E3 2010: Marvel vs Capcom 3


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I hope Dante isn't 'the cheap one', since I actually wanted to test him more then a couple rounds. I've never played a vs. title other then Tatsunoko so I'm pretty much looking forward to it, and since Dante got his DMC3 attire I have some slim hopes to see Vergil, probably not...

Interview wise, good info, will have to keep track of the roster unveiling.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
So will Deadpool be able to pull down his opponents damage meter and beat them with it?


New member
May 21, 2009
Akuma, Vega, Sagat, Morrigan and Venom... Then I would be beyond happy.

Is it me or does 30 seem slim for one of these games. Hope there are tonnes to unlock, loved fighting my butt off to get the secrets :D


New member
May 21, 2009
Caradinist said:
I hope Sentinel does not make it into this game. ROCKET PUNCH.
I thought sentinal was rubbish and should stay out... I was rubbish with Magneto hehe and YES NERF CABLE!

I think the capcom franchise needs a boost, I found that the Marvel characters where often more powerful and easier to use.

Can't remember his name but the marvel character that was totally black with red eyes and spiky hair was always a hoot to play, who could summon dragons and goblins ect. If a lil overpowered, they made hime useless at jumping as his weakness. Any one know who I'm talking about? (eah this xcould be a forum games hehe)


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Moffman said:
Caradinist said:
I hope Sentinel does not make it into this game. ROCKET PUNCH.
I thought sentinal was rubbish and should stay out... I was rubbish with Magneto hehe and YES NERF CABLE!

I think the capcom franchise needs a boost, I found that the Marvel characters where often more powerful and easier to use.

Can't remember his name but the marvel character that was totally black with red eyes and spiky hair was always a hoot to play, who could summon dragons and goblins ect. If a lil overpowered, they made hime useless at jumping as his weakness. Any one know who I'm talking about? (eah this xcould be a forum games hehe)
You mean Blackheart?