There is no way that this can be any good. Goku has just been way too powerful ever since the Saiyan arc. He can fly, lift a mountain, move faster than the eye can see, teleport, and shoot 50 flavours of laser beam out of his fingertips. There is no possible way to visually represent him getting any stronger. Additionally since practically everybody has the exact same moveset fights pretty much come down to the show telling us "Oh, look how strong this guy is he's totally wiping the floor with Goku! Oh wait, now Goku has found yet another hidden wellspring of untapped potential and now he's wiping the floor with the other guy" and it's utterly uninteresting and lacking in tension.
That intro seemed to indicate that finding dragon balls would still be a main part of the show, but like that poses any challenge to Goku and his gang at this point. If I remember correctly didn't all the worthless trash humans collect all the dragon balls in like 5 minutes at the end of the Saiyan arc? Goku would be able to do it in about 30 seconds using his teleport and the dragon radar.
It's really funny how they included all the worthless trash humans in the intro, like they are going to play a meaningful role, even Oolong. Yes, the pig is totally still relevant. I don't think he's done anything since he wished for a pair of panties at the end of the first arc of Dragon Ball.
They'd be better off rebooting the series and doing it properly, with some actual pacing on the level curve.