20 years ago today, the Driver series did its first tyre-screeching, hill jumping, traffic cone smashing powerslide across TV screens all over Europe. Five days later it would be smashing up all those cop cars in the US too. And driving in games was never the same again.
Did you experience the Driver series? Perhaps you were there at the start, when Driver changed open world games forever in 1999. Maybe you only jumped in with the recent Driver: San Francisco, reviewed quite favourably on this site by Yahtzee- much to his own astonishment. Perhaps someone gifted you the notorious Driv3r thinking it was Vice City, much to your disgust.
Whatever the story you have with Driver, I'd like to hear it. Did you stay up all night editing your own car chase movies together, as many of us did? Or were you satisfied with Grand Theft Auto's more varied -though much less polished- vehicular mayhem?
And be honest here... did you make it past the carpark? You know the one I'm talking about...