Favorite Moments In Gaming For You


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
So I was just randomly thinking about old games I'd played, and the ones that I enjoyed and why. So I thought I'd start a thread where we could share our fun times playing games. It can be single player or multiplayer, just stuff that makes you go "damn gaming is fun!"

So, a few that randomly come to mind, the first is an old one, back when Tribes 2 was a fresh title.

I played the shit out of that game back in the day, holy shit it was fun. And I usually played on a server called Houston Vehicles, because it usually had the largest team sizes of most dedicated servers (I think it was 40v40 if I recall correctly), so it made for some crazy fun massive fights.

Anyway, I'm not super great at competitive shooters, especially if it's all about twitch shooting response, so I usually never played as a light armor sniper type. I usually played as a support role, either running around deploying sensors, armor stations, etc. I was really good at, and enjoyed, supplying the network that made the other players more effective at the combat. My favorite thing to do, that most people didn't ever bother with, was bombing, specifically, playing the tailgunner. I loved that shit, and I was really good at it. I remember one night in particular, the inspiration for this thread, where me and 2 other guys were just on fire for bombing. It was a total random pairing up, but we synched up like never before, or after. I equipped a mobile replenish station, and we would fly off to the side of the map, and drop it in a hidden location, to serve as our replenishment base. I usually would run either a jammer with a massive stack of flares, or a repair kit..and a massive stack of flares. I always ran in heavy armor, so I had that insane mortar cannon as well, and holy shit did we just wreck their base for like, a solid hour of matches. The pilot was really damn good, the bomber as well, and I kept the surface defenses off us with the jammer, and flares if any got through. And we basically just won those fights for our team, over and over, because we suppressed the enemy forces so badly, they just never were able to recover. If things got bad, we'd fly off to our little spot, the pilot would hop out and repair, and I'd lumber over to replenish my ammo and flares, and off we'd fly again. That was some of the most fun I've ever had in multiplayer competitive, and I've never really been able to replicate it since. The closest I've had was in Planetside 2, but it just wasn't the same.

Another time, was playing Overwatch, and it was a CTP match. We were both bouncing back and forth on points, and were both very close to having enough % control to win, if one of us could just hold onto the point long enough to push it over the edge. I was playing Reinhardt, my beautiful boisterous bruiser, and we had JUST taken back control of the point, but everyone on the team had died due to somebody's ult or something, so I was alone, guarding the point, and another wave of enemy units were just making it back to the control point. It was a map where they had to come down a hallway to get to the point, so they were kind of bottlenecked. I was standing there, with my shield up, while the game was literally counting down from 10-0 and our victory, and I was like "...shit, this is probably not going to go well." So I had my shield up, and they were tossing damage my way, and I'm just trying to hold out until other people show up, but I quickly learn that's just not going to happen in time, and my shield is about to break. So, trying to time it right, down to I think the count of 3, I hit my ult....and HAMMER DOWN!! Which caught the entire enemy team in the blastwave, knocking them on their ass. Afterwhich the timer counted down to zero, and we won. My team, a random pug just lost their shit in the voice chat, and I basked in the glow of digital victory which was mostly just luck. But damn was it satisfying.

So what about you? What moments in gaming are the moments you think back to and are like "this...this is why I play games, for stuff like this."

It doesn't have to be multiplayer, even though my 2 examples were.