First time playing Bloodborne

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I know part of the fun of these games is to blindly amble around the labyrinthine world and figure out where to go, what to do and equally importantly NOT to do. I skipped every Dark Souls but played Demon's Souls plenty of times and have more or less figured out the gist of the combat (lock on, circle, attack, backstep, repeat) and progression (you unlock 1 or 2 shortcuts in the form of gates or elevators between your last checkpoint and the next boss, basically).

What I'd like to ask is some basic info about not fucking myself over, like how I did the first time I was playing Demon's Souls. Like, don't waste rare or finite items on *this*, don't say X to this other character. Stuff like that, that would lock me out of quests or upgrades or content in general. Also any tips or hints that might help me in the early game are welcome. For context I beat the Cleric Beast on my first try and just beat Gascoigne after the requisite headbashing.

EDIT: Already met Eileen and Alfred, sent the old lady to the Cathedral, know to not send anyone over to Iosefka's clinic.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
In order to not screw yourself out of side quests you'll need more than a few tips - these games are obtuse like that. So unless you want to look up a heavily detailed video and probaly spoil yourself on the later game content, I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and accept that you'll miss some stuff.

It's not much, but I found that not locking on to the larger Bosses - I'm talking Cleric Beast large - helps a lot in fighting them. The lock-on in the Souls games have to nasty habbit of fucking up your camera when you get close to a large enemy type or Boss. Other than that just play it like you would Demon's Souls, which is to say, find ways to cheat the system.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Before defeating Vicar Amelia in Cathedral Ward do
( Technically, the event trigger isn't defeating her but talking to the altar after defeating her )

Send the NPC Arianna to the Cathedral.

Send the Untrusting NPC to Iosefka's Clinic ( he'll show up in the Cathedral because he doesn't trust the good hunter ).

After opening all gates in Cathedral Ward, Eileen will spawn outside the Cathedral, talk to her and a mini boss will spawn in the area where you fought Gascoigne.
You need to kill this NPC in order to progress Eileen's quest and get her stamina regeneration rune. This guy is difficult and shouldn't be taken lightly. Eileen will come and help you after half a minute or so, but beware that she can be killed ( you don't want this ).
Tip: Back up your save file before you go to fight this guy.
Tip #2: Use poison knives on him to poison him. You can find a set of poison knives in Cathedral Ward, near Arianna and Untrusty's alley.
Tip #3: Even if you get killed, run back to the place and chances are they are still fighting and you can still save Eileen.

Near where Eileen is in Cathedral Ward, there's a giant enemy, getting killed by him will teleport you to a different place. Here you can find another NPC to recruit, but she'll only listen to you if you wear some clothes of the Church, which you can find just outside the Cathedral in Cathedral Ward near the well. Feel free to send her to the Cathedral.

To stay on the safe side, don't use any blood items given to you by the people in the Cathedral.

After defeating Vicar Amelia

In the Whatchamacallit woods you can come across a beggar, DO NOT SEND HIM TO THE CATHEDRAL!!! Ignore him, kill him or send him to Iosefka.

Do not anger Iosefka before beating a giant spider boss.

You'll be able to buy Blood Stone Shards for both Insight and Blood Echoes, so feel free to upgrade weapons to level 3.
You'll be able to buy Twin Blood Stone Shards for both Insight and Blood Echoes, so feel free to upgrade weapons to level 6.
You'll be able to buy Blood Stone Chunks for Insight, and you'll be able to farm them as rare drops, so be a little more picky about what weapon you upgrade to level 9.
Blood Stone Rocks are limited per NG cycle, so think hard about what items you upgrade to level 10.

Blood gems can freely be equipped and removed between weapons, so feel free to experiment with them.

