Feudal America - A super-power RP in modern day America (Game Thread)

The Harkinator

Did something happen?
Jun 2, 2010
James had rushed off to set up his tent bringing a few assistants with him to carry the tarpaulin for the tent. They wouldn't need a frame thought James, radioing Warren's instructions as he ran. Speed was of course essential and that was something he had in abundance, though he had to stay slow for the sake of his assistants. His torso complained, still not fully healed from previous events.

'Down on the streets, where is Warren, where is Warren, where is Warren?' James thought, as his assistants were left holding tarpaulin, a fold up table and chair. James clutched the microphone and earpiece, directing his people closer to the events. Some of them were visibly afraid to get closer to danger but it was necessary.

They met Warren close by at a suitable location. "Warren, here is where we build the frame though keep to the side yourself, ladies and gentlemen, set up the tent, we are now the forward base."

Everyone went to work in a flash, 'Palm Bay,' thought James, 'with people like these how can we fail?'

James now had to pretend to be a grunt, putting on what he thought was his most convincing American accent. He had to get all of the information running to this tent, setting up the microphone he opened with the order, "All communications report in, this is HQ. All reports will be sent here from now on. All stations check in and keep regular reports."

James really hoped he sounded convincing on the microphone. Turning to his assistants he said, "Thank you for your help, return to the command centre, you will be safer there." He could get away if the forward base came under attack, they could not.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009

Rico looked from the bleeding Arab to the wave of armed men charging the town.

"KILL THEM ALL!" they shouted.

Rico cursed. Kill them all? Not on his damned watch.

Rico stayed near the Arab and Darryl-Clone, waiting for some of the men to get closer.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Not a moment seemed to pass before the clown was back for more potshots at his men. The bullets came speeding their way, but the Arab was ready this time. He turned back to the speeding projectiles and let out a loud "GRAAAAH!"

The bullets slowed to a halt mid-air, before speeding back the way they came, the projectiles skimming the clothes and barely grazing the skin of Fromanzio, luckily enough for him. He flew away before any of Mercury's men could return fire. They settled by turning their weapons even more threateningly to those who still remained and surrounded them. Their weapons were pointed in every direction, from the surrounding buildings to the high ledges.

"You have FIVE SECONDS to salvage this," the Arab explained to the clone. "before I get impatient and put a bullet in your head, a bullet in his ass," he continued, pointing at Rico, then pointing at City Hall. "and a Jonesy in that building!"


New member
Nov 16, 2010
Palm Bay needed the fuel and could ill afford a direct confrontation with Mecrury's Empire, not yet. Fromanzio would not be allowed to sabotage this fledgling Republic before it had even taken it's first few breaths.

"The clown has gone rogue! Ottis, Grav, bring him down! But don't kill him! Warren grab him as soon a-"


The sound of the improvised bombs going off was easily heard as John and his large entourage ran down back alley ways and towards city hall.

Returning to his stride; "as soon as he lands, but don't kill him! Everyone else stand down; do not engage! We need these visitors unharmed! Rico shield the Ar..."

Darryl interrupted him; "The Arab man is battered, but fine. He's pointing a gun at my head and Fromanzio has managed to escape."

The Arab man's voice could be heard over Rico's radio; "WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK!"

John implored Darryl with the utmost urgency; "We have to placate him! Beg his forgiveness, give him treatment and a gift of food as pennance and then get the trade deal going again! The sooner he is out of the town the better!"

"...and a Jonesy in that building!" Who or what was Jonesy? Before he could dwell on it, a familiar voice spoke over another frequency;

"This is Fromanzio, need a medic now. Wounds are bleeding and ow. Hey so turns out they planned to invade after all. Who would have guessed?"

"What were you thinking?!" Did Fromanzio think he was fooling anyone? Actually, probably not; John paused and weighed the options; "Christ we can talk about this later; get to the nearest hospital."

