Alright, this photo is a tad indecent, so discretion is advised, but it does make a point very well. This is me. A gamer. (face intentionally cut out, shirt intentionally left off) [] Too much time in WoW to be proud of, way too many hours spent on TF2, gamecube on top of the TV behind me, OH and ninja turtle action figures on the dresser beside that. Lord of the Rings extended edition dvds on the dvd rack, you name it, I've gamed it...
So long story short, fitness isn't hard. Games like Wii Fit aren't the answer either. I, personally, think it's a joke and a waste of money/time. I find it insulting when people call Wii Fit a "workout". Having said that fitness isn't hard, working out isn't easy, nor should it be, but gamers as a whole are probably the most fine tuned to doing it. We're used to the grind, repeating the same thing over and over to get better at something.