The idea that the FCC can accomplish meaningful Net Neutrality policy in a nation so under the thumb of corporate interests as America is laughable. The politicians are bought and sold by corporate interests before they even take office, corporate lobbyists influence and even entirely write up laws and feed them into the Congress through those shills, and large segments of the population are so brainwashed by corporate advertising that they will willingly throw away their own consumers rights rather than let "th' gummint" protect them from organisations who's sole motivation is to extract money from their wallets by any means necessary.
skitzo van said:
First they make prohibitions on sounds on television, and now this.
This is possibly the least mature way to go about this but who cares,
fuck you FCC. Fuck you.
Case in point. We can but hope that, when the Great Paywall of America goes live, the EU maintains some semblance of sanity. The Chinese and the Aussies are already done for, it would appear we're going to be the last bastion of net freedom.