This is about as much as I could come up with off of the top of my head after not having played the game in a couple of years.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
If you haven't already fought the Witch of Hemwick, take a left at the main Cathedral and follow the path through Hemwick Charnel Lane(unlocking shortcuts along the way). The witch is tricky but not terribly difficult but defeating her allows you to use blood gems.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
bluegate said:
After opening all gates in Cathedral Ward, Eileen will spawn outside the Cathedral, talk to her and a mini boss will spawn in the area where you fought Gascoigne.
Is it worth it at all to purchase the badge that opens the gates leading to the plaza? I know you can drop in and open it from behind later in the game, but I don't know how much later or if any part of Eileen's quest is time sensitive. Right now I'm at Old Yharnam.
Dalisclock said:
If you haven't already fought the Witch of Hemwick, take a left at the main Cathedral and follow the path through Hemwick Charnel Lane(unlocking shortcuts along the way). The witch is tricky but not terribly difficult but defeating her allows you to use blood gems.
I'm guessing the Cathedral Ward isn't the "main cathedral" you're talking about? If I head left that just leads me down some stairs, into another cathedral (where I met Alfred) and then down some more stairs up until the Old Yharnam lamp.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Just play the game like any other game really. The game does force you to play a certain way as you can't hide behind a shield or toss magic from afar. Just dodge away from an attack, then mash R1 (with basically any weapon) until your out of stamina, rinse and repeat. Learn the timing on gun to do visceral attacks (especially against bosses). A couple weapons (axe, I think) have a really wide swing or charged swing (I forget, it's been years) so fighting several enemies at once has never been easier in a Souls game. Bloodborne ain't any harder than your standard action game. The other hunters are probably the most annoying enemies because they don't play by your rules and have an infinite amount of bullets (that becomes super annoying). Don't be afraid to play around with several weapons earlier on as you get plenty of resources to upgrade quite a few weapons until the higher levels (+ they don't scale that amazing with your stats like Dark Souls) so don't feel you can only use one weapon without being handicapped, but you will need to narrow them down towards the end. I would only look up the umbilical cord stuff so you can have access to all the endings when you get there.

Casual Shinji said:
Other than that just play it like you would Demon's Souls, which is to say, find ways to cheat the system.
You really can't like in the other Souls games; there's no magic (at least for initial playthroughs), no shields, no bow and arrows, etc.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Johnny Novgorod said:
Dalisclock said:
If you haven't already fought the Witch of Hemwick, take a left at the main Cathedral and follow the path through Hemwick Charnel Lane(unlocking shortcuts along the way). The witch is tricky but not terribly difficult but defeating her allows you to use blood gems.
I'm guessing the Cathedral Ward isn't the "main cathedral" you're talking about? If I head left that just leads me down some stairs, into another cathedral (where I met Alfred) and then down some more stairs up until the Old Yharnam lamp.
It's the really big one at the top of the Cathedral Ward, where you fight Vicar Amelia inside. There are paths off to the right and left that lead down to different parts of the city, though the left in particularly quickly leads into a wooded area and then a creepy old village with cackling witches who like to gut you. You want to fight past the village and then up a hill to find a creepy-ass old building(there's also something resembling a tower up there). That's where you want to go.

The witch is considered a bit of a joke except for the fact she has a double in the fight and spawns minions making it hard to pin her down and finish her off.

Phoenixmgs said:
Casual Shinji said:
Other than that just play it like you would Demon's Souls, which is to say, find ways to cheat the system.
You really can't like in the other Souls games; there's no magic (at least for initial playthroughs), no shields, no bow and arrows, etc.
There are some small glitches to cheese the system with. Poison throwing knives can give you a noticable edge in a couple fights(in fact, there's a very specific way to kill micolash without having to fight him using them). Some people will considering it cheating and my response is "Fuck Micolash. Micolash can fuck off and die with a rusty sawblade up his ass" It's one of the few parts of Bloodborne I genuinely hated and I consider it the best of the Souls games.

And there are actually 2 shields, but one is locked behind a late game boss and the other is a cheap wooden one that helps you in all of like one or two places(noticeably against the gatling gun guy in old Yarnham).

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Eventually in Cathedral Ward?s main hall you?ll unlock a door that leads to the top of a tower where the only way through is down. Look carefully with every step of the way, because the entrance to one of the game?s most important secret areas is through a hidden ledge about half way down.

Not sure how far down the rabbit hole you wanna go, but the wiki [] is the best place to get the jump on them. Unless you?re somewhat masochistic or have oodles of time on your hands.

Also, while you can access them very early for a taste, it?s better to wait until you?ve unlocked the gate in Hunter?s Dream to dive headlong into the Chalice Dungeons. They?re completely worth it if you want to get the most out of the game in terms of gear, lore, etc., but some of the latter depths are pretty brutal. I did the Old Hunters dlc on NG+ and it was fairly pleasant next to some dungeons in NG. I?d still do the dungeons before the dlc though, because you?ll be better prepared and the dlc will be a breath of fresh air by contrast.

