"For privacy, Origin is the same as Steam" WRONG!!! -Updated


New member
Jul 7, 2010
So looking in this other thread [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.352923-And-just-like-that-Origin-will-have-thousands-of-new-users-ME3] and the threads there have been on Origin, I am fed up of the stupidity of a bunch of the comments. Certainly in the current thread every other person thinks that Origin is no worse than Steam, from a privacy point of view. The think Origin does nothing that Steam already doesn't. They are wrong. I am fed up of having to repeatedly explain the difference. So he it is as a thread.

The difference is simple. Both look around your computer to gain data on your hardware and software setup.

Steam - then asks you if you are OK for this data to be given to Valve. Tells you what details are being sent (help / about / system information). They even share the results with the community (http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey)


Origin - just takes it and you don't know what it is they have collected easily.

It's that simple.

You may say that at the moment the rooting around Origin does, is not very much. But with the precedent set, there is no reason for them not to increase what they do. It is a new system after all.

Now let me clarify this. I have no problem with EA having an on-line distribution system. I have no problem with them making it mandatory for their games. Well, no more problem than I had when Valve did it with Steam. It is purely that their data collection is not optional as it is with Steam, that means I refuse to use it. No, I don't expect my action to change EA, it is purely practical step, that I will not give EA access to me PC, full stop. So no Origin. I will happily use it if this one thing is changed.

I have nothing to hide except for a few No-CD patches, but refuse to accept this new paradigm of data collection.

Also for the other stupid argument that gets repeated. Origin is not the same as Facebook either. Facebook does not have access to the hardware and software setup of your PC. Everything you put on / share with Facebook is optional. With Origin it is not. With Origin, EA are saying they have a right to look around your system, as they see fit, it does not matter that it is only being done to a small amount at the moment....

Edit: Something people are not getting with this. Origin's getting to snoop around your system and communicate what it has found to EA without your say so, is a new paradigm . Up until now every other program has asked if you want to share what has been collected. Even Windows asks if you want to send crash reports with data about your setup, activation only sends a hash. EA are setting a precedent here. It does not matter whether their rooting around is a lot or a little. The line has been crossed and since most seem completely unconcerned with this new way of doing things, other companies will follow. Welcome to the day when every piece of software you install will have a root around your system for the cause of improving their product. And you all allowed it to happen....

Update: Catching up on my 'Extra credits' watching. Interested to find part of a mailbag episode where they say what they thing about Origin. I.e the privacy concerns were enough for James who is an industry insider, not to Buy Battlefield 3....

@ 3.40 here: http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/mailbag-4


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
They are not allowed to sell the information, cheak their eula.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Tubez said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
They are not allowed to sell the information, cheak their eula.
So then the problem is a no-problem.

EA stores your information to become a better company; they cant sell it, so this means that they will have better knowledge of what their customers are like.

This is only a good thing


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Jimmybobjr said:
Tubez said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
They are not allowed to sell the information, cheak their eula.
So then the problem is a no-problem.

EA stores your information to become a better company; they cant sell it, so this means that they will have better knowledge of what their customers are like.

This is only a good thing
It doesn't have to do with the fact that they do that, it's just the principle that you should be allowed to opt out if you so choose. Personally, I'm getting ME3 for Xbox, so I don't have to bother with Origin.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Shikua said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Tubez said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
They are not allowed to sell the information, cheak their eula.
So then the problem is a no-problem.

EA stores your information to become a better company; they cant sell it, so this means that they will have better knowledge of what their customers are like.

This is only a good thing
It doesn't have to do with the fact that they do that, it's just the principle that you should be allowed to opt out if you so choose. Personally, I'm getting ME3 for Xbox, so I don't have to bother with Origin.
Principle? Sounds more like you just want a chance to complain on the internet. Its is doing absolutely no harm to you; it could actually have a large benefit. Yet you go against this on Principle?

While you are stuck pissing around with "Principle" ill be playing my Mass effect character that i spent over 60 hours creating, finally finishing the epic story that my character deserves, in the way he deserves it. And at the same time, i would be helping the gaming industry in the long run.

You can sit on your Xbox and complain about "Principles" all you want.

