Favorite/Least Favorite Final Fantasy Protagonist


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Julianking93 said:
Defense said:
How was Cloud whiny?
He did nothing but ***** the entire game.
it seems blatantly hypocritical to say cloud was a bitchy character when you list squall, easily the biggest ***** in final fantasy history, as one of your favorite characters.


New member
May 19, 2008
Julianking93 said:
Defense said:
How was Cloud whiny?
He did nothing but ***** the entire game.
He got mopey a total of like 3 times; when Aerith died, having his will subverted by Sephiroth, and when he had to come to terms with himself and his identity.

All those moments are completely reasonable, but other than that he wasn't "whiny" throughout the game. I fucking hate what Advent Children did to taint his character, but the Cloud in 7 was anything but a whiny *****.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011

Least:Titus, Hope, Vanille

Terra: Most interesting story
Vanille:Voice, I'm positive I'd like her more if she spoke Japanese because they're many characters I've seen act just like her(motherly, ditsy, airhead...) and I didn't mind. Reading dialog and hearing it are completely different to me.


New member
May 16, 2009
Sassafrass said:
Yeah, I agree. Although I love Yuna and Rikku as much as I love Vanille. Yuna I love because it's just Yuna, no reason is needed. Rikku, I love for her peppiness and the fact she's always happy and Vanille because she just grows on you regardless. XD
And I cannot remember Squall too well. I remember Zell though. >>
Good man, I must feel the heat of a thousand whines. XD

Ah, at least you notice he's got a reason to be whiny. But I forgive him for his whininess and elaborate revenge fantasy on Snow because he actually has a reason to be. I mean, I doubt anyone here could honestly say at the age of 14, if they watched their mum fall/be dropped to their death (Hope thought Snow dropped his mum so Snow could escape, I believe, hence revenge fantasy.) they'd be able to shrug that off and bury the emotion deep inside them without snapping at some point.
Well, lookie there. I leave for 5 minutes and I come here to 5 new messages telling me how wrong I am! Let the hate begin! XD

True. Yuna needs no reason to be loved... though that pop concert at the beginning of X-2 killed me >.>
However, Rikku was awesome as was Paine. Loved her look :D
I loved Squall though. I thought his character was very sympathetic and, unlike what some people say, very understandable as to why he was bitchy. cough, fuck you Cloud, cough

Right but I still thought it was quite whiny. Understandable but annoying. I really didn't like Snow that much either but... meh, he was okay I suppose. Hope was at least useful as a good healer :3


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Favorite: Zidane, Prishe, Balthier

Least Favorite: Hope, Yuffie

I've always had a soft spot for Zidane. Really well developed and just overall likeable.

Don't even get me started on Yuffie.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
I can't pick one favorite or dislike, there's just too many. I can narrow it down to a few though;

Favorites- Yuffie, Wakka, Terra, Yuna, FF7 Cid, and Vanille

Hates/Dislikes- Vaan, the entire cast of FF12 + Vaan, and...um...oh yeah, Vaan.


New member
May 16, 2009
-Seraph- said:
campofapproval said:
Random Argument Man said:
Holy mother of Christ you guys are defensive.
That's fine for taking up for a character but come on, it's not like I'm attacking him....
...well okay, I am, but so what?
I personally didn't like Cloud because he did nothing but complain throughout FF7.
Granted, I haven't beaten FF7 because I despise the game, the story, the characters and the gameplay itself.
Cloud got on my nerves. Plain and simple. I'm not saying he sucks or that he's a bad character.
I just didn't like him

He wasn't sympathetic and Areth was fucking annoying too.


New member
May 16, 2009
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
You do know that pop concert wasn't Yuna, and she wanted nothing to do with singing originally, right?
I do indeed but at the time I first played it, not really knowing anything about the characters, I just thought it was kinda... stupid. But of course, I grew to love Yuna after that and especially when I played X


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Julianking93 said:
-Seraph- said:
campofapproval said:
Random Argument Man said:
Holy mother of Christ you guys are defensive.
That's fine for taking up for a character but come on, it's not like I'm attacking him.
I personally didn't like Cloud because he did nothing but complain throughout FF7.
Granted, I haven't beaten FF7 because I despise the game, the story, the characters and the gameplay itself.
Cloud got on my nerves. Plain and simple. I'm not saying he sucks or that he's a bad character.
I just didn't like him

He wasn't sympathetic and Areth was fucking annoying too.
I'd like to think that you just don't know what you're talking about, considering you didn't finish the game. A few lines of dialogue showing how whiny he was would be nice.