Having said that, it?s not to make the dungeons sound bad per se; they have some great bosses and there?s loads of treasure. However they definitely embody the SoulsBorne formula and distill it down to its very essence, which is at times both delightful and maddening.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Since Hansel mentioned the it, if you have the Old Hunters DLC(and if you do, God help you), just be aware of that it's pretty awesome but it's fucking hard in places(as per Souls Tradition). It has one of my favorite bosses in the series(Lady Maria) who is also hard as hell and bordering on OP(or maybe she is and I just like her so much I don't care). Also, once you finish the game you get booted to NG+ so you need to do the DLC BEFORE you finish the main game.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Phoenixmgs said:
Casual Shinji said:
Other than that just play it like you would Demon's Souls, which is to say, find ways to cheat the system.
You really can't like in the other Souls games; there's no magic (at least for initial playthroughs), no shields, no bow and arrows, etc.
Yeah, but you can still run past enemies, bottle neck them, kite them etc. Like the werewolves right in front of the Cleric Beast fight arena, where you can kite them down the stairs through the doorway that they can't fit through, so you can slash at them out of harms way.

One thing that makes the Souls games special is that they're so tedious and punishing that you're pretty much forced to exploit the shit out of every little thing you can.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
bluegate said:
After opening all gates in Cathedral Ward, Eileen will spawn outside the Cathedral, talk to her and a mini boss will spawn in the area where you fought Gascoigne.
Is it worth it at all to purchase the badge that opens the gates leading to the plaza? I know you can drop in and open it from behind later in the game, but I don't know how much later or if any part of Eileen's quest is time sensitive. Right now I'm at Old Yharnam.
Eileen's quest isn't time sensitive, it is event trigger sensitive.

If I remember correctly;

- You must talk to her in the first area of the game before opening all gates in Cathedral Ward ( you did this ).
- The next step in her quest unlocks after opening all gates in Cathedral Ward
- You must talk to her and help her defeat the mini boss before interacting with the altar after Vicar Amelia
( Be sure to talk to her after helping her, she'll give you an emote or something )
- Then after some point in the story, she'll be in front of the cathedral, where you fought Vicar Amelia, for her final quest step

If you can spare the blood echoes, go ahead and buy the item that allows you to open the gate "prematurely".

Otherwise, the path of progression goes like so;

- From Cathedral Ward travel to Old Yharnam
- Defeat the boss in Old Yharnam
- Return to Cathedral Ward and now the locked door next to the lamp will have opened
- Take this new path and you'll eventually, with a bit of luck, end up behind the locked gate where you got the wooden shield in Cathedral Ward, allowing you to finally open all gates.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Having said that, it?s not to make the dungeons sound bad per se; they have some great bosses and there?s loads of treasure. However they definitely embody the SoulsBorne formula and distill it down to its very essence, which is at times both delightful and maddening.
Additional tip for Chalice Dungeons;
- Don't bother with the Hintertomb Dungeons, nothing but pain and death awaits you here

- All dungeon floors have the same basic layout;
-- A room where you enter the floor, either by lamp or by elevator
-- A small corridor*
-- A small room with that floor's main lamp
-- The actual main dungeon for this floor where you'll find a locked "boss" gate and a giant switch to open said gate
-- After the "boss" gate you'll find another small corridor*
-- The actual boss arena

-* Sometimes you'll find doors in these corridors, these lead to smaller dungeons where you can often find chests with items

- If you find the dungeons a slog, simply run through the "main dungeon", flip the switch and then run to the boss gates; basically making the dungeons into a boss rush.

- There are 4 flavors of dungeons; Pthumeru, Hintertomb, Loran and Isz.

- There are 2 types of dungeons;
-- "Story" Dungeons with predetermined layouts, enemies and loot. Clear these to unlock deeper dungeon depths.
-- Root Dungeons. These have randomized layouts, enemies and loot. These are used only for farming.

- Every dungeon you open comes with an identifier code, write these down because;
If you have already opened up a certain dungeon, you can later re-open it without paying tribute items by using the game's password search ( or whatever it was called ) function.
Meaning, you can farm certain dungeons indefinitely without paying for it.