Changing the frequency, John now radioed ahead to that very hospital "Fromanzio will be coming in. Treat him for whatever he needs, but take extra long - I need to have a word with him."


New member
Jul 6, 2011
"I don't think I'll be able to drop by..." He said over the radio he slowly lowered his radio.

Gavin stood in place, the engineers looking at the wall towards where the explosion and gunfire had come from. No, no he fucking didn't. Fromanzio had gone over to see what was going on before Gavin could stop him, mainly due to the fact that Fromanzio had a fucking bomb strapped to his chest! Gavin figured he would've just floated a few yards away, in case things got out of hand.

Apparently Fromanzio was the hand and what just got out was a bomb or any chance of fucking peace. Gavin was breathing heavily, trying to process what the fuck he'd just witnessed. He was pulled back by a number of voices on his radio.

"The clown has gone rogue! Ottis, Grav, bring him down! But don't kill him! Warren grab him as soon a-"John ordered before being cut off by an explosion in the background.

"The Arab man is battered, but fine. He's pointing a gun at my head and Fromanzio has managed to escape." He heard Darryl say. Gavin was even more pissed now. Fromanzio had put Darryl in danger, well, one of his clones, but Darryl the same. He'd come to learn that if one of them got hurt, they all felt the pain. If something happened to him-

"You have FIVE SECONDS to salvage this," Gavin heard the Arab man yelled over someones radio, probably Darryl's. "before I get impatient and put a bullet in your head, a bullet in his ass," Who else had Fromansio put in danger? "and a Jonesy in that building!"
Who the hell was Jonesy?

"This is Fromanzio, need a medic now. Wounds are bleeding and ow. Hey so turns out they planned to invade after all. Who would have guessed?" Gavin twitched. Was he honestly trying to play it off? Why was he-

"Christ we can talk about this later; get to the nearest hospital." He heard John say over the radio. Was he ACTUALLY buying into his bull. Gavin stopped listening at that point and prepared himself. So many things were swirling in his head as Gavin tried to figure out what was swirling in Fromanzio's. And then things began to click. John winced and Miriam couldn't control him. These two details stood out in his mind, but he couldn't see why. All he did know was that Fromanzio was starting to...slip to the "dark side". Or had he for awhile?

Gavin picked up his radio to tell John he was going after Fromanzio, but put it down. Gavin wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he wasn't sure if he wanted anyone else to know. He was even more afraid of them being okay with it. He looked down at the bomb in his harness.

"I have to stop him before he get's worse." Gavin muttered. He wanted to believe it was an accident, plenty of supers had accidents. But sometimes those accidents became plans. Evil plans. He looked down at his grappling hook. Fromanzio had guns and Gavin could only dodge for so long. But if his plan worked, he wouldn't have to. He'd just act all chummy, like he'd come to talk about battle plans and how to deal with Mercury's now that they were "attacking." It would look like Fromanzio went wild again and ended up blowing himself to bits. And Gavin would simply have been caught following orders. To go after Fromanzio. He broke off from the engineers and took off.

"I-i'll stop him now and-and we'll be done with it. The weak end cut-off..." He breathed, as if scared of his own voice.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
"You have FIVE SECONDS to salvage this before I get impatient and put a bullet in your head, a bullet in him ass, and a Jonesy in that building!"

Palm Bay: The only place where you can go from a peaceful afternoon to invasions triggered by murderous flying clown attacks in less than twenty minutes. It was as if Cracked.com had a baby with Stephen King.

Darryl turned and tried to calm the Arab. Rico glanced back and forth, ready to jump in front of the next damned bullet that flew, no matter who shot it. A few seconds later, something clicked, and he swiftly raised the radio to his face. "Sir, the Arab is a super. He pushed a hail of bullets back at the attacker by yelling rather loudly."

