Y'know what? I may be going against the grain here, but I honestly would buy a re-make of FFVII. Sure, Advent Children was ludicrous in its action sequences, and FFVII changed the series with its long summons, animé clichés and more, but...
I was eight when I first played it. It was the first RPG, or story-heavy game like that I played. It's an incredibly important part of my childhood - the story and its characters are critical to me. Sure, I didn't buy Dirge of Cerberus or Crisis Core, but I've watched Last Order and Advent Children, and despite their flaws I still love them. It becomes harder and harder each time I go back to re-play the original, because the flaws - the minor translation errors, the awkward 3D characters - are standing out against modern graphics. A full remake, with up-to-date graphics and a refined translation would solve all this and create a form that could visually mesmerise me like it did when I was eight. The audio, cutscenes and story still take my breath away, but it's starting to wear thin.
Back on topic - Advent Children. Good movie, although slightly overexaggerated. Suffered a little from rubber-doll combat in places (although not as bad as the Matrix sequels), and requires knowledge of the game before watching. I treat it as an "epilogue story" - no matter what happens in the FFVII universe, after the end of the main game, it's "happily ever after". Even if, as they imply, Jenova cells become a permanent recurring threat to the world, it becomes the "endless conflict" in which good always wins eventually. A classic ending.
Regarding the Blu-Ray/PS3/demo thing... well, the demo sold the movie more than its own merits. People are getting pretty hyped for XIII. After the average-okay-reasonably-good, slightly-poorly-paced game that was XII I find it hard to get excited, same as my reaction to most franchise sequels nowadays. It seems the teams that put the spark into VI and VII have long departed...