Fable 3 is a hated game?


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
So recently I've come across some comments by posters, and a bit in a previous Jimquisition episode, that gave the impression that Fable 3 is highly despised game, almost but not quite on the level of Mass Effect 3?

I somehow missed this when the game came out. I bought it myself, after playing the other two.

I found it an enjoyable game, same as the previous 2 games, but nothing overly awesome or terrible.

Is there really a level of hatred for this game? If so, why? What about it generated so much fan anger, because I can't really point to anything in the game itself as a bad mechanic or anything that was highly annoying.

Was it anger over the promised aspects from Peter Molyneuix, and then were left out? I remember something about an idea to have a tree in the game that you plant, and it grows with you, but that it was removed. Is it stuff like that?


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
From what I understand, and I don't really play Fable, just co-op with a friend who does after a while, it's the weakest of the series, not bad per se just not that great. For some that's enough to go "OMG this is the worst thing EVAR!" but from what I gather, it's just a small step down.


[Insert Witty Remark Here]
Apr 6, 2010
I thought the game series took a similar route to Mass Effect, it streamlined to the point of loosing its initial charm. I remember playing it and been quite bored, never to pick the game up again after that initial play through.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
I thought it was worse than Fable 2; I especially hated the Road to Rule or whatever system, because I found it restricting, limited how I wanted to build my characters, and it wasn't challenging. It was less challenging than 2... which is already a bad game for not letting you die. Seriously, you can't.

The only good part of the game is how you can unequip your weapons. Sweet Jesus, does it feel good to not always have weapons equipped. Mind, it's not a hated game, but a black sheep that was "alright".


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
It sucks so badly it made my teeth hurt... my teeth!

But seriously it's so bad, feels so rushed, the story was weak and made little sense
Fable two was a step in the wrong direction but the third game is a giant leap of a cliff in the wrong direction.

For more see the above ^ video


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I thought it wasn't a very good game.

The game itself really doesn't change all that much from the older Fable games. By this point, we've seen and done all of this stuff so it's not really all that cool anymore. I've already chopped thousands of stumps for money. I've already farted on a lady to get her affection (just like real life!). I've already fought these bad guys with these weapons. It really didn't bring anything new to the table. By itself, that makes this game a'ight. Then...the ending.

Fuck that ending. With a rusty spork.

Seriously, that ending left an awful taste in my mouth. The game was a'ight and the King stuff was kind of a neat trick that I could get into. I was being entertained by the choices and gaining money to save my kingdom. Spoiler Alert I suppose; this was how it went down (not exact but I'm not going to bother looking it up).

Day 1: We have 365 days until the shadow people show up! I better start doing stuff to prepare!
Day 7: I had to make a tough choice but it was for the good of the kingdom!
Day 14: Making lots of money and getting this ball rolling!
Day 28: I'm well on my to what I need to save my people!
Day 365: ...wait...what?!? What the fuck happened to the rest of the year!? Did I take a vacation and not tell me?! Seriously, what the fuck!?!?!

Yeah...that was a dick move game. You went from being a OK game (think 7.5 out of 10; not great but not terrible) and plummeted your way down the ranks after that.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
I played through it and once was enough for me. It wasn't terrible by any means, but it was pretty broken. If you're in combat and you're using anything other than magic you're doing it wrong. The AoE spells in that game - especially with dual-casting - was obscenely overpowered while melee and guns were obscenely underpowered. The story was pretty crap too, and there's the implied bestiality... >.>

But yeah, the problem was that ol' Pete told us "THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST FABLE EVAR!!!" turns out it wasn't and later he even came out and admitted that it was pretty disappointing. The thing is though he ultimately ends up doing that with every Fable game he puts out. "IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING!" "Eh, I'm sorry, it was a bit of a disappointment."


New member
Nov 10, 2007
The world felt smaller and less interesting, the "zomg hard decisions" of the second part were rendered trivial if, like me, you compulsively bought all available properties and therefore had literally infinty money (which I did in all the Fable games) and it just generally wasn't as compelling a place to mess around in.


Sep 9, 2010
GloatingSwine said:
The world felt smaller and less interesting, the "zomg hard decisions" of the second part were rendered trivial if, like me, you compulsively bought all available properties and therefore had literally infinty money (which I did in all the Fable games) and it just generally wasn't as compelling a place to mess around in.
I wanted to be evil so badly in this game and use the economics as the reason.

But I had so much fucking money.

I mean I had enough that if I tilted the camera a certain way, it would clip the building and I could see the pile was bigger than the actual room.

