CritialGaming said:
This is clearly coming from someone who doesn't have any idea WTF they are talking about. Sorry phoenix but you couldn't be more wrong here.
At least in regards to how relatively "easy" this feat is. Sure the Dark Souls Ai is simple, but simple AI doesn't mean easy AI and there is a big difference there. An AI with only two or three possible things it can come at you with can still ruin a human player because humans are faulty and we make mistakes. Professional Musicians still fuck up songs that they've played 1000 times over, and there isn't a single concert that goes 100% perfect.
Now is being perfect in Dark Souls easier than something at EVO? Yeah probably because human nature is far less predictable, however if you play against someone long enough you can learn their habits and beat them fairly regularly. But i don't think Evo players practice against each other enough for that to be a factor here.
This Dark Souls run is ridiculous because it's far more than a no-hit run or a deathless run. It's a no damage run, which means you can't fall too far by mistake or on purpose to skip sections of the game (because fall damage is still damage), you can't miss a single dodge from any enemy attack all over the game, and the memorization on top of perfect execution is another level of wild.
You also have to consider the arrogance factor. Ever been so good at a thing that you get a little careless because you just know you can get out of it? This is a problem everyone has. You've done a thing soo much that you just stop thinking about it and it becomes automatic, but in that automation you ultimately fuck up. This is how car accidents happen. How much time driving do you speed actually focused on driving? Probably very little, your mind wanders because you are so automatic with it. You sing-along to a song, or start thinking about what you should have told your boss or co-worker, that kind of thing.
This also happens with games, and most of the guys that can zip through a Souls game blind folded, have to fight against letting their mind wander during challenges, that's what makes the challenges hard. Just watch any speedrunner on Twitch, and you'll be shocked by just how often they have to reset a run because they fuck up.
You make light of a feat that you have never attempted and have no idea what it takes, you just want to bash on it for the sake of bashing it. If you don't think it's impressive then fine, but don't mock the feat like it isn't the big deal it clearly is especially since you don't know for a fact how easy/hard it actually is.
The feat is rather easy COMPARED to other gaming feats. The hard part of the thing is figuring out the easy ways to do everything (from getting OP weapons to boss exploits), which he may or may have not figured out himself, the execution part of it is really simple. The endurance part is probably the toughest aspect. The hardest execution parts of the video I've seen skipping around (watching a few boss fights and a couple areas) is getting down the parry window for a few enemies and doing a "Dark Souls" jump. Not missing a single dodge is not nearly as hard as you make it out to be because he's skipping over so many enemies because it's Dark Souls and you can do that and the ones he does have to kill, many of them he's killing from afar with a bow and arrow. Dark Souls AI is both really simple and really exploitable, freaking strafing breaks the AI, bow and arrow breaks the AI, etc. How much different is a 0 hit run vs a no damage run because he's doing all bosses (so he's not skipping anything to begin with)? You probably just have to make a few alterations to your route or need to use the Fall Control spell (which I saw him use) to not take fall damage.
I wouldn't be surprised if EVO players play against each other all the time. When I was deep into online shooters, I would consistently only play the best players/clans because that's the only way to get better. Sure, there's execution stuff you can work on without playing the top players, but not the actual back and forth of playing people on your level or higher. You just don't learn someone's habits or pattern and you're done; you beat them and they adjust, then you have to adjust, and so on.
Speedrunning is different because you literally have to be perfect (or closer to perfect than last time), whereas a Souls no hit/damage run you don't, you can take your time. If an enemy only has only one attack you're comfortable with attacking afterward, you can just stay far away from all its other attack animations and play it safe, waiting for the one window you're comfortable with (that's how I beat Sif underleveled). So you don't have to memorize literally every enemy attack animation, just the one you're comfortable with attacking afterward.
I've mentioned the "careless" factor is pretty much what makes Dark Souls hard to people in the 1st place as I've said the following numerous times:
Phoenixmgs said:
To make a baseball analogy, the Souls games are like being a shortstop having to field 100 straight routine grounders without an error or else you die. The only reason you die to a normal enemy is just due to losing focus because of how easy they are and you just take a fight for granted much like a shortstop not looking the ball into the glove on a routine grounder.