Drugs! a solution to lifes ills.

Red Right Hand

Feb 23, 2009
Furburt said:
300lb. Samoan said:
I ended up storming the stage and taking the guitarist's guitar from him because he couldn't remember the riff to Black Flag's "Nervous Breakdown". Good fuckin' times.
Well within your rights to. Nervous Breakdown is an easy riff. The avatar suits, anyway.
Hunter S Thompson said:
You can turn back on a person, but you can never turn your back on a drug, especially when it's waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye.
I got a cigarette holder like his today, and an ounce of marijuana so excuse me if I'm a little incoherent.
300lb. Samoan said:
Someone said something about legalizing all drugs for people 18+, and I gotta say I disagree with it. There's some stuff that even mature adults can't handle properly, like Crack and Heroin. Any drug that can establish a market just by letting people have the first taste free then succumbing to terrible addiction, this stuff should be illegal.
My dad had an idea. Have Marijuana sold in the same way as cigarettes, have acid, shrooms and other not too bad but still pretty strong drugs in hemp stores (maybe cocaine, I don't know) and have the crazy fuck you up drugs available only with a prescription you can get from your doctor, but he'll tell you about all the problems and if you'd be ready for it and whatnot before he let you have it. It would be difficult to get, but not difficult enough that you'd go back to crims for it. Also, it would be cheaper than street prices to drive criminals out of business, because frankly, the government could charge 10 cent an ounce for it and still make a profit.
They used to sell magic mushrooms in shops not too long ago in Britain. Ughh...If only I was old enough to appreciate it

Red Right Hand

Feb 23, 2009
Furburt said:
TheLoveRat said:
They used to sell magic mushrooms in shops not too long ago in Britain. Ughh...If only I was old enough to appreciate it
They used to do that too in Ireland, but then some maniac jumped out of a 20 story window on them. Despite the fact that everyone knew he was suicidal, and he'd had a tiny dose, everyone went mental and they were banned. However, a shitload of them grows at the bottom of my garden every year and it's illegal to destroy them for some reason so happy days!
Awww man....good times indeed!!!


New member
Sep 27, 2008
Orphanages would be fuller.
(Could argue alchohol does that, but lot more sex and dead parents well...)


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Marijuana is lovely, yes.

It's useful, as well, for those of us who meditate. I love the feeling of that altered reality more than I dislike the experience of pasties, too, so all is well!

I'm not sure if E should ever be close to being legal. It could claim some of our intelligent folks and harm our society.

Remember, drugs are for the intelligent, as well. I always dislike it when people assume it's only the idiots who use drugs. It's preposterous!

Those who seek differing perspectives will eventually do drugs, it's just another step down that path.

The government could also make a good deal of money through legalization of the psychedellic drugs.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Legalize weed and psychedelics. Bit of history here; sorry, but I feel the need to pontificate to prove to others that I am intelligent for their approval, since I am at my core a comedian.

After Probation, all the extra coppers needed jobs. The department of the treasury formed what would eventually become the DEA. Every drug law has a basis in racism, involving spreading rumors that opium/weed/everything else turns Chinese/black/everyone non-white into "superhuman rapists of white women." I'm not kidding, google it. Hearse, metaphysical forefather to Fox News, the media company who pioneered the idea of "fair and balanced" news (as if objectivity were plausible), inked an exclusive deal with Dow to make more paper out of tree pulp for super-cheap. The parchment of the time was the nefarious hemp. Guess what? That's where the term "marijuana" comes from. Hearse also created the term demon seed. A few years ago, when every interested pharmaceutical company became enthralled with the legitimate application of weed outside of the US, from impotence to alzheimer's, Bayer Aspirin made an inhaler in the U.K., the active ingredient of which was one delta-9-tetrahydrocannibonal, even though in the U.S. they were among the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, which made ads linking weed to date rape (try not to laugh) and terrorism (try not to laugh harder).

When it's legalized, I'll move to that state and probably quit drinking; god knows alcohol has caused enough problems for me...

Edit: I can't wait to do mushrooms again. I've only talked to God twice...


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I've done everything under the sun except PCP and Acid, and I just want to be left alone by the Government and Police. I've never done anything irresponsible on any drug (except booze) like drive, or get into a fight, and so on. I sit in my house, usually have some friends by, and do whatever we are going to do. Granted, I have stopped almost completely since I've had kids, but I just don't like getting punished for everyone elses mistakes. Life isn't fair, but when we can make it so, we should at least try.
Crimsane said:
Drugs aren't a solution, they're an escape.
I do them, and I have nothing to be solved, and nothing to escape from. Actually, my life is pretty swell and in order. What does that make me?


