Escape to the Movies: Drive


New member
Oct 12, 2011
What are you all on about? Seriously? Driver is a terrible, terrible film in almost every single way.

1)The script, or lack of. There are far too many silences. How these are convayed as "cute" between Gosling and Mulligan is beyond me. That romance is the single most unbelievable romance I have ever seen on Cinema; even Twilight does romance better, and that is saying something, unless someone can explain to me why a woman would find someone who quiet to the point of socially rude & inept is attractive...The only word to describe the on screen romance is contrived.

2)The story is utter drivel. It starts of believable and then descends into nonsensical bullshit which would make even the later Saw films proud of how far a film can jump the shark in less then 2 hours. [spoiler = *SPOILER ALERT*] Can anyone explain why Ron Pearlman decides to kill Gosling after Gosling declares he is going to return the money? Other than adding a few brief and extremely brutal action scenes, it serves no purpose and comes across as merely a poorly executed plot device. And for that matter two other things: 1) As another user has mention, does Driver occur in a world where blood stains are the new cool fashion accessory? It was hard not to laugh seeing Gosling walk around with the dumbass grimace that occupies his face the entire film, covered in blood with no passer-by even looking twice.
2)Why the hell does Brooks take a fork to someone's eye? It's this pathetic and over the top violence that comes across as forced and fails to be anything other than absurd and comical for that very reason, defeating the "shocking" nature of the scene. 3)The way the strippers blankly watch the beating of a henchman, the lack of public reaction to the blood on Gosling's jacket and Gosling's autistic character makes me think if the film occurs in a world where lobotomies and performed on 80% of the nation. [/spoiler]

3)The casting is shit. How has no one mentioned that we can work out Isaac and Mulligan through their story of how they met. Estimating that their kid is roughly 6 (and that's generous), Isaac is going to be 26 and Mulligan 23. Even Mulligan doesn't look close to her supposed age. Great casting job there.

4)The music isn't complementary. Other than one of the repeated tunes is extremely similar/the same as one I have heard before (the tune used in the elevator - not sure where it is from, help? ) it is very broken. Take 2 films with good complementary sound tracks - Tron and Dream for a Requiem. Whereas Trons' ST was done in the same style to complement the feel and world of Tron, DfaR was done to emphasise different parts; whether it was the hip-hop montages or using the strings to give a strong and everlasting haunting theme tune, suiting what was going on onscreen. Drive's feels hipster at best and is simply out of place - it doesn't complement anything and simply sticks out like an after thought rather than a compulsory part of the film.

5)If you want to know how bad the film is, consider that they have to falsely adverse the film. Drive is in no way an action film and yet that is what it is advertised as being. If you watched all the trailers you have seen 90% of the action and 70% of the script.

I'm sorry, but if you enjoy this film you clearly are either jumping on the band wagon or have no idea what a true artistic film is e.g. Dream for a Requiem, A Scanner Darkly etc. Everything in this film has been done better. Don't watch this film - just go watch Collateral instead. The script, cinematography and action are all far better and the stories are not worlds apart.

Drive is a useless film and it makes me sad to think that so many people praise what is a truly terrible and hollow film. Open you eyes and think with your brain, not what the critics want you to think. Sadly Movie Bob has done this kind of thing before, praising utter drivel like Drag Me to Hell. Would be nice if he reviewed what was in front of him rather than jumping onto the nonsensical bandwagon.
Sep 14, 2009

see, this is why we don't do 'artsy' movies, because then people get ideas bob, and when people start thinking after movies and getting ideas, then stupid shit like this happen and ruins lives.


still, it was quite funny to see something come out of that awful movie like this


Play Minecraft. Watch Top Gear.
Nov 24, 2010
Squirrelygod said:
No idea what the hell people saw in this movie.
I don't quite remember what I saw in this cause i fell asleep halfway through.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I just re-watched the review after finally seeing the movie myself and my only real comment is: Is it so different to see Brooks as a villain? When I hear him speak all that comes to mind are the several Simpsons villains that he has voiced. At this point I think it would be weirder for him to play a good guy.

(Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I didn't see mention of this so far)


Rogue Commentator
Jan 13, 2010
MovieBob said:
"It's a lean, sharp little crime movie, elevated by memorable scenes of violence and great characters."
I note that Bob didn't also say "amazing driving." I loved the pacing and character work, but I was disappointed by the lack of interesting car stuff (and the one vehicular action scene didn't actually make sense, from a choreographic standpoint). I also thought the violence was occasionally over the top, but I can understand what they were going for with that. I just wish there had been more scenes like the opening, which was so interesting from a tactical standpoint without any crazy stunts. I just would've expected that a film named Drive might include more... driving.