CriticKitten said:
It would probably not get the hate mail if it weren't a blatant attempt to cash in on the Wii's success (again), but as the previous few years of E3 have shown, Sony has absolutely no interest in being original.
Okay let's bring this back to actually saying something, rather than spouting silly hyperbole on both sides. All you're saying here is 'I don't like Sony' instead of providing reasons for your opinions.
So I counter your 'Sony has absolutely no interest in being original' with Sony has supported the creation of a game where you play a character growing and evolving over 15 years, played by Ellen Page
What's more they paid for and spent extensive marketing money on a cutscene based, story game where you follow the adventures of 4 characters chasing a serial killer with no restarts that was so different from anything else that people aren't even completely sure if it counts as a game in the normal sense.
Or they sought exclusivity on a game where you play the
dream of a flower
Or they created a game where you can make absolutely anything in existence, more creative and original than anything ever to come out. And when people didn't buy it, they slashed the prices and continued promoting it, because they knew it had potential
For that matter, describe me one game that plays like their flagship franchise, Uncharted. (there is precisely one other game, Enslaved, which copied Uncharted and from the looks of it Tomb Raider is going down that route too)
On the technical side, how about allowing Steam to run on consoles? Or creating cross-platform games?
Pioneering console MMOs,
Creating a game where you play as a photographer taking after animals.
Making a card game where you scan the cards in with a Playstation Eye
Follow that up with a game that's like ICO, Shadow of the Colossus
Now I'm not saying that Sony is a particularly original company, just that they have and will shown interest in some stunningly original things and games, if you would like to reformulate you position and come up with a consistent standpoint I'm happy to talk about that and we can decide how original Sony are as a company in a meaningful way.
I mean check this out
How is this not Sony taking an interest in innovation?
All this amazing stuff (and check out the Last of Us gameplay footage) is not cancelled out by Sony making their own version of a game type that's only really had one successful franchise ever. Put that in context, when we have CoD, Medal of Honour, Battlefield, Homefront you want to call Sony out as not seeking innovation for making a type of game that Microsoft, Activision, THQ, EA etc have never tried to make? Yeah it's not innovative, but SSMB is a brilliantly fun type of game that has only ever come out on Nintendo consoles, isn't it about time someone actually though that maybe other people would want to play a similar game too?
I mean it's already been established that even the gameplay is much more Dissidia style than Smash Bros. It's not innovative, but it's not unoriginal either, it's just an untapped genre that it looks like they're going into for the own thing. It would be unoriginal if the skill sets layout etc was just copied from Super Smash Bro's. Instead they're going into it with a 'we want to make a SSB type game, how are we going to design it?'