Ravinoff said:
...the devs are slowly fucking things up in a variety of ways.
Indeed, the fuckery has been outstanding. Right before I quit was when the the "ground combat mission exploit" of airstriking outposts instead of landing was "fixed". Yeah, millions of credits per hour was a little stupid, but on the other hand credits really don't do anything in the game any more other than act as the first, earliest, progression gating mechanic that in the long run doesn't even matter. You can solo 'goids -- not just the little guys, but the endgame "raid boss" 'goids -- in a min-maxed Sidey, for Chrissake. The worst parts were, air striking outposts actually made torpedo and missile builds worthwhile, and it made the missions
Then, they (indirectly) nerfed Sothis/Ngalinn runs for Fed/Imp rank into the ground. Other than system access permits the only material reward to grinding faction rank was access to the Imperial and Federation ships, which are completely hit-and-miss and nowadays inferior to ships that can be purchased absent rank grinding.
The game isn't "Korean MMO" yet, but that's despite FDev's very best efforts.
3) Player interaction is largely pointless.
This is what hacked me off beyond the point of reason. Player interaction and teamwork should be rewarded, to incentivize emergent game play. The most fun I had playing the game was when I wing'ed up with two RL friends, and we all built ships that complemented each other and terrorized a haz-res extraction zone for a few days.
I was in a hybrid-outfit Keelback: cargo, prospector and repair limpets, healing-modded medium beams and mining lasers, shields, SLF. First buddy was in a Type-6 with all hardpoints built for cargo, except for a small refining bay and collector limpets. Second buddy was in a combat-outfitted Viper.
I'd prospect 3P and mine for my buddy in the cargo ship, who'd collect and run to sell minerals and bring back limpets. My other buddy and I stayed in-system while he cargo ran; I prospected for the next series of 3P rocks, and both of us bounty hunted together in the meantime. By the time my buddy in the cargo ship got back, I'd already scouted out the next set of 3P rocks and we could start mining
Because I had heal beams and repair limpets, I could support both buddies by restoring shields and hull as needed. And because we were mining, we could synthesize ammunition indefinitely -- I could zap low-value rocks for secondary resources my Viper buddy could manually eat up.
Amazing money and great fun, but the problem should be obvious. Only my friend in the cargo hauler could profit from mineral sales, and he couldn't profit from bounties. We were only indirectly profiting from having a proper division of labor, and considering the time and cost of outfitting ships to properly divide labor
and get ourselves in the same system, increased profits were marginal at best and the opportunity cost of doing so not in our favor. We'd make more money individually all bounty hunting in a high res, or all mining separately in high res.