Freebie Info - Enter the Gungeon & God's Trigger [FINISHED]


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Today, for you:

Enter the Gungeon & God's Trigger

Enter the Gungeon & God's Trigger will be free at Epic Games Store until August 27th at 5PM (your local time). As always, you can get the game through the link above, or straight from the Epic Games launcher. Either way, the game will be added directly to your Epic Games library. Keep in mind having 2FA active on your account is mandatory to nab giveaways on the Epic Store.
Enter the Gungeon is a bullet hell dungeon crawler following a band of misfits seeking to shoot, loot, dodge roll and table-flip their way to personal absolution by reaching the legendary Gungeon’s ultimate treasure: the gun that can kill the past. Select a hero (or team up in co-op) and battle your way to the bottom of the Gungeon by surviving a challenging and evolving series of floors filled with the dangerously adorable Gundead and fearsome Gungeon bosses armed to the teeth. Gather precious loot, discover hidden secrets, and chat with opportunistic merchants and shopkeepers to purchase powerful items to gain an edge.
God’s Trigger is a power fantasy where you dispatch enemies with speed and precision in a balet of blood and explosions. Burst through a room in seconds killing with one of the many weapons, freely selectable special abilities, environmental hazards, and melee attacks. Kill enemies in the most graphic way possible Make split-second decisions, dodge bullets and inflict violence in a highly stylized, fast-paced bloodbath. Each character brings their own unique powers. With a treasure trove of weapons and customizable special abilities you have the means to annihilate your enemies in just the way you like. Two heroes working together will slay enemies twice as fast! Switch freely between Harry and Judy, the Angel and the Demon, at any moment in solo mode, or grab a friend and work together in co-op for even greater bloodshed!
Next week's slated freebies on the Epic Store are HITMAN & Shadowrun Collection starting August 27th.
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