Firefall's Story Trailer Rips Heart Strings


New member
Jan 28, 2009
For the background from what I understand:

The jump failed because the procedure it used (arcfolding) was unstable and caused a huge rift in space-time that they couldn't close. The Arclight crashed, but its integrity field and arc reactor remained intact, and the crew was revived by . The rift spilled out a huge cloud of death called The Melding, which covered pretty much the entire earth except for a few miles around the Arclight thanks to their reactors still running (so far as we know). That's where the game starts.

As to why he couldn't crash somewhere else: they had only a few seconds of thrusters on one side of the ship, they could fire them or not, that was the only choice.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Wait, what? It just so happens that the ship will crash into the exact city his family are in? Right then.

Unless there's something I'm missing, that's what I'd describe as contrived.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
deth2munkies said:
For the background from what I understand:

The jump failed because the procedure it used (arcfolding) was unstable and caused a huge rift in space-time that they couldn't close. The Arclight crashed, but its integrity field and arc reactor remained intact, and the crew was revived by . The rift spilled out a huge cloud of death called The Melding, which covered pretty much the entire earth except for a few miles around the Arclight thanks to their reactors still running (so far as we know). That's where the game starts.

As to why he couldn't crash somewhere else: they had only a few seconds of thrusters on one side of the ship, they could fire them or not, that was the only choice.
So...everyone on Earth is dead except for the people who were near the Arclight crash, most of which are dead?

Goddamn, that sucks. Maybe he should have crashed into Rio.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I dunno, I didn't feel sad at all...really...I just felt nauseated because that whole thing was so completely contrived.

It felt more hallow, than emotional.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Yes not the slightest bit of emotion involved.

If its going to be story driven, the overall story seems like it might be enjoyable. However I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to suffer terribly from being an MMO. Which by definition negates any joy to be had from playing it.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
The Arclight looked a lot like Space Battleship Yamato to me, and Orestes Nostromo a lot like Captain Avatar. But Jesus, Orestes Nostromo? I hope he knows where the silver is buried and kills his mother.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I've never seen any trailer that made me this apathetic, it's like they knew trailer size restrictions, but instead of cutting out otherwise useless things, they just tried to shove it all together, cluttered would be a generous thing to call it.
Even if it wasn't an MMO I still wouldn't be interested, because this trailer is terrible, it does nothing to introduce me to the game world, the characters (aside from a name) it does nothing to tell me the games premise or what I have to look forward too, and it doesn't even tell me what genre the game is going to be, I only know that from outside sources.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
I guess I gotta correct Greg on this one. You did not watch a "Story Trailer", but in fact (parts of) the intro cinematic to be of Firefall. At least that's what Kern called it. ;)

That said, given that I am in the beta, this was actually an amazing piece of cinematic.
We see the reason for the Melding in all form, the reason for the starting area to be around Southern America, the reason for the Chosen to appear, and major storyline characters.
I'm intrigued. It's an amazing intro, and I'm looking forward to seeing the story being deployed.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
kman123 said:
Impressive trailer, but I wasn't emotionally affected. all. Shame.
Yeah, I mean, the ship comes out of a failed experiment and has no control over steering, only propulsion. They can only choose to fall in one out of two places.

Pick two places at random in a map. Did you pick two heavily populated cities, which are also their respective state capitals? Because that's exactly what happened here.

And then, one of the cities they are crashing on just happens to be where the captain's family lives. What are the odds that would happen? They are 50/50 that the city was even facing the right side of space when the experiment goes boom.

It's hard to have my heartstrings tugged when you're sending my disbelief suspension into outer space.


New member
May 2, 2011
The Assassin Creed Brotherhood trailer is probably my favorite trailer. I watched that about fifty times. Every second of that was epic. This was alright, but not amazing.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
FelixG said:
Well, thats an easy choice!

260k people plus my family or 1.2 million strangers?

Sorry ta say but 1.2 million strangers are about to get their entire world fucked. I mean, I am going to be dead, so I would rather fuck Rio over than my family.

Didnt really tug at my heartstrings though
Glad that isn't you, since I live in Rio.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
ok I watched that and got almost nothing from it
Maybe it was going by to fast. It really didn't grab me like it has some people in this thread. I guess there wasn't really enough time for me to care about the family, it just came off as a sidenote to me.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I like the idea of, "Super Space Ship crashes, tearing hole in fabric of space/time, pouring out evil monsters." I feel the main idea of the Admiral and the family was to give a character behind Nostromo since I have a feeling he's going to be the leader or whatnot for the players.

I agree that there is very little emotional investment. Maybe it's just because I'm a 21 college bachelor but I don't know this guy or his family. Maybe if they had some sort of cinematic before this one, showing the Admiral and his family with the Arclight in the background, explaining what it's for and who he is. Then we would at least know who he is and what he has to lose.

Also, I'm very interested in this game. Looks great, sounds great, and it's free, so if it's not great, I don't lose anything.