Escape to the Movies: Guardians of the Galaxy - Surprise! This Movie Rocks!


New member
Jun 18, 2014
Quiotu said:
You'd have a bit of a point, maybe, if 92% of the review community didn't agree with MovieBob according to Rotten Tomatoes. You don't have to feel bad for being one of the 8%, but you should feel bad that you have such internet rage about it, you had to actually spend useful time drawing an effigy to your hateboner. Weaksauce, complete and total weaksauce.
I don't actually remember saying the movie was bad... It's kinda hard when I haven't seen it, so who knows, I still can join the 92%

And yeah, I drew a guy licking a cartoon raccoon, granted it's just a 30 min sketch, I guess it is safe to say I'm trying harder than most people, but I don't want to get to full of myself :)


New member
Jun 18, 2014
addiction21 said:
Idrawuglypeople said:
Quiotu said:
You'd have a bit of a point, maybe, if 92% of the review community didn't agree with MovieBob according to Rotten Tomatoes. You don't have to feel bad for being one of the 8%, but you should feel bad that you have such internet rage about it, you had to actually spend useful time drawing an effigy to your hateboner. Weaksauce, complete and total weaksauce.
I don't actually remember saying the movie was bad... It's kinda hard when I haven't seen it, so who knows, I still can join the 92%

And yeah, I drew a guy licking a cartoon raccoon, granted it's just a 30 min sketch, I guess it is safe to say I'm trying harder than most people, but I don't want to get to full of myself :)
You are spending a lot of time to belittle someones opinion over a movie you have not seen.
YouPorn was down today, I had some time to spare...

But hey, people here even get paid to belittle other people's works and tastes here, what is the difference?


New member
Jun 18, 2014
addiction21 said:
The difference is they explain why they feel one way or the other. You are a troll, joking about porn (wow that is new on the internet) who spent time making a sketch with no other point is to insult someone. Done with you.
You gotta a point there... I should have done a dick joke, but I don't wanna steal Yahtzee's thunder.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Saw it about 4 hours ago.
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed it. After last year, and especially the previous comic movies I've seen, I really needed something fun and awesome to even the score (it's over a year later and I'm still hating Man of Steel; fuck that boring tripe).

It's a completely by the numbers plot, but the pacing, writing and performances are top notch and fun.
Even the CGI didn't bother me, and that's normally the parts I roll my eyes at (though a few of the scenes were still shot too close).

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Atmos Duality said:
Saw it about 4 hours ago.
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed it. After last year, and especially the previous comic movies I've seen, I really needed something fun and awesome to even the score (it's over a year later and I'm still hating Man of Steel; fuck that boring tripe).

It's a completely by the numbers plot, but the pacing, writing and performances are top notch and fun.
Even the CGI didn't bother me, and that's normally the parts I roll my eyes at (though a few of the scenes were still shot too close).
I think the only joke that completely fell flat for me was Quill's little dance at the end. That had me rolling my eyes for the (brief) remaineder of the movie. Other than that (and the pointless opening) the film wasn't as cringy as I thought it would be.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
It was an alright movie (slightly worse than Man of Steel). I feel like it could have been stronger if they had made the raccoon the main character, I just get this strange feeling I've seen the main character in a whole bunch of other movies.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
Atmos Duality said:
Saw it about 4 hours ago.
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed it. After last year, and especially the previous comic movies I've seen, I really needed something fun and awesome to even the score (it's over a year later and I'm still hating Man of Steel; fuck that boring tripe).

It's a completely by the numbers plot, but the pacing, writing and performances are top notch and fun.
Even the CGI didn't bother me, and that's normally the parts I roll my eyes at (though a few of the scenes were still shot too close).
I think the only joke that completely fell flat for me was Quill's little dance at the end. That had me rolling my eyes for the (brief) remaineder of the movie. Other than that (and the pointless opening) the film wasn't as cringy as I thought it would be.
Funny enough that had me and my friends in splinters. Also "pointless opening"? I thought that was a strong introduction to the character. Probably one of the strongest I've seen, right up there with The Joker crashing the meeting in The Dark Knight.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
MovieBob said:
Guardians of the Galaxy - Surprise! This Movie Rocks!
So Bob, any chance of a run down of all the Marvel in-jokes and references? I caught a few, but I'm sure many, many more went over my head, and I'd love to read/watch some sort of analysis of them.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Trishbot said:
How do you really "rank" a movie that's so different from all the others? I mean, yeah, Thor and Iron Man are very different, but they still both rank up there as "triple-A superheroes" while Guardians of the Galaxy are B and C-list underdogs.
I just watched the film and without being spoilery it reminded me very much of those two Rammstein songs; Stein um Stein and Rosenrot. They've the same melody with different instrumentals, one was developed as a second set of potential vocals for the other.

This film was that with Thor 2 for me.

EDIT: Also I find it hugely disappointing that this film and that film had villains whose 'master plans' were less well executed and planned than that of Lord Business
a plan thought up, in universe, for fun by a small child
a person who conceives of a very similar plan but who executes it with a far higher degree of competence.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I will admit, this was the first movie to use 3D in a way to make me jump back. On that note, my only issue is how they shot scenes to show off the 3D. I never like that because unless it's a different version from the 2D version it feels pointless :/.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
KazeAizen said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Atmos Duality said:
Saw it about 4 hours ago.
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed it. After last year, and especially the previous comic movies I've seen, I really needed something fun and awesome to even the score (it's over a year later and I'm still hating Man of Steel; fuck that boring tripe).

