Friday Box Office: Ninja Turtles Defeat Marvel's Guardians


New member
Jul 10, 2010
And you just know the next movie will have april's parents using lots of unfunny innuendo and some guy in a G string because penis jokes.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I suppose this was a case of brand recognition. Take my third world country, everybody knows the ninja turtles. Guardians of what now, though? Ain't nobody heard of them.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Really guys? Do we need the thing that we like to be more popular than the thing we don't like to feel secure about our opinions?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
You wanna know what is worse ? They made a game (albeit free) to promote this crap. BEFORE the movie.

The punchline comes at 3:49. GoTG will kick its' ass the following week. I am 100% sure.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Queen Michael said:
I think everybody had already gone to see Guardians, so there wasn't anything else for people to watch this weekend.

If that's true, roughly half went to see it again.

Super Cyborg said:
I know that the opening weekend is always looked at for potential success, but it could still turn out like ASM2 and the amount drops significantly the next weekend.

youji itami said:
GotG (dropped 55%) already dropped more than ASM2 (dropped 53%) yet that's good now /s
The trick is never to let the facts dictate the narrative. ASM2 did bad because it plummeted 53%. GotG did well because it managed to only drop 55%.

If you really want something to be a failure, as the Escapist community wants the Amazing Franchise to be, you will find any way possible to make it so. I suspect that even if TMNT drops only, say, 10% next week (And I doubt it will only drop that much, it's an example), people will be heralding the failure of Michael Bay and shitty reboots.

Uriel_Hayabusa said:
This news must be, if nothing else, a humbling experience for movie critics who spend a not inconsiderable amount of time and effort into making reviews explaining why a particular movie is less-than-stellar only to see that movie make a whole bunch of cash and leave investors (presumably) happy.
I would hope that any critic worth a damn would understand the difference between a good movie and a successful one. Or, at the very least, that the two aren't always the same.

I'd also expect basic pattern recognition would allow them to figure out that this was going to be money.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
erttheking said:
Really guys? Do we need the thing that we like to be more popular than the thing we don't like to feel secure about our opinions?
Yes. I'm not sure you've noticed, but this kind of insecurity is rampant in the world.

Racecarlock said:
And you just know the next movie will have april's parents using lots of unfunny innuendo and some guy in a G string because penis jokes.
And there will be some sort of Shredder testicle joke. Probably using the armour.

ShadowGandalf01 said:
Sure, loads of people paid to go see it, but how many of those enjoyed it? Box Office numbers are one thing, reviews (critic based and general audience based) are another.
Box office sales, however, are what determines success. Success, along with sequels and other such things. Michael Bay can get totally panned by critics, but he will be crying himself to sleep on a pile of money.

ultreos2 said:
Yes god and heaven forbids people to watch a movie for, oh I dunno entertainment?
Bah Gawd, King, I don't think that strawman is getting back up! It's over! It's all over!

Seriously, though, is anyone championing anything, anything at all, that this point would counter? People are touting freaking Gaurdians of the Galaxy over this. Guardians is not a deep look at the human condition, or an indie art film. It's a damn entertainment film people find entertaining and watch for the purposes of entertainment. It stars Vin Deisel and Dave Batista (among others) and is the tale of a guy obsessed with the 80s, a green chick, and a buddy duo of talking raccoon and tree.

It doesn't really matter how great you write something, if no one ever bothers to read it. I am paraphrasing that.
I should hope so, as I would hope any professional writer would write better than that. Then again, I've read some of Twilight.

But again, they're not championing some obscure indie flick. They're comparing it to Guardians of the Galaxy. Talking raccoon. "Hooked on a Feeling." Tree that says its own name. Green space babes.

As far as I can tell, nobody is demanding that TMNT be high cinema that enhances our perspective on the human condition.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I felt a great disturbance in the internet as if a thousand nerds all cried out at once and... continued whining.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Nowhere Man said:
Edit: Crap. I forgot the Expendables 3 is coming up and then YA dystopian wankfest - The Giver.
Still I don't see Guardians dropping off the charts anytime soon.
That one fills me with dread, since it's gone from a bleak nightmare with an ambiguous ending to "teenage lust hormones are good, the evil adults don't like them"


New member
Aug 9, 2014
Zachary Amaranth said:
youji itami said:
GotG (dropped 55%) already dropped more than ASM2 (dropped 53%) yet that's good now /s
The trick is never to let the facts dictate the narrative. ASM2 did bad because it plummeted 53%. GotG did well because it managed to only drop 55%.

If you really want something to be a failure, as the Escapist community wants the Amazing Franchise to be, you will find any way possible to make it so.
The trick is indeed not to let facts dictate the narrative. Facts such as

1) Guardians opening higher so a slightly higher drop would still leave it with a better second weekend

2) Guardians costing less to produce so needing less to be a success (but so far getting more)

3) Guardians being a C to D list franchise as opposed to the A-list Spider man franchise

or, and I think this one is the kicker.

4) ASM2 dropping -61.2% percent not 53% on its second weekend.

Now clearly dislike of ASM2 causes some people to overstate it's "failure", but while it clearly wasn't a failure in absolute terms (it made money) it's perfectly possible to argue it's a failure or at least a disappointment in relative terms. It's the lowest grossing Spider-Man movie so far without even correcting for inflation, and it's being equaled or surpassed by far less well known franchises. I would in fact argue that, but then, I do dislike it :)

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
CerberusSpawn said:
4) ASM2 dropping -61.2% percent not 53% on its second weekend.
Basically, the only bit that wasn't rationalising to construct a narrative. Good catch on that, but everything else is a case of the exact thing I was talking about.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
I felt a great disturbance in the internet as if a thousand nerds all cried out at once and... continued whining.
Man, if the Jedi can feel that, no wonder they're all extinct.

Or in a galaxy far, far away.


New member
Aug 9, 2014
Zachary Amaranth said:
CerberusSpawn said:
4) ASM2 dropping -61.2% percent not 53% on its second weekend.
Basically, the only bit that wasn't rationalising to construct a narrative. Good catch on that, but everything else is a case of the exact thing I was talking about.
You think Guardians making more money (so far) on a smaller budget doesn't make it a bigger succes? I'd say I'm not the one rationalizing in service of a narrative here.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
canadamus_prime said:
I felt a great disturbance in the internet as if a thousand nerds all cried out at once and... continued whining.
Man, if the Jedi can feel that, no wonder they're all extinct.

Or in a galaxy far, far away.
Nah nerd whining is very hard to miss, you don't need to be a Jedi to feel that.


New member
Jul 15, 2011
Meh, I've paid for the movie I wanted to see and kept my wallet shut for the movie I didn't, in the end that's all I can really do so no real use making a fuss about the latter movie's success. Although the numbers for GOTG does make me happy that a sequel is well on it's way. (yes I know it was planned well beforehand, but chances are those plans would've been dropped if the movie bombed)