Odjin said:
IGN = hype-shit... reviews are useless
GameFAQs = GameFAGs... reviews are as useless as IGN
Metacritic = total hype machinary. every shit gets high scores if you wave enough money under their noses.
Sorry but if you try to make a buy-decision on reviews you are in a hell. They are all so biased and hyping nowadays that forming an educated opinion is a futile attempt. So you say there are honest reviews? Do you REALLY belief this? Hell I've seen more comments as forum administrator and moderator where a negative review is torn apart by fanboys as being the reviews "incompetent pigs" who don't know what the fuck the are writing. Reviewing is a damn machinary... it's about making money and NOT about making an honest opinion about a game. I always did my reviews honestly. I always wrote what is good and what not on an objective basis and I never used scores just recommendations for whom it might be interesting and for whom note. Guess what I got pissed about all these shit reviews that I gave in in the end. It's not my fucking job to fix the errors of the industries... at least "this" kind of error ( others I do ). The entire reviewing system is borked beyond funny and is utterly useless. I've yet to see one hardcopy or online mag which has remotely "honest", "objective" and "representative" reviews.
You are an asshole, you know that? How can you pass judgment on something you know nothing about? Have you ever worked at a games magazine or website? I guess not.
I'm an official PC game reviewer for many years now, for a hungarian webzine. You simply
can't imagine the amount bile, cursing and hate we are getting day-by-day from the fucktards like you. Hell, even I get the usual hate-mail and forum comments on how I'm a sellout, a corporate lapdog or a paid advertisement. If I send a game to Hell that sucks IMHO, fanboys come crashing in and condemn me to eternal damnation because I'm a fucking asshole for not giving 11/10 for their favorite game that is
the best game in the fucking galaxy. If I give high praise to a game that I like, people like you come in guns blazing, that I'm a fucking publisher-worshiper, a sellout...etc. There is no good review. We get lashed either by haters or fanboys, no matter what we write.
But, you know what's funny? I'm doing this for
FREE! Yes, I'm not getting a single unit of currency for writing my reviews, not a single USD, HUF or anything else. I'm writing these reviews because I want to, and not because they pay me to. The only "payment" I get is that I can keep some of the games I review, so I don't have to buy them on my own. Yea, some of the games I have to buy myself, so sometimes
I pay to even review games, not vice versa. Let this be a lesson to all the haters out there. It's not the reviewers' fault if you are an ass.
But, I know I simply
can't write a review that is accepted by all. My first and foremost priority when reviewing a game is
objectivity. If I set out to review a game, I don't even read news, ads or other reviews until I get the game and finished playing, so I won't get biased. I work on the review for days, making it entertaining, packing it full of information for the ones deciding to buy it and making it very thorough. But then again, I get the bile. It's inevitable.
It's not our fault, it's the polarization of the audience, and it's a national pasttime in Geekland to hate on game reviewers.