EA Uncertain About Future of Peripherals

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
EA Uncertain About Future of Peripherals

With "soft" sales and rising price points for peripheral-based music games, EA Games president Frank Gibeau doesn't seem entirely sold on the concept's viability in the future.

Could the honeymoon for peripheral-based games be over? While prices of peripheral packages like the exorbitantly marked Tony Hawk Ride [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/93503-Activision-Unveils-DJ-Hero-Renegade-Edition] would indicate that certain companies believe there's plenty of money to be had from giant pieces of plastic, EA Games president Frank Gibeau doesn't seem to think the situation is looking too great right now.

While Gibeau said that he's "really pleased" with where EA is at, "plastic's also way down, so a lot of the music category stuff is not as robust as it's been, and it's unclear whether a lot of this peripheral activity that's happening is going to stick. USD 125, USD 115, USD 99 price points for these things - it appears to have gone soft right now in the market place."

What Gibeau doesn't see as going soft is good old fashioned standalone software that doesn't come in a huge box and weigh three pounds. "But for standalone software titles that are high quality, from us? I feel good about it," he said. "I look at our first half, our Q2, I feel good about our company, our line-up. We're not as exposed to some of those other issues - year-on-year our Q4 is going to be very dramatic in terms of the titles released."

I certainly am skeptical about the future of the concept of paying $120+ for a peripheral-based games, but I'm also fairly certain that the music game is here to stay. Maybe a little bit of temperance when it comes to setting price points for these things is all that's really needed right now.

[Via GI.biz [http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/future-is-unclear-for-music-peripherals-gibeau]]


The Lost Big Boss

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Holy shit they have finally found a brain in that thick skull. Every one knew that this was going to be a fad in a way. No one is going to buy a new set if drums and guitar every year because the new version has "WOW" a sliding bar!


New member
May 31, 2009
dkuch said:
Holy shit they have finally found a brain in that thick skull. Every one knew that this was going to be a fad in a way....
Precisely...me and my friends are playing Rock Band 2, but we are using Rock Band 1/Guitar Hero peripherals still...

Why? Because the peripherals aren't what made the game popular!


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Heck I'm still using the Explorer from GH2, it's durable as hell, we've been through a fender, and a Les Paul, but the Explorer's never had problems. The Beatles stuff I can understand for the whole Beatles Experience, and solo buttons; and if they were to make it so that the fenders buttons and bar didn't click, and it was as durable as the Explorer I'd buy one in a flash (and I'd probably customize it to make it look like my Ibanez).


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Either peripherals will be like real instruments rather than controllers with rudimentary similarity, or will cost as much as real ones, or both. Who knows what the future holds? From the looks of it, you'll soon be plugging your real guitar into your Playstation 7, and I'll be laughing cause I've mastered the actual guitar and will kick ass at Guitar Hero 20.

I mean come on, look at those new peripherals. It started out with 5 frets, now we're up in 10, soon it will be 20, and then real guitar sounds more appealing cause then you'll do some real work. But now I'm just cynical. It will always be fun enough to easier beat the songs of your favourite bands rather than making some actual work and making your own music.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
elvor0 said:
Heck I'm still using the Explorer from GH2, it's durable as hell, we've been through a fender, and a Les Paul, but the Explorer's never had problems. The Beatles stuff I can understand for the whole Beatles Experience, and solo buttons; and if they were to make it so that the fenders buttons and bar didn't click, and it was as durable as the Explorer I'd buy one in a flash (and I'd probably customize it to make it look like my Ibanez).
Silly Guitar Hero nuts, pretending like it's a real talent.
I play real guitar too ya know :p Hence why I said i'd customize it to look like my Ibanez, although in all fairness I should've said my real Ibanez, you'd have to know what types of guitar hero controller's exist otherwise, if you're not into that sort of thing, you're not gonna know.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Good to hear, most...wait...all peripherals make me want to vomit blood. Nothing is wrong with a normal controller, a wii mote is about as far as I count a controller.

And yes, this is comeing from a guy who believes that natal will be a huge flop.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
Peripherals demand games to use them with, and games only last so long before going stale. Therefore, a peripheral that is totally useless outside its original franchise is always going to be a quick cash-grab, never more. I don't see Guitar Hero "axes" as all that useful in Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age, or FF14. Like DDR pads before them, video game musical peripherals will become "That damn thing I spent too much on" which sits on a shelf collecting dust, and the Guitar Hero / Rockband franchises will be forgotten.
Except that its not goig to happen like that. Sure, they'll stop making new peripherals for every game that comes out, but they won't stop making games. GH:WT sold tons of copies, as did Rock Band 2, but I didn't upgrade the plastic instruments, I'm still using the ones I bought in the original RB bundle two years ago. They're still going strong too.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
This one was kind of obvious, I mean I'm sure most of us remember Steel Battalion and its Controller.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
dkuch said:
Holy shit they have finally found a brain in that thick skull. Every one knew that this was going to be a fad in a way. No one is going to buy a new set if drums and guitar every year because the new version has "WOW" a sliding bar!
what if its a BLACK sliding bar?hmm got you there didnt i!


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Chrissyluky said:
dkuch said:
Holy shit they have finally found a brain in that thick skull. Every one knew that this was going to be a fad in a way. No one is going to buy a new set if drums and guitar every year because the new version has "WOW" a sliding bar!
what if its a BLACK sliding bar?hmm got you there didnt i!
Shit, she's discovered the secret! Y'know I do kind of believe some people would purchase it if there was a black slidebar.

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
Well I just brought an X-ploder guitar, only cost £20 and I'm not buying another perihrpa until that one breaks. Now I just wish Amazon would deliver my Rock Band 2, I'm stuck with a plastic guitar that's not much good for nothing but hitting people with. Come on silly postman.