Honestly, the worst character was probably Yuffie, and even she wasn't terrible.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Julianking93 said:
Well, lookie there. I leave for 5 minutes and I come here to 5 new messages telling me how wrong I am! Let the hate begin! XD

True. Yuna needs no reason to be loved... though that pop concert at the beginning of X-2 killed me >.>
However, Rikku was awesome as was Paine. Loved her look :D
I loved Squall though. I thought his character was very sympathetic and, unlike what some people say, very understandable as to why he was bitchy. cough, fuck you Cloud, cough

Right but I still thought it was quite whiny. Understandable but annoying. I really didn't like Snow that much either but... meh, he was okay I suppose. Hope was at least useful as a good healer :3
Eh, this site is predictable sometimes. Ah well, it's all opinions anyways, doesn't matter. XD

...I secretly very much enjoy that pop concert and song. In fact...I actually paid 1000 Gil to buy it in the Luca Sphere Theatre, just so I could hear it again. And I did the same for 1000 Words as well. >> ...I love the music in X-2, simply put.
Ah, Paine was sort of hit and miss for me. She had her moments but she was pretty much the sensible one Square needed to add after including the following happy main characters: Buddy, Brother, Rikku, Paine and Bar-keep. Only Paine and Shinra have any sort of "mature" moments, where they act sensibly. But I did like Paine's look too. :D
Ah, I can;t remember too much about Squall. All I remember about VIII is Quintis (School teacher with a whip? Hello fantasy! XD), Selphie (My sisters friend cosplayed as her ALL THE TIME.) and the fucking awesome intro scene. XD

Ah, fair enough then. Not gonna try and change you to my train of thought. And I'm unsure on Snow myself. I mean, he's a bit of a douche-bag with the hero crap he spouts but he eventually gets bearable after he and Hope become friendly. And Hope is a good healer, although I always used Vanille myself. :3


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Favorite: Freya Crescent from FFIX (and if anyone has an argument about 'protagonist', look it up in a dictionary) reason: simple, SHE JUST IS
least favorite: everyone else. period. i will only ever play FFIX, no matter what anyone suggests or says about the gameplay or graphics- and only because of Freya. in my personal opinion, everyone else pales in comparison to her perfection.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Favorite: Cecil. Zack. Bartz. Terra. Laguna, (he's somewhat of a protagonist throughout FF8). And last but not least, Firion.

Least favorite: Tidus, really. I would insert Squall, but I don't dislike/hate him nearly as much as I thought I would since playing through Final Fantasy VIII for my first time, recently.


New member
May 16, 2009
Sassafrass said:
Eh, this site is predictable sometimes. Ah well, it's all opinions anyways, doesn't matter. XD

...I secretly very much enjoy that pop concert and song. In fact...I actually paid 1000 Gil to buy it in the Luca Sphere Theatre, just so I could hear it again. And I did the same for 1000 Words as well. >> ...I love the music in X-2, simply put.
Ah, Paine was sort of hit and miss for me. She had her moments but she was pretty much the sensible one Square needed to add after including the following happy main characters: Buddy, Brother, Rikku, Paine and Bar-keep. Only Paine and Shinra have any sort of "mature" moments, where they act sensibly. But I did like Paine's look too. :D
Ah, I can;t remember too much about Squall. All I remember about VIII is Quintis (School teacher with a whip? Hello fantasy! XD), Selphie (My sisters friend cosplayed as her ALL THE TIME.) and the fucking awesome intro scene. XD

Ah, fair enough then. Not gonna try and change you to my train of thought. And I'm unsure on Snow myself. I mean, he's a bit of a douche-bag with the hero crap he spouts but he eventually gets bearable after he and Hope become friendly. And Hope is a good healer, although I always used Vanille myself. :3
Very predictable. How fun! Care to pitch in? ;D