This also applies to Root dungeons. For example, if you have paid to open up a Pthumeru Root Chalice dungeon, you can search for any Pthumeru Root Chalice dungeon code and open them without having to pay tribute items.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Johnny Novgorod said:
I know part of the fun of these games is to blindly amble around the labyrinthine world and figure out where to go, what to do and equally importantly NOT to do. I skipped every Dark Souls but played Demon's Souls plenty of times and have more or less figured out the gist of the combat (lock on, circle, attack, backstep, repeat) and progression (you unlock 1 or 2 shortcuts in the form of gates or elevators between your last checkpoint and the next boss, basically).

What I'd like to ask is some basic info about not fucking myself over, like how I did the first time I was playing Demon's Souls. Like, don't waste rare or finite items on *this*, don't say X to this other character. Stuff like that, that would lock me out of quests or upgrades or content in general. Also any tips or hints that might help me in the early game are welcome. For context I beat the Cleric Beast on my first try and just beat Gascoigne after the requisite headbashing.

EDIT: Already met Eileen and Alfred, sent the old lady to the Cathedral, know to not send anyone over to Iosefka's clinic.
Dont even bother with tips dude. Just play through the game however you stumble through it. That's the magic of these games. You aren't going to 100% it your first time through so don't even worry about it.

Frankly there are only a couple of things that are actually misable that ultimately matter for secrets and 100%ing the game. Everything else can be done later if you miss it. and you can always hunt those extra's down on NG+.

Besides there are 3 endings in the game, so you HAVE to miss something no matter what on each playthrough.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Johnny Novgorod said:
I know part of the fun of these games is to blindly amble around the labyrinthine world and figure out where to go, what to do and equally importantly NOT to do. I skipped every Dark Souls but played Demon's Souls plenty of times and have more or less figured out the gist of the combat (lock on, circle, attack, backstep, repeat) and progression (you unlock 1 or 2 shortcuts in the form of gates or elevators between your last checkpoint and the next boss, basically).

What I'd like to ask is some basic info about not fucking myself over, like how I did the first time I was playing Demon's Souls. Like, don't waste rare or finite items on *this*, don't say X to this other character. Stuff like that, that would lock me out of quests or upgrades or content in general. Also any tips or hints that might help me in the early game are welcome. For context I beat the Cleric Beast on my first try and just beat Gascoigne after the requisite headbashing.

EDIT: Already met Eileen and Alfred, sent the old lady to the Cathedral, know to not send anyone over to Iosefka's clinic.
Explore everything you can before defeating Vicar Amelia.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Don't do Chalice dungeon, they'll just screw up with the balance of the game since you'll end up overleveled.

You might want to look up the requirement for endings, there's a series of steps you need to do to get the true ending that's pretty convoluted and can be missed.

If you have the DLC, you can access it quite early but the place can get really hard and isn't meant to be done in one pass. I'd recommend dipping in early to try and get a couple of great/fun weapon, but leave the later part for the end game.

Probably too late, but don't start with the axe weapon for starter. It's so good that any other weapon you'll pick will just pale in comparison and you'll end up using the same weapon the entire game.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Dalisclock said:
Since Hansel mentioned the it, if you have the Old Hunters DLC(and if you do, God help you), just be aware of that it's pretty awesome but it's fucking hard in places(as per Souls Tradition). It has one of my favorite bosses in the series(Lady Maria) who is also hard as hell and bordering on OP(or maybe she is and I just like her so much I don't care). Also, once you finish the game you get booted to NG+ so you need to do the DLC BEFORE you finish the main game.
I should also clarify that the gate in the back of Hunter?s Dream leads to the final boss, so you can go as far as unlocking the gate, but after that the game will roll into NG+ following whatever ending you get. So basically don?t go back there until you?ve done everything you want to in NG (dungeons, DLCs, grinding, farming, etc.)

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
Phoenixmgs said:
Casual Shinji said:
Other than that just play it like you would Demon's Souls, which is to say, find ways to cheat the system.
You really can't like in the other Souls games; there's no magic (at least for initial playthroughs), no shields, no bow and arrows, etc.
Yeah, but you can still run past enemies, bottle neck them, kite them etc. Like the werewolves right in front of the Cleric Beast fight arena, where you can kite them down the stairs through the doorway that they can't fit through, so you can slash at them out of harms way.

