Freebie Info - Undying [EGS]


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Before you ask, no, it's not Clive Barker's Undying.


Undying will be free at Epic Games Store until February 6th at 5PM GMT+1. As always, you can get the game through the link above, or straight from the Epic Games launcher. Either way, the game waill be added directly to your Epic Games library.
Infected by a zombie, Anling's days are limited. She must now fight to survive, not for herself but her young son, Cody. Ensure Cody's survival in this zombie-infested world by protecting him, searching for safety, and teaching him valuable skills at any cost.
Have a look if interested, and enjoy.

Next week's freebie is Beyond Blue.