Firefall's Story Trailer Rips Heart Strings

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Firefall's Story Trailer Rips Heart Strings

Would you choose to sacrifice your family or 1.2 million people?

We've heard a lot about Firefall over the last year. It's bringing AAA quality gameplay and art assets to free to play. It is a fun shooter in the vein of Tribes with a focus on jetpacks action. But so far Red 5 studios has been pretty tight-lipped on the story framing the MMO. At PAX East 2012, I was shown a cinematic that began to explain exactly what's going on in the future of Firefall and I was surprised at how it effective it was at eliciting emotion.

Humans have crafted the first vessel capable of light speeds with an engine running on an experimental new material and the race has created a massive ship called the Arclight to venture out into space. When the engines fire up for the first time, something goes wrong and the huge ship loses power. Admiral Nostromo knows his vessel will crash and barks at his crew to determine where on Earth the Arclight will crash. When they determine its his hometown of Fortaleza in Brazil, the Admiral comes up with a crazy plan to fire the boosters to hit Rio de Janeiro instead, killing way more people in the urban center. At the last second, he abandons his plan and a mother and young son watch the huge ship crash into their home, likely killing them.

That woman and boy? Those were Admiral Nostromo's family.

I've seen hundreds of game trailers and cinematics in my life. Some have been good enough to make me excited to play the game, while most have left me indifferent. I don't know if it is because of my kid, or because I was still groggy from a lack of sleep, or because I'm a big softy, but this piece from Firefall actually brought me to tears.

The consequences of Nostromo's actions will figure into the story quite a bit. "He's a really important character in the game," said lead designer Scott Youngblood. "You'll see a lot more of him as you progress through the story."

More than the shooting and the resource-mechanics and the pretty graphics, the story makes me interested in playing Firefall.



New member
Jul 6, 2011
Well, that was thoroughly fucking depressing. It didn't bring me to tears but it sure as hell made me feel shitty when I imagined myself in the world as this happens.

First ship capable of light speeds, a.k.a everything science fiction lovers' and rocket scientists' everywhere have dreamed of: Fails to launch and kills thousands of people. Captain has a chance to spare his home/family, but kill more people in the process: Chooses to go with the "lesser evil" option, sparing millions of people but destroying his own home and family.

And then things go down shit creek from there.

Maybe I will check out Firefall...but then again, I like to think I learned my lesson after Dead Island happened.

Then again, this is free and since the captain is actually gonna play a role in the story, things could turn out pretty cool.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Wow... I was excited about the gameplay but... I wasn't expecting the story to be such a big part... This game keeps looking better and better.

SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MO-oh wait, F2P, right. Sweet.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
oh wow.. uh that trailer. . .wow is all i can say
that was really something . . i think i might check it out


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Wow, that was impressive. I wonder what the external interference was. Some alien assholes who didn't want us to achieve FTL travel?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Man, I am going to be so emotionally invested when that guy sends me to kill 20 space bugs for 500xp.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Looks... interesting...

dyre said:
Wow, that was impressive. I wonder what the external interference was. Some alien assholes who didn't want us to achieve FTL travel?
According to The Wiki, the interference is called The Melding. The ship in the trailer makes hyperspace happen by folding space, only in this case it tore space instead, The Melding then came out of the rips, and followed the ship down to Earth.

No alien assholes, they goofed it.

The Melding itself is just a thing, however its effects do give rise to the main enemy of the story. Which is mutants by the way.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
kman123 said:
Impressive trailer, but I wasn't emotionally affected. all. Shame.
Quite so, i didnt understand half of what was said until i actually read the article which may have had an effect on it. Otherwise it was a bit meh for me.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Nice trailer, but I think it should have been done in reverse with some piano music.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
It was a pretty good trailer, but I still honestly can't see how this and the Dead Island trailer for instance are apparently all 'emotionally investing.'
If you want something that certainly does tug at the heartstrings a fair bit, why don't you go watch Schindlers List or something?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
gigastar said:
Looks... interesting...

dyre said:
Wow, that was impressive. I wonder what the external interference was. Some alien assholes who didn't want us to achieve FTL travel?
According to The Wiki, the interference is called The Melding. The ship in the trailer makes hyperspace happen by folding space, only in this case it tore space instead, The Melding then came out of the rips, and followed the ship down to Earth.

No alien assholes, they goofed it.

The Melding itself is just a thing, however its effects do give rise to the main enemy of the story. Which is mutants by the way.
Now that? That makes it sound like W40k but instead of success in traveling and expanding the stars, humanity failed and the Warp went all crazy for Earth itself. >.>

But seriously? That is a definitely depressing trailer. Made me interested, that's for sure.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Eh didn't really impress me. I guess I'm now desensitized to children and families dying too after ME3 and Dead Island. It felt sort of rushed and if it was slowed down and I knew what the hell they were shouting, I think I might have liked it a bit more. Bad trailer? No. But it isn't that good either.

Nevertheless, I look forward to the future of Firefall. The set-up sounds interesting.

EDIT: Now that Buretsu points it out, why didn't he crash somewhere else? Isn't Earth more water than land? Couldn't he just move slightly to the right? I'm sure it's explained in the random talking though >.>.