One thing that makes the Souls games special is that they're so tedious and punishing that you're pretty much forced to exploit the shit out of every little thing you can.

That?s basically the games? ?easy mode?. But running away is usually the most viable option if you don?t need currency or other items replenished.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
bluegate said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
bluegate said:
After opening all gates in Cathedral Ward, Eileen will spawn outside the Cathedral, talk to her and a mini boss will spawn in the area where you fought Gascoigne.
Is it worth it at all to purchase the badge that opens the gates leading to the plaza? I know you can drop in and open it from behind later in the game, but I don't know how much later or if any part of Eileen's quest is time sensitive. Right now I'm at Old Yharnam.
Eileen's quest isn't time sensitive, it is event trigger sensitive.

If I remember correctly;

- You must talk to her in the first area of the game before opening all gates in Cathedral Ward ( you did this ).
- The next step in her quest unlocks after opening all gates in Cathedral Ward
- You must talk to her and help her defeat the mini boss before interacting with the altar after Vicar Amelia
( Be sure to talk to her after helping her, she'll give you an emote or something )
- Then after some point in the story, she'll be in front of the cathedral, where you fought Vicar Amelia, for her final quest step

If you can spare the blood echoes, go ahead and buy the item that allows you to open the gate "prematurely".

Otherwise, the path of progression goes like so;

- From Cathedral Ward travel to Old Yharnam
- Defeat the boss in Old Yharnam
- Return to Cathedral Ward and now the locked door next to the lamp will have opened
- Take this new path and you'll eventually, with a bit of luck, end up behind the locked gate where you got the wooden shield in Cathedral Ward, allowing you to finally open all gates.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Having said that, it?s not to make the dungeons sound bad per se; they have some great bosses and there?s loads of treasure. However they definitely embody the SoulsBorne formula and distill it down to its very essence, which is at times both delightful and maddening.
Additional tip for Chalice Dungeons;
- Don't bother with the Hintertomb Dungeons, nothing but pain and death awaits you here

- All dungeon floors have the same basic layout;
-- A room where you enter the floor, either by lamp or by elevator
-- A small corridor*
-- A small room with that floor's main lamp
-- The actual main dungeon for this floor where you'll find a locked "boss" gate and a giant switch to open said gate
-- After the "boss" gate you'll find another small corridor*
-- The actual boss arena

-* Sometimes you'll find doors in these corridors, these lead to smaller dungeons where you can often find chests with items

- If you find the dungeons a slog, simply run through the "main dungeon", flip the switch and then run to the boss gates; basically making the dungeons into a boss rush.

- There are 4 flavors of dungeons; Pthumeru, Hintertomb, Loran and Isz.

- There are 2 types of dungeons;
-- "Story" Dungeons with predetermined layouts, enemies and loot. Clear these to unlock deeper dungeon depths.
-- Root Dungeons. These have randomized layouts, enemies and loot. These are used only for farming.

- Every dungeon you open comes with an identifier code, write these down because;
If you have already opened up a certain dungeon, you can later re-open it without paying tribute items by using the game's password search ( or whatever it was called ) function.
Meaning, you can farm certain dungeons indefinitely without paying for it.

This also applies to Root dungeons. For example, if you have paid to open up a Pthumeru Root Chalice dungeon, you can search for any Pthumeru Root Chalice dungeon code and open them without having to pay tribute items.
Everyone also has their own personal root chalice dungeon. It?s the only thing in the game I haven?t finished. I think I?m on depth 3 or 4, and Ebriettas is making it a nightmare.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
CritialGaming said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I know part of the fun of these games is to blindly amble around the labyrinthine world and figure out where to go, what to do and equally importantly NOT to do. I skipped every Dark Souls but played Demon's Souls plenty of times and have more or less figured out the gist of the combat (lock on, circle, attack, backstep, repeat) and progression (you unlock 1 or 2 shortcuts in the form of gates or elevators between your last checkpoint and the next boss, basically).

What I'd like to ask is some basic info about not fucking myself over, like how I did the first time I was playing Demon's Souls. Like, don't waste rare or finite items on *this*, don't say X to this other character. Stuff like that, that would lock me out of quests or upgrades or content in general. Also any tips or hints that might help me in the early game are welcome. For context I beat the Cleric Beast on my first try and just beat Gascoigne after the requisite headbashing.