I think the only evil thing I did was drain the lake, because I resented the fucking stoner they chosed to represent themselves to me.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I actually greatly enjoyed that game...right up until the end. As you know, halfway through the game things get turned on upside down and I thought that was great. I was looking forward to this epic battle that the game was promising. The story was solid and I really felt like I was finally the hero I was promised to be.

And then the battle came. And what I got was a one-on-one duel with a slightly tougher bandit. That ending, and the lack of grand punch, soured me enough on the game that I sold it. I don't hate it, but I did feel very let down by the lack-luster ending.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
It was all right.

But you misunderstand. It's a Peter Molyneux game. Any non-strategy game Peter Molyneux makes is to be hated. HAAAAATEEEEEEEEEEED.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Happyninja42 said:
Was it anger over the promised aspects from Peter Molyneuix, and then were left out? I remember something about an idea to have a tree in the game that you plant, and it grows with you, but that it was removed. Is it stuff like that?
Maybe somewhat, but people complained that the user interface was crap, the design was crap, the combat was...okay, it wasn't called crap, but it was complained about....The story was crap, etc.

One day, I will probably play it. But I don't expect much.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I had a few things I really hated. First was the magic system. Made it so that you only really use one spell. Second, I hated the weapons. Its actually a pretty cool idea to have the weapons have tasks to make them reach full power, but it made the legendary weapons lose what made them cool (Like Hammerthyst from Fable 2. Awful weapon, but it was so cool and so unique that I used it for the entire game). Third, I hated the Road to Rule. They made you unlock the stupidest stuff, like dyes. Dye should be something you purchase or find in a treasure chest, not something you level up to get. And expressions were the same way. It made the most fun parts of Fable, the messing around and customization, really play second fiddle to the boring combat (made worse by boring weapons and the spell system I hated). The ending was annoying too.

But the worst crime of all was the freaking one on one interactions with people. You couldn't recruit a huge army of people to follow you make lewd gestures at monks, you couldn't murder a child's family and then give them the finger, you couldn't fart on the food in the store, and you couldn't murder a whole town and then dance on the corpses until everyone loved you again. The ridiculousness of the expressions coupled with a childish sense of humor is what made me like fable.

Despite all of that, I'm actually one of the few people who like fable 2 much more than fable 1. Sure they made it too easy, but I liked the new magic system and enjoyed the ability to freely interact with people in whatever sadistic childish way I felt like. Fable 3 took all that stuff that I loved away (although I did enjoy the chicken costume)


New member
Aug 31, 2009
A big thing about Fable 3 was the hype that preceded it. Peter Molyneux had admitted that Fable and Fable 2 didn't live up to their potential and Fable 3 was meant to be the actual, huge, epic, groundbreaking, breath-taking game that the other two never could have been. What we got instead was a mediocre action-adventure game with broken combat and, vestigial RPG elements. It was incredibly poorly optimized to the Xbox 360 which is a shame considering it was a 360 Exclusive. Playing the job-minigames would cause lag and, slowdown. Texture glitches were everywhere, the start-menu-thing was thought to have caused a lot of the slowdown...There were just a lot of things that weren't fixed from the previous game which came back. Not to mention the end-game and, post-game. Basically, you're given a few hundred days to collect money but you're actually given about 4 'days' of those few hundred, skipping ahead jarringly every time you go on your quest.

We were promised the chance to rule Albion...instead we got to kiss our dog with more passion than the NPCs are capable of comprehending. I liked Fable 2 more than the original and the third despite its flaws but I can barely even play Fable 3. That, Final Fantasy XIII and, Dragon Age 2 are the reason I don't pre-order games anymore.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Eh. It pales in comparison to the first two, and generally reviled, yes. But I have to admit, I did like the magi-gauntlets and the fact that you could duel wield spells and combine them in interesting ways, even if the time slow spell made the game a cakewalk.

Oh, and the ending was kinda really stupid.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
1. It's not on one of the two big consoles.
2. People are angry at Molyneux for promising big and then failing to deliver (and he was developing exclusively for one of the consoles).

That all the ingredients you need for a good old hate recipe.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
The hate for ME3 is usually by people who loved the series but now equate the entirety of 3 games to the last 10 minutes of the third installment.

I do dislike Fable 3, but I would never go out of my way to troll threads about it. It's simply one of the worst games I've ever played, that's all.

Because of: crappy console port, shitty and nonsensical story, weak characters, button spam gameplay, uninteresting environments, ridiculous and childish fluff everywhere, etc.
More reasons here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSaw85bliyQ

But that's all, I don't feel the need to rant about it in every thread it's mentioned.