Freebie Info - Surviving Mars [FINISHED]


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
This one's had giveaways at EGS a few times before, but if you prefer it on Steam, here's your chance. Today, for you:

Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars will be free at Humble until June 14th at 10:00 AM PDT. To nab, you can use the link provided above, scroll down a little until you find the big green "get it now" button and give that a little click. Mind that you need to be logged into your Humble account and be subscribed to their newsletter for this. Anyway, you'll get email with a link to a Steam key, which you can of course redeem chez Steam.
Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!

Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.
Have a look if interested, and enjoy.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Can confirm, it's a fun game. Well if you like real time community building/management games. I mostly do, and this one scratched a particularly fun combination of itches for me. Scifi/space, check. Mars colonization specifically, check. Nice and chill (until it all goes tits up) mood/music to let you just kind of zone out while your little bots and people do their stuff, check. No rival factions that you have to compete/fight against, check. (though there is a DLC that adds exactly that, corporate stuff)

It's got various preset landing sites that have variable levels of difficulty, based on the resources available, but you can also just pick your own damn spot anywhere you want, and try a randomly generated map. My only complaint, though I understand the design limitations, is whatever map tile you pick...that's it. You can't expand beyond that one tile, and set up multiple mega communities all over Mars. The maps are large enough to have multiple habitation centers sure, but it's all limited somewhat.

Still, really solid, fun game, I enjoyed it so much, when I saw those devs were doing an apocalypse themed one (Surviving the Aftermath), I picked it up specifically because of how much fun I had with Surviving Mars.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Wonder if humble paid less for it than EGS since its already been given for free before. Don't remember if it was part of the document published in public due to the epic V apple courtroom drama.

Now that I think about it, humble might not even have given any money to paradox for it, at this point paradox is probably just hoping people will grab it and buy some DLC down the line.