RPG they hated), why not... read another review by someone who didn't like Dragon Age 2..?

I understand that a lot of people were legitimately angry at DA2, but there was still enough quality in that game that some people love it to pieces despite its flaws. Some of those people happen to write reviews for game publications.
I don't htink people are reading the review to gauge Greg's opinion. I think they are taking the opportunity to mock him a little bit again.
This is the internet, you know.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Imp Emissary said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I think I'm missing out on something here. Was there something controversial about The Escapist's previous reviews of Dragon Age?
<-<..... Not sure if serious.....
Ah, I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt.
I swear I didn't know. I don't usually read reviews in The Escapist, I just clicked this one to see how Tito was doing replacing Jim.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
You guys are negative as ass, and just because of one opinion which led to a controversial review.

Okay, yes, I understand, you want to be careful just in case, perfectly fine because it is your opinion.

From all the other reviews, I have learnt that they back this one up. I trust Dragon Age: Inquisition, but I must admit, I was converted into a fan once I finished Origins, so yeah, take my own opinion with a bit of salt, in fact, take every opinion with a little bit of salt. Still, I'm going to be super happy once I get my hands on a copy, because since I hear it is better than Dragon Age 2 (Which was okay, I got your average amount of fun out of it), I trust these high reviews.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
wooty said:
Hmmm, I'm still on the fence here. I hated DA: Origins with a passion, which in turn led me to miss out on DA2. But this one is generating a lot of positivity and perking my interest as the weeks go on.

Maybe we'll see in the future.
I'm a fan of Origins and I can say the DA2 is different enough that you may like it.

The combat is quicker and more flashy (although repetitive and with fewer tactical considerations). It is only a challenge on the higher difficult levels, but the scaling is terrible and some enemies have lots of HP, making the battles super tedious if you crank the difficulty up.

Skill trees are very streamlined (eliminating role-playing skills and the need to think about what you are doing)
The story starts bad, has a very cool second act and ends in an unpolished mess, but the banter and some dialogue between the characters are very cool.

Inventory and equipment are also streamlined to the point of almost not being necessary, but it keeps you in the action.
Overall the game has very good ideas and is quite fun at moments, with some charismatic characters, but was clearly rushed, with some underdeveloped areas, content diverted to DLC and repeated assets.

It appears that Inquisition is a much well rounded product, But DA2 can certainly be an enjoyable, if somewhat disappointing, experience,

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Yay! I'm so excited about this game. Buying two copies tomorrow. Glad to hear that it lives up to my hopes. I am curious as to how importing story choices and characters from previous games is going to work though. Do you get something like the comic in Mass Effect 2's PS3? Or is Dragon Age: Keep or whatever it's called included in the game? I'd like to know a bit more about that please.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Sniper Team 4 said:
Yay! I'm so excited about this game. Buying two copies tomorrow. Glad to hear that it lives up to my hopes. I am curious as to how importing story choices and characters from previous games is going to work though. Do you get something like the comic in Mass Effect 2's PS3? Or is Dragon Age: Keep or whatever it's called included in the game? I'd like to know a bit more about that please.
Just curious: why two copies?

Dragon Age Keep is an online companion the lets you chose the "past" of the series. I'm sure you can play the game without having to deal with it, though. I heard it is a 30 minute Q&A.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
zinho73 said:
Sniper Team 4 said:
Yay! I'm so excited about this game. Buying two copies tomorrow. Glad to hear that it lives up to my hopes. I am curious as to how importing story choices and characters from previous games is going to work though. Do you get something like the comic in Mass Effect 2's PS3? Or is Dragon Age: Keep or whatever it's called included in the game? I'd like to know a bit more about that please.
Just curious: why two copies?

Dragon Age Keep is an online companion the lets you chose the "past" of the series. I'm sure you can play the game without having to deal with it, though. I heard it is a 30 minute Q&A.
Because I'm hard core like that!!!

No, actually because I'm weird like that. This series started on the PS3 for me, and it will end on the PS3 for me. However, it looks so good in previews that it's the game that pushed me over the edge to get a PS4. Thus, two copies.

I hope they include something like that in-game, or give you the ability to jump to it from the start screen. I want my choices of who is in charge of what to carry over.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
These comments are hilarious. Honestly, Tito should have seen this coming.
Getting the game for free, so all this praise has dampened my cynicism about the game a tiny bit. No small feat. I might actually enjoy it. I really question the 80-100 hour game time projections, though. These things always need to be cut in half. I don't know how you reviewers play games. Do you walk everywhere?

Edit: I can't resist. This is the guy who called DA2 one of the best looking games of the last generation. Never letting you live that down.