Hehe, it wasn't terrible but at the time I was just like... "Uhh... what?" but the whole setting grew on me.
But yeah, the music is great, like I tried to post to you earlier, so I'll do it again here just so I can hear it xD
Yeah, I see what you mean but... I don't know I just liked her throughout for some reason. Perhaps it's because of the look, I don't know but she did have some moments of just sorta "Shut the fuck up" but... oh wait, I'm thinking of Rikku, never mind. Still liked her too but she was a bit annoying to me in the beginning :p
Hm. Well, I think it was because I played Kingdom Hearts before I played any Final Fantasy and I liked him from that on so he just stuck with me for whatever reason :3

He's okay and I liked that he was really douchey to begin with and then just grew into the hero he wanted to be towards the end. Of course though, Vanille is always superior ^_^
Defense said:
I'd like to think that you just don't know what you're talking about, considering you didn't finish the game. A few lines of dialogue showing how whiny he was would be nice.

Honestly, the worst character was probably Yuffie, and even she wasn't terrible.
Uhh.... how about the entire first level?

Every character from that game, to me was built pretty much out of stereotypes.
Cloud's just built as the stoic protagonist, yet still is whiny and bitchy at everything. "Oh I'm depressed, but really I'm not" "I wanna kill myself, but really I want to live" and back and forth throughout.
He may have his reasons for it but... I never really saw it. Perhaps it was indeed because I didn't play it all the way through or simply that I am just some fucking idiot who can't understand deep characters, but to me, Cloud was the most annoying main character of any FF I've played.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Fave: Locke
Awesome backround story and all around good character

Least: Vaan
He was just a immature kid the creators shoe-horned in the game so Balthier wouldn't be considered the main character since piracy in general in a no-no in Japan. I know it's the same for Penelo, but I just found Vaan more annoying.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
Julianking93 said:
Cloud got on my nerves. Plain and simple. I'm not saying he sucks or that he's a bad character.
I just didn't like him
There ya go. You didn't need to say more and you would probably have had less shit about it.

Note* I didn't think Cloud was "whiny" until Advent Children. That movie just re-enforced misconceptions about him. Although, He isn't my favorite protagonist.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Favorite: Squall, Zidane

Least: Vaan

I'm probably in the minority when I say that I liked Squall's character arc. I took FF8, at its core, to be a character study of Squall and his movement away from total introversion. In this, I think Squall's characterization is a success. His turning points are all a bit cookie cutter and absurd, and he is a pretty cookie cutter character himself. But at the end, I felt like I understood how and why he was able to change. The Ragnarok scene also made me shed manly tears.

I like Zidane because he's not a disturbed mess of various psychological disorders (see: just about every other lead FF protagonist). All he wants to do is get into Garnet's pants. I can respect that.

I couldn't get into FF12 because of Vaan. I really hated him. I'm probably not giving Vaan a real chance, since I quit the game maybe ~15 hours in. But I quit because I really couldn't stand Vaan. He was like Tidus, except Tidus has a reason to be a whiny ***** (ie: being torn from everyone/everything he knows and finding out his entire existence is a lie). Vaan has a dead brother. Boo-fucking-hoo. In FF universe, everyone has at least one wrongly murdered/dead family member.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Since the thread moved away from main PC to all PCs within the first five posts...

Favorites: Vanille, Yuna, and Aeris.
Least Favorites: Zell, Pennelo, Wakka

Aeris and Yuna are both strong female protagonists - willing to give their lives to save others. I just love that.

Vanille was so wonderfully flawed, I found her immediately compelling - I went into that game expecting to like Lightening, and instead Vanille stole the story. It was great.

Zell and Wakka... too much zany comic relief for me.

And finally, Pennelo, also known as "wait, why am I here again?" I'd add Vaan too, but at least he was interested in what was going on.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Favorite is playing as Kefka in Dissidia. No. It counts.

And then, for my least favorite, I'll be be completely unoriginal with the whole "Vaan had nothing to do with anything".