The Arab turned his gun and aimed it at Rico, paying close attention to what he was saying. As tactful and aware of his surroundings as ever, Rico looked at the gun dismissively before adding "Also, I hope that diarrhea-smear of a clown contracts cholera on his way to Bruddah Satah-daye's hospital, gets his soul sucked out there, is absorbed back up his mother's lady-bits and dies."

The Harkinator

Did something happen?
Jun 2, 2010
"All stations this is HQ, be aware that all intruders to the city are to be considered dangerous. Be advised they have supers with them, a man known as The Arab is a confirmed super."

James had reports coming in from all over the place, it seems that Fromanzio had started the conflict and gotten himself wounded in the process. Now the clown was asking for a medic to go and save him. James could send one if he wanted, 'That would put the medic in danger, sending them closer to a warzone. It would put the medic in danger being in close proximity to Fromanzio anyway.' James decided somebody else could help Fromanzio today.

"All stations be advised, use restraint when dealing with the intruders. Do not engage unless attacked, I repeat, you are under orders not to engage unless attacked. HQ out."

That sounded professional enough, then James realised he had forgotten to put on an American accent for using the radio. He hoped the other stations would still follow orders.


New member
Nov 16, 2010
John was now making his way to the hospital; he needed to see the clown before he could escape.

James had been taking charge of the men on the ground, and relaying the orders to those who had not received them. Tuning his radio to James'; "Darryl is going to be the front man on this, but have the negotiations conducted in the tent and take note everything you can. If you can, find out who or what this Jonesy is, but make sure you don't provoke them!"

Now, turning to Darryl; "Negotiate; get as good a deal as you can and get him out of this city as soon as you can. Make sure you pass on every word." Darryl nodded.

John and the entourage consisting of Darryl and a large group of soldiers and comms officers made their way towards the hospital as fast as they could.

Reports on the locations of the supers were coming in. It was noted that Grav was also making his way there. Perhaps unfortunately, not much thought was given to this particular report.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
All in a few seconds shit hit the fan. Bombs, troops, guns and threats. Ottis thought to himself "It must be Monday". Picking up his old bones and heading out of his sniper's nest. Looking back to ground level situation and hoping the other supers of the city haven't eaten yet today.

"Christ we can talk about this later; get to the nearest hospital."

Ottis thinking to him self about current shit storm and laughed, "Either way we are fucked".

Starting to jog to the closest Hospital, he knew the others would get there before him. His Ipod started playing Dennis Leary's song Asshole. Ottis chuckled as electricity danced between his fingers.

Dennis Leary's Asshole (Uncensored Version)


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Gavin landed on the roof of the hospital. He noticed a few blood stains leading into towards a door. Now doubt he'd managed to get a doctor to help him out. Finding him wouldn't be too hard, just look for the doctors and nurses who look slightly more agitated than they normally are. This brought up a question in Gavin's head. What was he going to do about the civilians? He could just set off a bomb in a hospital, full of people probably already in shitty situations. Then it occurred to him, he shouldn't do this at all. He sat down, in thought.

"What the hell am I doing..." Gavin muttered, vague memories of other supers passing through his head.

"You don't want to do it, but You have too before...something happens. You've seen this before Gavin, supers who think they can do as they wish in the field just because they're 'super'. Who think they can handle everything, who think they know better. Whenever one of these idiots show up, people either die due to fake heroics or the super in question becomes a true villain. End it now, before something terrible happens."

He hated this thing he did in his head, where his thoughts start fighting each other. Contrasting and comparing the situation at hand.

"That's not fair to Fromanzio though, killing him because of something he may do? Perhaps he isn't fully their? Perhaps he just got a bit trigger happy? Don't act like you don't overdue it sometimes. And besides, who are you to make such a choice? When did you become the judge, jury, and executioner? You criticize those who "think they know better," but isn't that what you'd be doing if you killed Fromanzio. You'd be no better than anyone else, especially him."

