Dynasty Warriors Origins - A perfect entry point


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Dynasty Warriors games have a long history of being mostly the same right? You play a collection of Chinese heroes form history with each hero using a unique weapon and you slaughter thousands of junk enemies in battles while trying to complete little objectives and sometimes item hunts. The games from what I've heard always retell the same story of fictionalized battles throughout China's history. And the games were mostly the same from entry to entry, at least until 9 which seems to have made everyone angry.

Well now a new game is out by the name of Origins and it too tells a fictional story of Chinese historical battles. Man this game is incredibly Chinese too, even through the first chapter all kinds of names that sound exactly the same at thrown at you and your supposed to know who's who and....you know what? The story is really not important.

What is important is all those Chinese heroes from previous games are gone. Fuck them, they are outta here. Now you only play as one dude named Wanderer and you help all those heroes fight thousands and thousands of other dudes. Instead of having the swap characters your Wanderer can equip any weapon you want and each weapon earns proficiencies which level up your character as you progress. I immediately like this system a lot better because it makes managing your progression a lot easier and doesn't overwhelm you want 80 different characters to level up and progress.

There is a bit of exploration elements outside of battle this time. You are given a world map that you can traverse and gather materials and collectibles on, as well as take part in random battles call skirmishes. Unlike the main story battles, these missions are very simple and fast, being as simple as "kill 1 dude", to "Claim the base". These give you plenty of opportunities to try other weapons as well as gather skill points to power yourself up.

Main missions are much longer and involve many steps, usually killing enemies in an area, or protecting a battering ram, or there is a new magic mechanic where the enemies will be immortal until you find and destroy magic jars around the map. Thankfully you don't have to "look" for these jars, holding L2 will show you where the jars are and you can basically b-line to them so you don't waste anytime fighting stuff that can't die.

Origins is nice because it is a much cleaner and more simple way to get into a Warriors game. It's pure junk food though and is mostly a button masher, with a little situational abilities to use here and there. Mainly if you've never played a Warriors game but always wanted to give them a try, Origins is perfect for that. I don't think this game is going to be the Yakuza 0 of the Warriors games, but it might at least give them a reason to simply their formula moving forward.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
There is a bit of exploration elements outside of battle this time. You are given a world map that you can traverse and gather materials and collectibles on, as well as take part in random battles call skirmishes. Unlike the main story battles, these missions are very simple and fast, being as simple as "kill 1 dude", to "Claim the base". These give you plenty of opportunities to try other weapons as well as gather skill points to power yourself up.
That's not new. That's basically a gameplay mechanic from Conquest mode (DW) and Chronicle mode (Samurai Warriors). Only this time it's merged into the main campaign.

there is a new magic mechanic where the enemies will be immortal until you find and destroy magic jars around the map. Thankfully you don't have to "look" for these jars, holding L2 will show you where the jars are and you can basically b-line to them so you don't waste anytime fighting stuff that can't die.
That's actually not new either. They've had missions like that since DW7. Where you have to break mist/illusions/magic/etc. Even both Hyrule Warriors have more than a few those. I am happy to hear they're much less of a pain in Origins.

It's pure junk food though and is mostly a button masher, with a little situational abilities to use here and there.
Given the reception I am hearing, it's much less of a "button masher" compared to previous games. Not a problem for me, but since there is more emphasis on parrying, countering, and dodging (you even get Witch Time similar to Bayonetta and Age of Calamity) with DMC-Bayo style elements. The whole button mashing thing falls a bit flat. Especially when playing on harder difficulties. Max Dood can attest to that.

I might pick this up with a price drop, because I am busy with Astro Bot and Sackboy. Plus, there is no free mode this time and just the campaign. To be fair, this is more of a spin-off than a mainline entry and I get what KT and Omega are going for. They still should've put in bonus modes and a co-op mode, as that what the franchise is known for.