EDIT: Already met Eileen and Alfred, sent the old lady to the Cathedral, know to not send anyone over to Iosefka's clinic.
Dont even bother with tips dude. Just play through the game however you stumble through it. That's the magic of these games. You aren't going to 100% it your first time through so don't even worry about it.

Frankly there are only a couple of things that are actually misable that ultimately matter for secrets and 100%ing the game. Everything else can be done later if you miss it. and you can always hunt those extra's down on NG+.

Besides there are 3 endings in the game, so you HAVE to miss something no matter what on each playthrough.
Or, if you?re trophy hunting, make a usb save right before the final boss. Saves a lot of time, but NG+ is worth it at least once.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
hanselthecaretaker said:
CritialGaming said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I know part of the fun of these games is to blindly amble around the labyrinthine world and figure out where to go, what to do and equally importantly NOT to do. I skipped every Dark Souls but played Demon's Souls plenty of times and have more or less figured out the gist of the combat (lock on, circle, attack, backstep, repeat) and progression (you unlock 1 or 2 shortcuts in the form of gates or elevators between your last checkpoint and the next boss, basically).

What I'd like to ask is some basic info about not fucking myself over, like how I did the first time I was playing Demon's Souls. Like, don't waste rare or finite items on *this*, don't say X to this other character. Stuff like that, that would lock me out of quests or upgrades or content in general. Also any tips or hints that might help me in the early game are welcome. For context I beat the Cleric Beast on my first try and just beat Gascoigne after the requisite headbashing.

EDIT: Already met Eileen and Alfred, sent the old lady to the Cathedral, know to not send anyone over to Iosefka's clinic.
Dont even bother with tips dude. Just play through the game however you stumble through it. That's the magic of these games. You aren't going to 100% it your first time through so don't even worry about it.

Frankly there are only a couple of things that are actually misable that ultimately matter for secrets and 100%ing the game. Everything else can be done later if you miss it. and you can always hunt those extra's down on NG+.

Besides there are 3 endings in the game, so you HAVE to miss something no matter what on each playthrough.
Or, if you?re trophy hunting, make a usb save right before the final boss. Saves a lot of time, but NG+ is worth it at least once.
I was thinking about doing that. I can make a separate save on the cloud or whatever if I have PS+ right?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
CritialGaming said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I know part of the fun of these games is to blindly amble around the labyrinthine world and figure out where to go, what to do and equally importantly NOT to do. I skipped every Dark Souls but played Demon's Souls plenty of times and have more or less figured out the gist of the combat (lock on, circle, attack, backstep, repeat) and progression (you unlock 1 or 2 shortcuts in the form of gates or elevators between your last checkpoint and the next boss, basically).

What I'd like to ask is some basic info about not fucking myself over, like how I did the first time I was playing Demon's Souls. Like, don't waste rare or finite items on *this*, don't say X to this other character. Stuff like that, that would lock me out of quests or upgrades or content in general. Also any tips or hints that might help me in the early game are welcome. For context I beat the Cleric Beast on my first try and just beat Gascoigne after the requisite headbashing.

EDIT: Already met Eileen and Alfred, sent the old lady to the Cathedral, know to not send anyone over to Iosefka's clinic.
Dont even bother with tips dude. Just play through the game however you stumble through it. That's the magic of these games. You aren't going to 100% it your first time through so don't even worry about it.
Not that I don't enjoy discovering naturally the do's and don'ts of these games, but the reason I paused Demon's Souls for something like 3 years was that I was bummed out to discover that at one point I'd fucked myself over by 1) letting Ostrava die, 2) not picking up the Mausoleum Key from his bloodstain and 3) missing out on the Allant boss fight. This was fairly late into the game. I also discovered (late) about how there are only so many ways and so many chances to attain Pure White World Tendency, and that you essentially have to commit suicide at the Nexus every time you become human again so you won't fuck up world tendencies by dying, and also kinda have to map out both world and character tendencies so you don't miss out on certain quests, areas, items, etc.

I don't mind leaving stuff for NG+ if I enjoy the game and I feel like playing it again at some point but I don't like locking myself out of content by doing something perfectly intuitive or NOT doing something incredibly cryptic that isn't even explained by the game.