Fable III Delayed On PC, Still Groovy on Xbox 360


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Thealchemistofwhite said:
Only 1.4 Million around the world? Are you sure you didn't leave out Korea in which the entire country picked up a copy?
1.4 mil boxed copies in 48 hours. Double that when also accounting for digial distribution. And it's main selling point is it's decade long support, initial sales mean shit then. The previous game sold less then a million at launch but is now totally about 11 million copies out there. A bit of extrapolation says that in 12 years, there'll be 30 million of us.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
we're focusing on building experiences optimized for each platform
Isn't it easier to say

"We're trying to put a powerful DRM on the PC version so it's delayed."

You know it's the truth


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Kiefer13 said:
This doesn't surprise me at all. PC gamers are once again being shafted in order to better pander to the console audience.
Oh yes a delay to improve it sure is them giving PC gamers the shaft. Entitlement issues much?


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Amazon.co.uk has been saying for a while now that the release date for the PC version is going to be 12/13 Dec 2010 so tbh nothing new to me


Jul 31, 2008
squid5580 said:
Kiefer13 said:
This doesn't surprise me at all. PC gamers are once again being shafted in order to better pander to the console audience.
Oh yes a delay to improve it sure is them giving PC gamers the shaft. Entitlement issues much?
Well, I do apologise for being annoyed that we're receiving a game later than our console brethren when it was previously said that it'd be releasing simultaneously on both platforms. How very dare I.

It's not even this incident in specific that irritates me. I'm not overly interested in Fable 3. It's the seemingly increasing marginalisation of the PC gaming audience in favour of the larger console owning market. I don't have entitlement issues. I'm just fed up of having developers and publishers think that it's fine to have the PC version of their games released months after the console version and then still ending up being rubbish ports a lot of the time. If they even bother to release the game on PC, that is.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Kiefer13 said:
squid5580 said:
Kiefer13 said:
This doesn't surprise me at all. PC gamers are once again being shafted in order to better pander to the console audience.
Oh yes a delay to improve it sure is them giving PC gamers the shaft. Entitlement issues much?
Well, I do apologise for being annoyed that we're receiving a game later than our console brethren when it was previously said that it'd be releasing simultaneously on both platforms. How very dare I.

It's not even this incident in specific that irritates me. I'm not overly interested in Fable 3. It's the seemingly increasing marginalisation of the PC gaming audience in favour of the larger console owning market. I don't have entitlement issues. I'm just fed up of having developers and publishers think that it's fine to have the PC version of their games released months after the console version and then still ending up being rubbish ports a lot of the time. If they even bother to release the game on PC, that is.
Well if they are "rubbish ports" than why aren't you playing them on the consoles they were designed for? Not only that, ok that is just the tip of the iceburg. We all know by now release dates are tentative at best. They can be hit by Murphy's Law at any given point in time. Stuff gets delayed for one because of another. How is that at all fair? Would you rather have an unpolished glitchy game at the same time a superior console version comes out? Then get to wait the weeks or months it would have taken to get the PC version out. Or see us "consoletards" suffer because you have to suffer?

You wanna know what burns me the most? It isn't the fact that I concede your versions are by far better because you can mod it. The whole which control scheme is better is about as futile as asking which testicle you favor. No it isn't that. You brag about how you get the superior version and how your systems can be modified a billion different ways but when they come out and say "you know what if we are going to utilize your systems to the best of our abilities then you are going to wait but that doesn't mean we are going to make the consoles that are all the same wait" gets your panties in a bunch.


Usually Neutral Good
Feb 8, 2010
Yay, I win the bet with my best friend. And now I get to wait an indefinite period of time longer to get to play this game, so, you know, go me.


Jul 31, 2008
squid5580 said:
Well if they are "rubbish ports" than why aren't you playing them on the consoles they were designed for?
Because I have no desire to own a console. I'm a PC gamer because I prefer the experience of playing games using a PC. Is that so hard to grasp?

squid5580 said:
Not only that, ok that is just the tip of the iceburg. We all know by now release dates are tentative at best. They can be hit by Murphy's Law at any given point in time. Stuff gets delayed for one because of another. How is that at all fair? Would you rather have an unpolished glitchy game at the same time a superior console version comes out? Then get to wait the weeks or months it would have taken to get the PC version out. Or see us "consoletards" suffer because you have to suffer?
Ok, now this annoys me. You're just putting words in my mouth. At NO point did I say I disliked console gamers or would like them to "suffer". And I would never refer to them as "consoletards". I'm a PC gamer, yes. I am however, not an elitist. I'm a PC gamer because that is my personal preference, not because I think it's an objectively superior way to play games, or because I think console gamers are some kind of lower life form. At no point did I say anything like that, so I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to suggest I did.

squid5580 said:
You wanna know what burns me the most? It isn't the fact that I concede your versions are by far better because you can mod it. The whole which control scheme is better is about as futile as asking which testicle you favor. No it isn't that.
I would tend to agree. While I prefer the PC control scheme (which is certainly one of the reasons why I prefer PCs), I would not say that it is definitely the best. merely the one that I prefer.

squid5580 said:
You brag about how you get the superior version and how your systems can be modified a billion different ways but when they come out and say "you know what if we are going to utilize your systems to the best of our abilities then you are going to wait but that doesn't mean we are going to make the consoles that are all the same wait" gets your panties in a bunch.
Yeah, stop stereotyping me as a "PC elitist" please. I'm not stereotyping you as a "consoletard", so it's only common courtesy. I'm not asking that the PC be treated better than the consoles by developers and publishers. Merely equally.


Regular Member
Feb 11, 2009
Abedeus said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Ah well, The Lost Chapters was much better on the PC anyways. We didn't get suckered into buying the same game twice just to get a few hours extra content like the Xbox people.
And it was well-optimized.

In fact, the last poorly optimized game converted from Xbox 360 to PC was GTA IV. Other than that, Gears of War, Devil May Cry 4, Assassin's Creed 2, Mass Effect 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2... all working nicely. And Force Unleashed patched works too.
I'm pretty sure the ME2 PC version was developed first...I think I actually heard that somewhere in an interview or something (If I'm wrong, I apologize). I'm still stinging from the fact that 1) according to what I know/hear, Fable: Lost Chapters sold better on the PC and I was told the chance Fable II would be optimized was "not in a million billion years" and 2) Saint's Row 2 never got DLC for the PC. I loved that game, I've beaten it eight times, and I wanted the extra content.