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Xzi said:
IMHO let adults 18+ buy and use whatever drugs they choose to. Having them all legal would at least keep money out of the hands of criminals and terrorist cartels.
I'm not an expert and I've not taken any illegal drugs but I'm assuming the side effects for drugs such as heroine and cocaine is much more deteriorating than that of cigarettes and alcohol. Surely with it legal (and presumably cheaper?) there would be a great many more addicts in the world? Imagine if the number of people at your workplace were addicted to coke instead of cigarettes, what kind of world would we live in?


New member
Apr 17, 2009
electric discordian said:
Lets hear your views!
Not a fan of the X. Given, it was first legally used in marriage counseling. So, I guess if used in a correct manner (heavily doubt it) I would say give it a shot. Then maybe the gaming community would be better, and not a lot of d bags popping off at the mouth all the time.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
MDMA was available on prescription in the US until 1985 IIRC.

Also, there are a few MDMA type drugs that are still legal in the UK, you can buy them online if you know what you are looking for and they do work very well, most people I know prefer them to whatever crap passes for E pills these days. Unfortunately for our US pals they aren't legal over the pond.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I'd like to add my voice to those calling for weed to be legalised globally, but I can't say I could play advocate for things like ecstasy, heroine or whathaveyou. Not when there a legal drugs like Ambien, Pfizox and other such mind alterers that do the same, or better, but without the chance of being insta-gibbed.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
I hate the idea of drugs unless on perscription. I mostly only take paracetamols or my migrain tablets. I have had to use Ibrufren (can't spell it) for some inflamation i had a couple of times. Besides these and antibiotics, i don't think ive ever taken drugs and certainly not the illegal ones.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
electric discordian said:
Ecstasy can kill you immediately, stone dead no long death by liver damage and brain cancer. Which would free hospital beds.
It does? Since when? Because last time i checked, ecstasy doesn't really kill you per se. To quote some drug admin "It's no more dangerous than riding a horse" Considering there'll only b water to drink, and that the few "ecstasy deaths" are from dehydration, it would be pretty safe, unless they take massive over doses.
Also Ecstasy in repeated use has been linked to liver damage, plus there are a lot of reports that suggest the neuro toxicity of MDMA can cause depression, anxiety and other wonderful mental illnesses.
Not to mention that there would then be a market for illegal alcohol anyway, call it "bootlegging" if you will.
I don't think repeated use of ecstasy will end up any better than the current alcohol is legal arrangement.

So no thanks, i'll stick to moderated amounts of alcohol, and the occasional herbal cigarette.
orangeapples said:
Drugs are for the weak!!!

You can't stand the pain? suck it up and grow some balls. Life stinks, big deal. YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get up, pull yourself forward and do something about it. I don't care about your "boo-hoo, look at me, my life was bad, I need to escape. wah-wah." Shut up, I don't want to hear your crap story. You want to know why?

because there are people in the world without clean water, and they would happily drink the water we have in our toilets. So unless if you can make a valid argument that you're life is as bad as theirs' and you NEED to escape; I'd love to hear it. You're "escape" is a luxury that many people cannot afford.
Who honestly gives a shit? The poor who dont have clean water have no relevance to drugs in reality. I have money and luxuries, yes it's harsh, and yes it would be lovely and idealistic if everyone had the same luxuries, but sadly they don't. Therefore those that do should make us of that fact.

Using drugs isn't a sign of weakness, unless you use it to escape problems. IF you had only mentioned this as being a sign of weakness, i would have agreed.
Also do you not notice the hypocrisy of saying life stinks and then talking about the inequality of people who do and don't have luxuries?

ninjaman 420

New member
Feb 18, 2009
orangeapples said:
Drugs are for the weak!!!

You can't stand the pain? suck it up and grow some balls. Life stinks, big deal. YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get up, pull yourself forward and do something about it. I don't care about your "boo-hoo, look at me, my life was bad, I need to escape. wah-wah." Shut up, I don't want to hear your crap story. You want to know why?

because there are people in the world without clean water, and they would happily drink the water we have in our toilets. So unless if you can make a valid argument that you're life is as bad as theirs' and you NEED to escape; I'd love to hear it. You're "escape" is a luxury that many people cannot afford.
there only not taking drugs because they cant afford them. we can :)