Gavin shook his head, pacing the hospital roof and walking into the building. No, no, no, he couldn't take the risk, Fromanzio needed to be put down. It's always the average guys, the "simple supers" with A-list powers who end up ruining everything. Gavin wasn't going to let that happen, he was going to deal with Fromanzio. He tell them that Mercury's men were attacking. Now doubt there was a shitload of crazy chatter on the radio, so he might believe it. He'd tell him he was followed, that they were gonna land soon, and that patients should be moved down a few floors. Yes, that would work. That should a safe distance. Plenty of room for a blast. And if it came to it...

A decent fight.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Jon would be coming soon, Fromanzio debated sitting around, but he figured that by the time the nurse had removed all the shrapnel, Jon would show up so no harm in waiting a tiny bit right? Jon wasn't big on fighting, and it seemed he could do little to actually fight Fromanzio. Besides, Fromanzio had his hands on his guns the whole time, which made the nurse very nervous. Especially considering the fact that the other nurse had only just recently been cleaned off the streets.

As the nurse removed bits of shrapnel from Fromanzio's back, he heard steps from the roof. Nobody else could fly except...Grav? What was he doing here? Jon had no ability to fly but maybe he had Grav do it or something? This was all confusing. He decided to yell.

"Hey Grav, don't be surprised I know it's you, did you bring Jon? No of course not, he would have said something. Other reasons? Fromanzio is curious. Perhaps they shot you too? The nurse can help us both! Or have you come for something else?"


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Gavin stopped dead in his tracks, hearing Fromanzio's voice. The hell? Down a hallway, Gavin saw a nurse removing shrapnel from a guy in a colorful suit. Fromanzio had taken a few shots apparently. Hopefully he wouldn't have as much energy as usual, but knowing him,Fromanzio was probably ready to get back out there. Now or never, he supposed. Gavin made his way down the hall, looking around frantically. Most of the patients seemed movable and the bomb probably wouldn't do too much damage if any to the lower floors. He walked into the room and looked at the nurse.

"We have to get everyone off the floor." Gavin said, shaking a bit. "Things have gone to hell. Mercury's men were merely distracting us with the 'negotiations.' Fromanzio, luckily you ruined their plans with your bomb. I don't know how you figured it out and I don't want to know, point is that they'll going all out and they're coming here. Apparently they're going after the most powerful supers. A.K.A you, me, and everyone else. They're also going after things such as hospitals, government buildings-you get the point!" Gavin yelled a bit. Stress made Gavin jittery, and planing to kill a guy was unsurprisingly stressful.

"They're coming by air, so we should probably head to the roof. Get everyone off this floor and lower, if possible."


New member
Dec 25, 2008
"They're coming by air, so we should probably head to the roof. Get everyone off this floor and lower, if possible."

Fromanzio shook his head and patted Grav on the back. "You seem to have your stories mixed up. The bombs did nothing to them and Fromanzio actually got wounded. The negotiations are still on and..."

Fromanzio noticed the buzzing walkie talkie owned by his fellow super. That was weird...he should know and...wait...

Fromanzio reached back and grabbed his guns. The nurse fled from the room leaving just Fromanzio and Grav.

"Your lies have just cost Fromanzio a nurse and this is going to inconvenience us a lot. Jon will be here soon so start telling Fromanzio why you are lying now."

Fromanzio turned off the safeties to his guns and a small crowd had gathered outside the doors. Some were screaming but others were watching in horror. A nurse yelled, "Not again!"


New member
Jul 6, 2011
"Son of a *****..." Gavin muttered before firing a repulsive burst. Fromanzio stumbled back a bit but began to regain his composure. Gavin jumped forward, gliding across the room, and and tackled him, sending them both through a window. Gavin pushed off Fromanzio's body, aimed for the roof, and flew over. He rolled onto the roof, breathing heavily.

"In a few moments, he'll come flying up, guns blazing." Gavin said to himself, letting the bomb float in front of him. He readied it, trying to predict the number of ways Fromanzio would come over the roof. "And then it'll be over..."