Ill just go and have my fun.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
principle doesn't matter when the info isn't worth it. its just a poor excuse to complain


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Jimmybobjr said:
Shikua said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Tubez said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
They are not allowed to sell the information, cheak their eula.
So then the problem is a no-problem.

EA stores your information to become a better company; they cant sell it, so this means that they will have better knowledge of what their customers are like.

This is only a good thing
It doesn't have to do with the fact that they do that, it's just the principle that you should be allowed to opt out if you so choose. Personally, I'm getting ME3 for Xbox, so I don't have to bother with Origin.
Principle? Sounds more like you just want a chance to complain on the internet. Its is doing absolutely no harm to you; it could actually have a large benefit. Yet you go against this on Principle?

While you are stuck pissing around with "Principle" ill be playing my Mass effect character that i spent over 60 hours creating, finally finishing the epic story that my character deserves, in the way he deserves it. And at the same time, i would be helping the gaming industry in the long run.

You can sit on your Xbox and complain about "Principles" all you want.

Ill just go and have my fun.
Woah buddy, I didn't say it was -my- principles. I'm not playing on PC because my Mass Effect 1 and 2 are on my xbox as well. There are only a few types of games I prefer to play on PC, and I've only recently gotten a computer good enough to play them.

I was just speculating on the OPs reasoning. Likely, he would agree to share his computer specs, but I really do think it's a better idea to at least ask for the information, not just take it, savvy?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
Its in the same vein of, well...

Imagine I was looking through your window. I'm not gonna tell anyone else what you do, hell i'll just use it to get to know you better. Is it still ok with me looking through your window?

Some people don't want that, I can certainly see why.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
Steam - then asks you if you are OK for this data to be given to Valve.


Origin - just takes it.

It's that simple.
No it isn't

Origin asks you as well, the bottom of the EULA where you have the agree to box that you tick. Well that's Origin asking if you agree to let them collect data and send it back to EA. The difference is what the program does when you do not agree. With Steam service continues as normal with Origin you just can't install it.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Laughing Man said:
Origin asks you as well, the bottom of the EULA where you have the agree to box that you tick. Well that's Origin asking if you agree to let them collect data and send it back to EA. The difference is what the program does when you do not agree. With Steam service continues as normal with Origin you just can't install it.
Meaning that you don't have to let Steam peek around your computer while you're playing Skyrim, but you're deprived of Mass Effect 3 if you decide your privacy is worth more than the conclusion of a trilogy that's likely to be gaming's equivalent of the third Matrix movie.
Sep 14, 2009
dogstile said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
Its in the same vein of, well...

Imagine I was looking through your window. I'm not gonna tell anyone else what you do, hell i'll just use it to get to know you better. Is it still ok with me looking through your window?

Some people don't want that, I can certainly see why.
eh i see what your getting at but i still think it's different, i wouldn't give a fuck if someone wanted to see what kind of shit is in my car or room, but to physically COME to my house and look at it through the window? that's a bit creepy, but if it was just your average "show your rig/room!" stuff, which is comparable to the origin "peeking around", then i don't see what the problem is.

honestly i don't see what the information can be used badly for. hell maybe they find out that shit tons of people use "such and such companies video card!" so they make a deal next time with that company to sell upgraded versions of those cards (such as radeon 6770 to a 6790 or 6850) with a 5 dollar off coupon for EA's next big game. that's a score for me personally.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
gmaverick019 said:
dogstile said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
Its in the same vein of, well...

Imagine I was looking through your window. I'm not gonna tell anyone else what you do, hell i'll just use it to get to know you better. Is it still ok with me looking through your window?

Some people don't want that, I can certainly see why.
eh i see what your getting at but i still think it's different, i wouldn't give a fuck if someone wanted to see what kind of shit is in my car or room, but to physically COME to my house and look at it through the window? that's a bit creepy, but if it was just your average "show your rig/room!" stuff, which is comparable to the origin "peeking around", then i don't see what the problem is.

honestly i don't see what the information can be used badly for. hell maybe they find out that shit tons of people use "such and such companies video card!" so they make a deal next time with that company to sell upgraded versions of those cards (such as radeon 6770 to a 6790 or 6850) with a 5 dollar off coupon for EA's next big game. that's a score for me personally.
I'll ignore the last paragraph you wrote because I actually agree with it (seriously, high five) but for the first one, some people actually find that Origin having a peek around without asking is exactly like someone coming to the house. Its just creepy for them. Explains a lot of the hate going EA's way.