It's a completely by the numbers plot, but the pacing, writing and performances are top notch and fun.
Even the CGI didn't bother me, and that's normally the parts I roll my eyes at (though a few of the scenes were still shot too close).
I think the only joke that completely fell flat for me was Quill's little dance at the end. That had me rolling my eyes for the (brief) remaineder of the movie. Other than that (and the pointless opening) the film wasn't as cringy as I thought it would be.
Funny enough that had me and my friends in splinters. Also "pointless opening"? I thought that was a strong introduction to the character. Probably one of the strongest I've seen, right up there with The Joker crashing the meeting in The Dark Knight.
I'll rephrase that - it's not pointless, it's dissonant with the rest of the movie, which is essentially one big joke about how we're not taking any of this seriously.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
I loved the movie, but a couple things really annoyed me about it.

First, I hope it was just my theater but the audio work was terrible. Unless it's completely silent I could hardly hear a word anybody was saying over everything else most of the time.

Second, Groot, everything about him. He has zero personality and thus zero character development, which is hard to have when the character is limited to saying "I am Groot". Groot is more a team pet than an actual character, but that's not my real issue with him. Mostly though the problem I have is he seems to pull any random superpower out of nowhere to solve whatever problem the heroes are dealing with as long as he's around. He's a walking tree, so growing limbs at will, super strength, regenerative ability, that's all to be expected. Reviving the dead? Make glowing fireflies out of nowhere? Create a shield able to defend against a high velocity impact? Regenerate from a twig? It gets to be a bit much after awhile, and if he appears in the next GoTG movie it's going to be hard to genuinely threaten the protagonists especially Groot with him around. I still like the character despite these but even so, I hope they avoid making him into a walking Deus Ex Machina next time.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
KazeAizen said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Atmos Duality said:
Saw it about 4 hours ago.
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed it. After last year, and especially the previous comic movies I've seen, I really needed something fun and awesome to even the score (it's over a year later and I'm still hating Man of Steel; fuck that boring tripe).

It's a completely by the numbers plot, but the pacing, writing and performances are top notch and fun.
Even the CGI didn't bother me, and that's normally the parts I roll my eyes at (though a few of the scenes were still shot too close).
I think the only joke that completely fell flat for me was Quill's little dance at the end. That had me rolling my eyes for the (brief) remaineder of the movie. Other than that (and the pointless opening) the film wasn't as cringy as I thought it would be.
Funny enough that had me and my friends in splinters. Also "pointless opening"? I thought that was a strong introduction to the character. Probably one of the strongest I've seen, right up there with The Joker crashing the meeting in The Dark Knight.
I'll rephrase that - it's not pointless, it's dissonant with the rest of the movie, which is essentially one big joke about how we're not taking any of this seriously. were thinking about that and I was thinking about something else. I don't know. Thinking about it the scene of him as a kid helped with his character. To deal with the death of his mom he simply puts it behind him and tries to become a badass space outlaw.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
I think the only joke that completely fell flat for me was Quill's little dance at the end. That had me rolling my eyes for the (brief) remaineder of the movie. Other than that (and the pointless opening) the film wasn't as cringy as I thought it would be.
I actually predicted something like that would happen well in advance...and yeah, it was still kind of a no prize.
Though the bit with them containing the McGuffin as a team made up for it.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
immortalfrieza said:
I loved the movie, but a couple things really annoyed me about it.

First, I hope it was just my theater but the audio work was terrible. Unless it's completely silent I could hardly hear a word anybody was saying over everything else most of the time.

Second, Groot, everything about him. He has zero personality and thus zero character development, which is hard to have when the character is limited to saying "I am Groot". Groot is more a team pet than an actual character, but that's not my real issue with him. Mostly though the problem I have is he seems to pull any random superpower out of nowhere to solve whatever problem the heroes are dealing with as long as he's around. He's a walking tree, so growing limbs at will, super strength, regenerative ability, that's all to be expected. Reviving the dead? Make glowing fireflies out of nowhere? Create a shield able to defend against a high velocity impact? Regenerate from a twig? It gets to be a bit much after awhile, and if he appears in the next GoTG movie it's going to be hard to genuinely threaten the protagonists especially Groot with him around. I still like the character despite these but even so, I hope they avoid making him into a walking Deus Ex Machina next time.
Groot is basically an idiot savant that is nice and helpful when surrounded by friendlies, but completely and unnecessarily evil whenever himself or Rocket is threatened. He's the heart of the team more than anything. The reason the film doesn't provide much character development for him is because his character was already established more than the others; he has the mindset of a child that's mainly trying to hang with his big brother (Rocket), and as we know, children mainly try to emulate the people they like or their peers, and don't display their own personalities until they get older. He has really useful talents and could be of real use in the universe, but became an outlaw because Rocket is one. I guess you'd consider him having "zero character" because he couldn't explain his own ambitions, but Groot displayed having a mind of his own in a couple of scenes. Groot/Rocket was a more hilarious version of Chewbacca/Han Solo. This movie went out of its way to develop relationships and backstories for other characters, so hopefully Groot's backstory get some focus in the sequel.

I will agree that Groot was overpowered in the flick, but his Deus Ex Machina capabilities didn't annoy me as much as Gandalf consistently saving everyone ass in the Hobbit movies.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I just watched this today and I loved it eventhought I knew little of them beforehand!

My only query I got is the Nova Corp-
I thought they were like the Green Lantern of Marvel as in every members wear the helmet and have the powers that came with it, not just some space enforcer. So if they were to make a Nova film, would the human member (don't know the guy name) would be like a super enforcer with the helment he wear in the comic).

They say they will return and I read somewhere (can't remember) that the third Avengers film is going to have Thanos meaning two groups team up??? Also if Peter does return to Earth, oh boy he got alot of catching up to do with the music!!!