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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Well, I enjoyed the hell out of the demo I played. Felt like a return to the glory days of Dynasty Warriors 2, granted I haven't really really gotten into a Dynasty Warrior game since 3, I did play other ones but I burned my self out on 2 and 3. But, its gonna have to wait since my next new game is FF7 rebirth. And I also have Persona 5 tactica and Metaphor to play.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Well, I enjoyed the hell out of the demo I played. Felt like a return to the glory days of Dynasty Warriors 2, granted I haven't really really gotten into a Dynasty Warrior game since 3, I did play other ones but I burned my self out on 2 and 3. But, its gonna have to wait since my next new game is FF7 rebirth. And I also have Persona 5 tactica and Metaphor to play.
Yes!!!!!! FF7!!!!
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Yeah I'll probably pick it back up, been awhile since I played one of Koei game, so might be right place to pick it back up. Honestly I find them mostly useful as a "thing to do while listening to TV/podcast" since you really don't need to give it your full attention.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Yeah I'll probably pick it back up, been awhile since I played one of Koei game, so might be right place to pick it back up. Honestly I find them mostly useful as a "thing to do while listening to TV/podcast" since you really don't need to give it your full attention.
I gave it an hour before I was skipping cutscenes just to slaughter hordes of nameless goofballs in combat. Whatever the story is, it's so below "I don't give a shit" in my gaming brain that i would rather listen to Maplestory Lore.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Sterling didn't like it overall. I can see where she's coming from. I am still not getting this at full price.

  • Reduced weapons.
  • The whole cast has pretty much being unplayable, outside a few moments were they assist you or you can team up with them.
  • Too much focus on parry and dodge that makes the other mechanics inconsequential.
  • Protag is boring and bland.
  • Zhang Ha loses his claws again
  • A lot of the dialogue is boring daily politics that really don't go anywhere or just filler. The main character doesn't factor in any of these.
  • Sterling know she is the outlier in this case.
  • With that said: people enjoy the game. They are more than welcome to do so.

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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Sterling didn't like it overall. I can see where she's coming from. I am still not getting this at full price.

  • Reduced weapons.
  • The whole cast has pretty much being unplayable, outside a few moments were they assist you or you can team up with them.
  • Too much focus on parry and dodge that makes the other mechanics inconsequential.
  • Protag is boring and bland.
  • Zhang Ha loses his claws again
  • A lot of the dialogue is boring daily politics that really don't go anywhere or just filler. The main character doesn't factor in any of these.
  • Sterling know she is the outlier in this case.
  • With that said: people enjoy the game. They are more than welcome to do so.

I think Sterling wanted a more traditional DW game, which they haven't made since 8 IIRC. 9 was just broke I believe, but Origins is definitely I think their attempt to make the game more accessible to new players to the series. I think the large roster is problematic for allowing new players to jump on board, especially when they all have independent progression systems.

I agree the story and the protag themselves are boring, but I think it's because it's heavily Chinese history based so if you aren't already deeply interested in that subject, the story is going to lose mostly everybody.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
think Sterling wanted a more traditional DW game,
She more or less said that from the start even before the game was released. We all know this is more so a spin off, but still, features were removed or reduced compared to usual outing.

9 was just broke I believe
Sterling mentioned that too. People shit on it now, but before, people were coming to the over defense of it even back when Sterling said she didn't like it.

I think the large roster is problematic for allowing new players to jump on board, especially when they all have independent progression systems.
I call bullshit because I was able to get into DW8, even though it has the largest roster. Just so we're all clear the last time. I ever touched a Dynasty Warriors game. Was all the way back in 2006. I only played DW3 and DW5, but those were at a friend's place. I didn't play them every day. There's nothing wrong with easing in new players, but a large roster doesn't hurt and has been proven to sell fine. DW9 reduce the roster by half, so that clearly wasn't the problem for new players.

agree the story and the protag themselves are boring, but I think it's because it's heavily Chinese history based so if you aren't already deeply interested in that subject, the story is going to lose mostly everybody.
Sterling is invested in chChinese story to an extent, but Omega Force made the mistake on focusing on the stuff nobody cares about, or dull filler that has nothing to do with anything.