EXP: Drinking Games for Gamers - Mario Kart Drunk Driving


New member
Sep 12, 2013
Drinking Games for Gamers - Mario Kart Drunk Driving

Mario Kart Drunk Driving is a favorite from our college days. In this game, you can?t put your beer down until you?ve finished it and you can?t finish the race until you?ve finished your beer. Chug away!

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Mar 3, 2013
The winner should drink, that way he or she would be less likely to win the next race, making it more fun for everyone.

The "deepthroat" method must be really hard on your teeth as well.


New member
Apr 29, 2013
Aha, drinking games are always interesting (my favourite is "Om nom nom" - watch any Nicholas Cage film, whenever he starts chewing up the scenery shout "om nom nom" and drink. Not really a game per se, but fun nonetheless), but as someone's already said, I prefer the ones where "punishment" (eg shot of liquor) be dished out to the winner, that way the playing field is more level and everyone gets more drunk. Good times!

What worries me about this video is if Fox "news" gets a hold of this video. Not difficult, since "drunk driving" is in the title, I expect a Google search might spit it out. Then we can expect "games are the root cause of every DUI since the beginning of time! Ban this sick filth! Bring back prohibition!". I remember hearing about a group (MADD?) who tried to get GTA4 banned because the player could DUI - some moon logic about the freedom to do something being encouragement? Clearly they never tried it out, because if anything GTA4 discourages it by punishing the player - it's utterly impossible to get from A to B and every copper in the entire state is after your blood.