FFVII Remake & Advent Children.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
In my opinion, it's pretty much a given that the FFVII remake is going to lift ideas and visual stylings from its canon sequel, Final Fantasy: Advent Children. So what are your thoughts on this?

I personally prefer Advent Children (Complete) to the original Final Fantasy VII videogame in terms of story, music, characters, etc. But whether I want FFVII Remake to imitate it wholesale is another matter. The characters in Advent Children are older, with different personalities as a result of their experiences. There's a risk FFVII characters could be retconned to make them more like their Advent Children incarnations, which would be a very bad idea. I think the Advent Children soundtrack is better than the FFVII soundtrack, but it wouldn't necessarily fit the original game's themes and tone.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
From the trailer the remake is not going to look quite as good as that film during gameplay, but the FMV's look much better. Barret better proportioned, Cloud still looks too scrawny but whatever. The gang also looks really good.

Maximum Bert

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Feb 3, 2013
I like advent children but gotta be honest I am not a fan of the expansion of the FFVII universe that came with later games and the film. I like them in that I get to see the characters I love again but I dislike it in that I feel it dilutes what has already happened and the fact they seem to have no idea what they are doing with some characters most notably Cloud as he seems to have a different personality in every damn game or movie.

I am almost certain they will retcon some of the original story to make it fit better into their expanded universe and that is more of what I am not looking forward to and hope it is kept to a minimum if they do indeed go down that route. As for characters looks give the Advent Children cast their original FVII outfits and I will be happy as they looked damn good in that film.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Let's face it, Nomura and Kitase are gonna bungle the game by trying to cram in the AC and other Compilation crap in. AC itself was stupid if harmless; it doesn't understand what made Cloud or the other characters and is just a mess, if visually dynamic. The other Compilation stuff is just DUMB, like Dirge of Cerberus which was a terrible shooter trying to retcon Vincent as more important than he actually was or Crisis Core which shoved one of the most INSUFFERABLE self-insert characters in history in the form of Genesis into the storyline. It amazes me how despite that that guys like Kitase and Nomura worked on the original game they clearly don't get what made it work. This isn't going to end well.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I think it looks phenomenal to be honest. They are keeping very true to the original designs but with a new-gen make-over. That trailer got me as excited about the remake as tidbits of information in paper magazines got me excited about the original way back in 1997. :p It strikes that perfect balance between nostalgia and something new. Didn't think this would ever happen to be honest. Absolutely amazing.

I think FF7 Remake looks more like what we've seen of FF15 so far than Advent Children, which had a lot more 'bishonen' aesthetic(one I didn't really like). Anyways this trailer was the coolest thing at what was an otherwise kind of disappointing Playstation Experience.

CritialGaming said:
Cloud still looks too scrawny but whatever.
I'm glad they're staying true to the original design rather than turning him into a westernized beefcake.

Sniper Team 4

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Apr 28, 2010
stroopwafel said:
CritialGaming said:
Cloud still looks too scrawny but whatever.
I'm glad they're staying true to the original design rather than turning him into a westernized beefcake.
No argument here. Cloud has always had those super skinny arms, even back in the first CGI cutscenes in the original game. And before people say that they just couldn't render him as buff, they certainly had no problem making Barrett look like a tank. If anything, the new Barrett needs MORE muscle on him.

Anyway, I'm totally fine if they choose to use the Advent Children character models. They all look like the characters should--I mean, you knew right away that it was Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge because even though they are more human-looking now with the AC treatment, they're still wearing the same gear and outfits. I think it will be great to see some of these scenes recreated with the new style.
Sadly, I fear it means that Tifa's insane chest is going to be toned down, because otherwise she had a reduction job by the time the movie came out. Or who knows? Maybe they'll keep her stacked like that and just go, "Why the hell not?".


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2010
United States
The art style of Advent Children was fine. It's pretty much what I imagined the FFVII world looking like if it ever got a face lift. The problem with Advent Children was the writing, not the art style.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
Zetatrain said:
The problem with Advent Children was the writing, not the art style.
What do you consider to be wrong with Advent Children's writing, and more importantly, which version of the film did you watch?


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Sep 8, 2008
Ambient_Malice said:
Zetatrain said:
The problem with Advent Children was the writing, not the art style.
What do you consider to be wrong with Advent Children's writing, and more importantly, which version of the film did you watch?
Well it was more or less unnecessary, but on point, Cloud isn't Cloud, he's Squall. He spends the entire film moping about, completely clashing with his own character and stuck in a hole of self pity and self doubt that neither fits with his character or the events he has experienced.

Other characters get no lines or 2 seconds of screen time, The Turks somehow get the job of Comic Relief despite having been complete bastards in the game, it clashes with its own universe in that Cloud is now for some reason a super human anime character(which is again portrayed in Crisis Core with Zacks death), despite SOLDIERs being shown to be more akin to Captain America than Superhumans, its utterly ridiculous style over substance, you haven't even seen my final form bollocks.

Cloud has no business being able to beat Sephiroth in a one on one fight, as the original made a big deal out of the whole party being necessary, in story and in mechanics (Bizzarro Sephiroth utilized your whole party), especially in AC, where Sephiroth is empowered. Cloud doesn't even have any materia, he's...just him.

The expanded universe is so far removed from the original game that its unreal, and the EU versions of the characters get shoved down our throats so much that people and Square seem to have forgotten what the original was even like.

I really don't want the EU versions of the characters or events to overwrite what was portrayed in the original game, but I fear that is what's going to happen.


