Enemies You Always Have and Always Will Take Seriously...


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Everything thing in Ninja Gaiden II



New member
Mar 19, 2009
Displacer Beasts.

I know, you're thinking, "Displacer Beasts? But those are easy to kill!". Well, not when you have a DM that doesn't know what they're doing.

Very first game of D&D I ever played, it was a small dungeon, meant for one afternoon. Went though, killed goblins, had fun. Then there was a displacer beast. Four of us, one of it, and we all died because no one could hit it. We tried swords, we tried magic. We tried the tried and true Fireball, and nothing would hit it, because "You were aiming at the wrong spot"

Since then, I ALWAYS carry the cantrip "Create Water". Anything invisable in the room, as long as it's not flying, I'll find it.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Caligulust said:
Scions from Mass Effect 2.

While easy to kill, they've screwed me over a number of times by instantly depleting my shield so husks can swarm me. Hate those guys.
How the hell were they easy to kill? You must share your secrets with me.
The most pain in the ass enemy in the game, on any difficulty.


New member
Jul 31, 2010
The giant baby from zombies ate my neighbors mall level. Or the chainsaw guy from the same game. Either or. They both really really really really killed me quite a bit. and gave me nightmares when i played that game as child. really it did


New member
May 24, 2009
The Hunter from Dead Space. That's the only boss creature in the game that's actually scary.

The Grims from Resistance 2, because you never know when they're going to pop out of their cocoons and they always attack in large groups. In fact, a pack of Grims is probably more dangerous than a squad of heavily armed Hybrids.

The attack dogs in Call of Duty 4. Little bastards...

Deathclaws in Fallout 3, for obvious reasons.

Antlion Guards, Zombines, and poison headcrab zombies in Half-Life 2. I'd say the Hunters as well, but there's no way you can take those seriously anymore after you've seen the plushie.


New member
May 27, 2009
Shaegor said:
Caligulust said:
Scions from Mass Effect 2.

While easy to kill, they've screwed me over a number of times by instantly depleting my shield so husks can swarm me. Hate those guys.
How the hell were they easy to kill? You must share your secrets with me.
The most pain in the ass enemy in the game, on any difficulty.
simple, use heavy reave/warp on them three times. then a sniper or the revenant assault rifle makes them very very dead. that is IF they are alive after the warp/reave fest.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Alma from Fear

oh god she scares the crap out of me. In the first one going don the ladder, or in the second one well. If you beat it you know what i mean


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Does anyone else think TLoZ:OoT should have had a higher age rating? Wallmasters and re-deads are NOT fun for little kids :p (took me years and years to finish the game; first Gohma then Wallmasters [re-deads never really bothered me]).

OT: Scrabs and Paramites from Abe's Odyssey. 8-|


New member
Mar 9, 2008
Duriel, the last boss in Act 2 of Diablo 2. For some reason that I still cannot fathom, I just could not beat Duriel in normal with my necromancer (my first ever character). I had to grind a ridiculous amount and eventually killed him and after that schooled the rest of the game and difficulty levels, even Duriel on Nightmare and Hell, without a problem. I don't give Diablo 2 much of a play anymore but whenever I do, Duriel is the only boss that I really focus on and get nervous about beforehand.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
The aliens that attack the Romani Ranch in Majora's Mask. Without a doubt. I don't how many times I failed, but I was always overwhelmed before dawn. After a while that music started sounding like Pavlov's bell, if the bell meant that Pavlov was about to beat his dog. I was trying to get all the masks before I faced the Skull Kid, so that really delayed things for me.

Keep in mind that I was only about 12 at the time. About four years later I decided to finish it, used the Inverted Song of Time and that was that.


New member
Oct 8, 2008
-ff -ff -FF -FF huFF- huFF- HUFF- HUFF-


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Julianking93 said:
Goddamn Regeneraters from RE4.

Oh god, I'll never forget the first time I got killed by one of those things.


First time I saw Regenerators and Iron Maidens, urgh.

Skull Kid

New member
Apr 16, 2010
WolfEdge said:
I'll go first: Re-Deads.

God. DAMN. Re-Deads.

Ever since Ocarina of Time, I could NEVER just walk up to a re-dead and go to town on him. Even though I'm perfectly aware that they're easily stun-locked to death, I always have to carefully approach, and eliminate, every single re-dead in the room with meticulous and vicious precision. Majora's Mask actually made it worse, believe it or not, when they would dance while you wore the Gibdo mask. I always sort of thought they were mocking you...

And don't even get me started on the Re-Deads from Wind Waker. Make fun of me if you must, those things were the stuff of nightmares...

So what about you?
Dear god I hated the Undead guys so much. It didn't really help that I started playing Ocarina of time (my first gamecube game) when I was 7.Whenever I saw those damn things the controller was promptly handed to my dad, if he wasn't around I jumped into the moat around the castle and waited till dawn. To this day I simply can't kill them.
As for Windwaker, lets just say that upon sight of them I got out of those tunnels at record breaking speed and Never went back. (I got Windwaker at the same time as Ocarina - I was 8 when I discovered those horrible things had made a comeback in my favourite game).


New member
Jun 10, 2010
Fiends and Shamblers in Quake. Fiends were a real menace if you didn't have nails or energy cells, as they would lunge toward you; cut your health almost in half, probably pinning you to a wall in the process; and could soak up damage easily. Shamblers would only deal 10-30 damage if they hit you, but had a very long attack range, moved quickly, and were the biggest damage sponges in the game. Facing one involved taking cover every few seconds, and they would quickly find it and shock you again. And Slimes. Christ the slimes were bad. They swarmed on you like bees, moved crazy fast, would track you down for rooms and would detonate when killed, killing you in the process 80% of the time. I remember having to redo entire sections because a single slime was left alive.

Also, the mechanical guards in Thief II. They couldn't be taken down if you didn't have water arrows and good aim/fire arrows or mines and a desire to alert everyone else in the room to your presence. They were one of the reasons why I always stocked up on water arrows before I began a mission.

The red hulks and Drillers were a huge menace in Descent. Red hulks fired homing missiles which were hard to evade and did unforgivable damage given the game's lack of healing options. Drillers, meanwhile, could instantly do a mass of damage from far away and were hard to spot if they attacked you from total darkness.

Any time I faced Diddy Kong in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I had to keep my guard up.

The Iron Maidens in Resident Evil 4 were evil. They would charge at you quickly and slash you to smithereens if they pinned you to a wall. The part where you were caged in with one of them = one of the scariest moments in gaming history.