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Fromanzio had fallen back a bit. On the roof he could see Grav and what looked like the bombs that he was using. Was that his plan? What did Fromanzio do?

Hey, what the hell did I do to him?

Oh well, a number of things but those could all be attributed to you being a psychopath.

Love you too.

Fromanzio decided to fly around the back, far enough away to dodge the bomb if Grav was dumb enough to throw it. The shrapnel was mostly gone which meant that Fromanzio was bleeding a bit more and feeling a tiny bit off, though it would be a while before anything got dangerous.

Once he had gone far enough behind, about thirty meters behind the hospital, Fromanzio shot two clips of his submachine guns at Grav. Preparing to dodge the bomb.

"Bad time to betray us Grav!"


New member
Jul 6, 2011
"Bad time to betray us Grav!" Gavin heard the him fire his guns and jumped backwards through the air, the bomb following him. He felt the bullets batter his vest and nick his thigh, but kept rising before he found himself above Fromanzio. What had he just said? Gavin was a bit too angry to throw the bomb when he should've.

"I'm the betrayer? I'm sorry, who felt the sudden need to drop his bomb during the negotiations against people who could ruin all we've accomplished? Oh, that's right, the stupid rainbow fuck! I'm not letting you ruin this! I'm not letting another cocky super tear apart the only order I've seen in months!" Gavin sent the bomb flying at Fromanzio.

"Eat it!"


New member
Dec 25, 2008
"Eat it!"

Fromanzio was glad Grav wasn't thinking straight, otherwise that might have had a chance to directly hit him. The bombs instead went straight to the street and took out the side of the hospital, as well as the building next to it. The buildings wouldn't collapse, the supports are in the middle after all but holes in buildings were never a good thing.

Fromanzio looked wide eyed at the carnage below. People were splattered across the pavement, blood and fire littered the pavement and it wasn't Fromanzio that did it. He had to laugh. So he did.

Fromanzio pointed at Grav and yelled back "Oh? Fromanzio is the one destroying order while being cocky? You just blew up twenty people! Half of which worked at the hospital!" Fromanzio's laughs were interrupted as he landed on the roof.

"At this point, you have little to threaten Fromanzio with, if you wish to continue combat instead of helping the survivors of your own mayham then we will be happy to oblige, until then Fromanzio still has some shrapnel to remove and is starting to feel light headed."

Fromanzio hopped through the window and yelled for the nurse to come back.

The Harkinator

Did something happen?
Jun 2, 2010
"All stations this is HQ, confirm that negotiations are still possible. If so direct their chosen ambassador to this location, if not, form defences." James hoped the intruders would be willing to negotiate and leave with as little damage done as possible.

James still had one other duty to carry out, "Forward base, this is HQ, intruders made some comment as to something called a Jonesy. Can you confirm what this is?" There could be no surprises if Palm Bay was to survive unscathed.

Who were these people? What did they want? What is their intention?


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Ottis got to the base of the Hospital as some people ran out from it.

"Ugh. Hope it ain't a bloody fuckin mess in there" as he slowly strode in.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
"Well damn..."

Whatever the supers were planning with the other group, it had been wreck to hell and back thanks to the insane clown. Why anyone would bother to add him in as part of any plan was beyond Chucky, but either way it was time to get into the fight. Chucky sped away from the entrance of the palace to keep himself away from any stray shrapnel from the explosions and surveyed the scene.

A few of the supers he reckonized from the rebellion were being held at gunpoint by an Arab guy. First things first. Blast the bajesus out of that guy.

"Suck my diiiiiiiiccck!

Charles fired several orbs of purple energy from his gauntlets towards the man's head while maintaining his shield with his free hand. Several of them strike the man and makes him stumble, getting the men he was guarding out of the line of fire for the moment. The man looked dazed, so Charles powered up his shields by putting both regulators in defensive mode and barreling towards him.