Owyn_Merrilin said:
TheSniperFan said:
wombat_of_war said:
Quiet Stranger said:
Now I know this whole business has been around for a while now but what EXACTLY did he do?
I have inklings here and there but I would like a full unbiased story of exactly what he did.
he basically blew open the extent of what the NSA actually gets up to and how much data they collect on every day americans.
Not just americans...
We're talking about spying on a global scale here.
I just hope that this controversy won't stop until something happens. As long as he has media coverage, he's safe...
To be fair, there's no protections in the US constitution against spying on non-citizens in foreign countries. US Citizens, however, are supposed to be protected, and that's why the PATRIOT act, which is the legal basis for pretty much all of this crap, is so horrible.
To be fair, the vast majority of the people doesn't give two shits about the US and its constitution.
The thing is that currently the US is just showing every country its middle fingers and our governments (the German government in my case), don't do anything about it.
Instead of protecting us, they just bury their heads in the sand and wait for people to forget about it. Occasionally saying something among the lines of "It's all good. They're our friends." and "Hereby I declare the NSA-affair for finished."
The sad thing for us German citizens is that they want to (and most likely will) spy on us ourselves (keyword: VDS).
I'm with you on the patriot act thing though.
Whenever I hear someone talk about how free 'Murica is, I think about it. A country with such a law in place has no business in calling itself "the land of the free".