Ever feel sorry for the enemies you've killed in a game?


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Most of the bear mobs in WoW. It's wierd but their last gasps is a downer for me.
A lot of the Metal Gear Solid bosses, Kajima does crowbar in the grey areas but it doesnt change the fact that they are more fleshed out and believeable..maybe..as characters compared to other games.
Portal's Turrets seem undeserving of the abuse I put them through.
et al

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Only if I find out that they were actually a good person and I mercilessly killed them thinking they were an enemy. Other than that, no. An enemy is an enemy. Next time, don't cross my path.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
No, I don't care about "goon with a mask #37". Even characters I'm supposed to feel bad for, like Aeris dying, I don't care. Some cute girl that hit on me a little died, so what? There needs to be a fully fleshed out, well-written character that I like for me to care. Otherwise it's just a bundle of stats I can't use anymore or don't have to fight anymore.

Now there are exceptions. Some situations we can all understand a bit, like a parent/child dying. That will bring up a bit of sadness. Good execution also works, Shadow of the Colossus made me feel bad despite the behemoths having no character. I was hunting wonders of nature and the sad music went as they crash down and yeah, didn't feel like a hero.


New member
Oct 21, 2011
I always hated killing cliffracers in Morrowind. They were such cool almost-pterodactyls, but so angry all the time :/


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Depends on the game. On my asshole playthrough of Alpha Protocol I'm going to hate killing all the characters I spared. Especially Sis. I like her. ._.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
It annoys me that in Fallout 3 that when Raiders run away, they don't allow you to try and bargain with them. I mean, in all reality, if they're running away and wounded, I would run up, tie them, take their stuff, but leave them alive and set them back out with a club or something to rethink their course of life.
But no, I cannot aid those who have fallen upon savagery in their need of adventure, I can only kill them and give me some more experience, which I have to resort to.
As well as the raiders, the wild dogs that accompany the raiders, and the coyote packs in New Vegas-I don't want to shoot teh puppies D:

Also, I felt bad for the elites in Halo 2 when they join your side after realizing I've killed about a couple planets worth of them.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Occasionally; a bandit could just as easily become a farmer and that guard I killed was just doing his duty. It especially sucks when later in the game you would have liked the help of everyone you killed in the event you ally with your remaining enemies. I also cringe every time a game makes me kill cops or other legitimate authorities.

Some people, however, just need sharp steel through the midsection or a bullet to the head. Innocents must not be made to suffer in the hopes that one man will reform and never do wrong again, not if the player has the power and the foresight to grasp the situation properly.

In any event they are all merely ones and zero's with or without voice acting. No one asks these mooks to charge a heavily armored warrior or take on a super soldier armed to the teeth, but the developers need to give the player something to do in between fights with actual villains or as a way to test out new goodies in their arsenal.The only wrong is that games have desensitzed the idea of taking lives to the point where the act itself has absolutely no value without reinforcing it with plot development or extravagant dialogue


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
hailfire said:
Worgen said:
Tank207 said:
The Rachni Queen in Mass Effect.

I tried it with my renegade Shepard after having completed the game as a Paragon... but I just couldn't do it. After that cinematic I had to load a previous save, because of how horrible I felt for doing it.

Not actually an enemy, but I accidentally killed my horse one time in the middle of a firefight in Red Dead Redemption. I went into dead-eye mode and the horse walked out right in front of me, and it locked onto his head. When I let go of the button... yeah I felt terrible.
Im gonna have to second this, on my 3rd play though I was going renegade and I decided to kill her also, it was amazingly hard to press the button to do it, kinda felt like crap afterwards.
I did it without hesitation, there must be something wrong with you guys. it's a freaking bug for gods sake...
I fail to see how a bugs life is worth less than anything else, assuming that you meet a bug with the ability to think and communicate with humans then I don't see any reason to kill it for a reason as arbitrary as other members of its race went to war awhile ago.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Breaker deGodot said:
A couple. The Colossi made me feel like a massive dick to kill them, but I think the worst would be System Shock 2. The hybrids in particularly often scream "I'M SORRY!" OR "KILL ME!" as you brain them. Funny, I think that was supposed to make me feel better about killing them, but it didn't work at all.
Seconded and expanded to pretty much every humanoid in System Shock 2, though in particular the midwives. Those audiologs describing what happened to the nurses of Med/Sci chill me every time I hear them and their long drawn out death scream breaks the heart. I even feel sorry for the Rumblers, they don't ask to end up the way they do. And then there's the monkeys, they spend months being autopsied and experimented on, you'd go a bit mental in their shoes.

One of my saddest moments in gaming was in Bioshock, I'd returned to an early area and there was a Big Daddy wandering round, pounding on every vent looking for a Little Sister but as I'd saved them all in that area, none could appear. The sounds were so mournful and lonely and I just couldn't help but feel sorry for this collection of polygons.


New member
Aug 15, 2011
The "Evil" Ending mission for Infamous 2. That broke me down. I had to walk away from my PS3 because of what it makes you do.


New member
Oct 18, 2011
all the main characters that die in Starcraft and Brood War.

you truly get to play some kick ass characters, and eventually you get to kill most of em with your own forces under Kerrigan's commands.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
The Genlocks in Dragon Age: Origins. They kinda fit into that "so ugly they're cute" category, so killing them occasionally makes me feel like an asshat. And yet, I have no problem offing them in DA2.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
I can't think of an example, but I know it's happened. I force someone else to do the horrible deed for me. Other times I'm just a callous bum.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
I actually felt sorry when I killed Mr. House in Fallout: New Vegas. I had worked with him the entire game, but when he wanted me to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel, I simply could not follow through with it. I was one of them, and had helped them out a lot. I had even had a Brotherhood of Steel companion pretty much the entire game, so eradicating them was a big no-no to me. So I had to kill Mr. House, even though I wanted his vision to come true.


Disciple of The Gravity cat
Apr 16, 2010
The Big Daddies. I mean, they were forcefuly converted into being one, plus they cant control their actions. Either that or Stroggified Marines in Quake 4.