Just because the game sucks, doesn't mean 3DR aren't entitled to their pay, assuming they have signed legal documents with Gearbox stating what they are claiming.
And who is to blame for that? Because every time they try to pull off that excuse (like they didn't even saw the state of the game they attached their name to), I feel sick...Andy Chalk said:Gearbox Software, meanwhile, experienced damage to its credibility and loss of its money."
This is exactly what really pissed me off, especially after playing Borderlands 2 I was expecting A:CM to be even better and had faith in GB but no we got the truth that they fucked us gamers and SEGA and the other parties over so their own two games could be made (Remember Borderlands original art style before they ripped it off?) and because of that they have earned my eternal hatred for ruining one of my favourite game movie franchises.RT said:Just because DNF sucked, doesn't mean that all the money it got should go to Gearbox. It's not the first time Gearbox were accused of scamming people out of money either: they scammed Sega out of fuckload of money they were supposed to spend on Colonial Marines, then outsourced the game to some nonames, while spending the money on Borderlands 1 and 2.
Duke Nukem Forever was entirely self funded by 3DR (using the fortune they made off Duke 3D, Shadow Warrior, Max Payne, and selling the Prey license) up until around '07 at which point we started hearing about the dev's financial troubles and the whole Gearbox thing started. I don't know where you get the kind of foundation to say they 'seriously' spent more time grinding than working on their game, because a single joke on the Jace Hall show doesn't count as consolidated fact.Chimichanga said:Duke Nukem Forever was shit, but if it were not for Gearbox, it would not have even been released (for better or worse). 3D Realms calling Gearbox cheats is like getting hate mail from Hitler: 3D Realms spent over a decade conning and swindling money by producing what was essentially vaporware to fund their fucking WoW addiction. I'm serious on that last one - they spent more time grinding in WoW than actually working on DNF.