"Brown People"?thenumberthirteen said:They shall no longer be called Taliban. The faction's name will now simply be "Brown people"
(Xylophone begins to play image of me thinking begins to dissolve to other image of... me)
Hola. Mi nombre es Juan. El nombre de mi esposa es María. Yo tengo un libro.. ¿Dónde está la biblioteca?
(Same dissolve effects)
Whoa... Cool...
Go Doyers!
EDIT: Oh yeah I guess I should talk about the topic itself.
OT: Personally I didn't have a problem with it one way or the other. I wasn't going to buy the game to begin with. What besides all the people who are disappointed in the move I'm am noticing is that there are a handful of people who are claiming that EA is doing it because of reasons other than what was posted this morning. I wonder if they're claiming that its a smoke screen, or if they ever bothered to read the article.