Personally, I just won't use Origin because Steam has me firmly established. Unlucky for them, but they started late.
Sep 14, 2009
dogstile said:
gmaverick019 said:
dogstile said:
Jimmybobjr said:
Lets say EA takes your hardware specs. Then EA uses this information to better refine and update games. Better games right? Isnt that the point?

Worst case scenario is that EA sells this information. What, exactly, is -anyone- going to do with this information? Like seriously.

Someone, please, tell me what the WORST CASE SCENARIO could possibly be if EA found out my Hardware and Software data?
Its in the same vein of, well...

Imagine I was looking through your window. I'm not gonna tell anyone else what you do, hell i'll just use it to get to know you better. Is it still ok with me looking through your window?

Some people don't want that, I can certainly see why.
eh i see what your getting at but i still think it's different, i wouldn't give a fuck if someone wanted to see what kind of shit is in my car or room, but to physically COME to my house and look at it through the window? that's a bit creepy, but if it was just your average "show your rig/room!" stuff, which is comparable to the origin "peeking around", then i don't see what the problem is.

honestly i don't see what the information can be used badly for. hell maybe they find out that shit tons of people use "such and such companies video card!" so they make a deal next time with that company to sell upgraded versions of those cards (such as radeon 6770 to a 6790 or 6850) with a 5 dollar off coupon for EA's next big game. that's a score for me personally.
I'll ignore the last paragraph you wrote because I actually agree with it (seriously, high five) but for the first one, some people actually find that Origin having a peek around without asking is exactly like someone coming to the house. Its just creepy for them. Explains a lot of the hate going EA's way.

Personally, I just won't use Origin because Steam has me firmly established. Unlucky for them, but they started late.
hah fair enough, that's just me in a hopeful situation to the information they would use in marketing, but more then likely they would just use it to figure out the cheapest way to QA for most people's hardware and call it good there.

yeah, i mean i understand the creepiness but at the same time i guess i'm just more open i guess, i don't give a single shit who see's what i have and what i look at, and yeah it's a pain but steam kind of did the same thing in the beginning, and my want to play certain games overcomes that annoyingness i suppose..i'm just thankful auto-login exists, *grinds teeth at the days where that didn't exist* such a pain...


New member
Apr 30, 2008
I think the key point is that some people don't care that EA is snooping around their PC taking whatever because they have nothing to hide. That's a dangerous principle. They don't care about their privacy or that other people would actually like privacy without being held to ransom. It's like a cult, let us know everything about you (re hardware) or you can't have any nice things we produce. It's a bad principle and people should really stand up for themselves and stop taking it in the ass because they have been raised to have gaping corporate sphincters. I would like to have ME3, i won't lie. But Origin isn't being installed. At all. Ever. This is me saying purging someones account and all their games because of a dodgy automated system moderation program, because they said fuck, or because they slated a game EA owns and Big Brother was Watching. That isn't on. The horror stories come thick and fast and i am not going to risk my money on trusting someone who has earned no fucking trust. But by all means, if you don't care about your privacy, even if nothings private in nature, you are letting in the Orwellian future slide in unopposed.

Now to put on my tinfoil hat.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
OP, let me ask you something - do you strip away all the info your browser gives to the whole damn Internet? Because if you don't I see no actual reason to complain about Origin. If it seriously just takes your specs and gives it to somebody, who cannot do anything but analyse them, why exactly do you find that bad?

I'm pretty sure you give a lot more information each day (if not, swap that for a "week") you will give Origin for the entire period you'd use it. And you do it willingly. Also, it's not anonymous, unlike Origin's.


New member
Jan 18, 2008
It's not just aggregate data, EA give themselves the right to take personally identifiable info too. I don't even want to think how bad they could get with all the data on my hard disk.