New member
Jul 13, 2015
elvor0 said:
Other characters get no lines or 2 seconds of screen time, The Turks somehow get the job of Comic Relief despite having been complete bastards in the game
This stands out too much to ignore. The Turks weren't comic relief villains in FF7? I think you need to play the game again.


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Sep 8, 2008
Dalsyne said:
elvor0 said:
Other characters get no lines or 2 seconds of screen time, The Turks somehow get the job of Comic Relief despite having been complete bastards in the game
This stands out too much to ignore. The Turks weren't comic relief villains in FF7? I think you need to play the game again.
They weren't that funny. They occasionally argue amongst themselves but they didn't engage in hi-larious slapstick, it certainly isn't right that their past crimes are ignored, having moments of light doesn't negate the other elements of their characters or portrayal, they are still human and it makes them more rounded characters to engage in activities such as pointing out the girl they fancy; they are shown be stone cold while on the job but human otherwise, which is a more believable portrayal of such a character.

You don't hire psychopaths or maniacally evil people for the sort of jobs The Turks engage in; which is wetwork. SOLDIER are the front line combatants, The Turks are the espionage and assassination arm of Shinra.

Despite falling by the way side after Sephiroth becomes the main priority, Shinra was always portrayed as quite competent and calculating in their actions and that you don't fuck with them.

Dropping the plate on Sector 7 killed hundreds of people(possibly thousands, not too sure on pop numbers in the sectors) and they have no qualms about beating and kidnapping defenceless people, or holding children hostage. That's not funny.


New member
Dec 24, 2014
elvor0 said:
Dalsyne said:
elvor0 said:
Other characters get no lines or 2 seconds of screen time, The Turks somehow get the job of Comic Relief despite having been complete bastards in the game
This stands out too much to ignore. The Turks weren't comic relief villains in FF7? I think you need to play the game again.

Despite falling by the way side after Sephiroth becomes the main priority, Shinra was always portrayed as quite competent and calculating in their actions and that you don't fuck with them.
Ya I always got a weird vibe off the Turks: they were both stupid funny, arguing and doing stupid things to get a laugh, AND successfully evil bastards at the same time. I always just chalked it up to a cultural difference because that is definitely not something you see very often in western movies/games.

Don't forget FF6 had a clown that was also one of he most evil bastards in the FF universe so maybe they were just trying to reverse that, evil bastards that acted like clowns?

But ya, speaking of FF6, that's the one that needs the remake. Those characters deserve a new game.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
elvor0 said:
Cloud has no business being able to beat Sephiroth in a one on one fight, as the original made a big deal out of the whole party being necessary, in story and in mechanics (Bizzarro Sephiroth utilized your whole party), especially in AC, where Sephiroth is empowered. Cloud doesn't even have any materia, he's...just him.
Exactly like in the final battle of the game.Sure the whole party was needed for bizarro Seph, and your main party for Angel Seph, but once that was done it was Cloud vs Sephiroth, one on one, with no materia and no power ups. And just like in game, Sephiroth in AC was defeated with the same limit break.

I don't get where you get the idea that Sephiroth was empowered in AC. Logically he should be underpowered since he was just "resurrected" from the fusion and has no extra Jenovah umph. The only difference with regular Seph was the angel wing, a far cry from his more powerful forms.

OT: I'm quite happy with all the changes and this may be the FF that gets me back into the series. I especially like the switches they're making to the combat and greatly enjoyed AC so if the graphics reflect that then I'm sold.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
elvor0 said:
Ambient_Malice said:
Zetatrain said:
The problem with Advent Children was the writing, not the art style.
What do you consider to be wrong with Advent Children's writing, and more importantly, which version of the film did you watch?
Well it was more or less unnecessary, but on point, Cloud isn't Cloud, he's Squall. He spends the entire film moping about, completely clashing with his own character and stuck in a hole of self pity and self doubt that neither fits with his character or the events he has experienced.
He's dying of Geostigma, and the child he and Tifa have been looking after, Denzel, also has the Geostigma. He doesn't know what the disease is or how it spreads, but we are shown what happens to the infected.

elvor0 said:
Other characters get no lines or 2 seconds of screen time, The Turks somehow get the job of Comic Relief despite having been complete bastards in the game.
The Turks were always snarky. They fill a comic relief role, but they also bring some solemnity to proceedings. While Rufus spends a lot of the film deflecting blame for the state of the world away from Shinra, Reno and Rude have some self-reflection.

elvor0 said:
Cloud has no business being able to beat Sephiroth in a one on one fight, as the original made a big deal out of the whole party being necessary, in story and in mechanics (Bizzarro Sephiroth utilized your whole party), especially in AC, where Sephiroth is empowered. Cloud doesn't even have any materia, he's...just him.
That's kinda the point of the story, though. Cloud learning to stand alone at the end of his journey where everyone has stood beside him. "It's his fight now," as Tifa says. Zach even asks whether Cloud wants help, and Cloud turns him down.

elvor0 said:
The expanded universe is so far removed from the original game that its unreal, and the EU versions of the characters get shoved down our throats so much that people and Square seem to have forgotten what the original was even like.
Part of the problem is that Cloud has a... complicated character in the original Final Fantasy VII. His original "real" personality is fragile and mopey. Nowhere near as downbeat as Advent Children, sure, a lot of people seem quite attached to the false personality Cloud ends up having for parts of FFVII.

elvor0 said:
I really don't want the EU versions of the characters or events to overwrite what was portrayed in the original game, but I fear that is what's going to happen.
I don't disagree, per se. The whole point of Advent Children is that Cloud has a clear character arc. Rejigging FFVII Cloud to be more like AC Cloud to please fans would be a really bad idea.