"Frumpy Mom" Responds To Attacks

Nov 25, 2009
UsefulPlayer 1 said:
I still don't get it. Who is this person?

Why does her opinion matter?
She's not really anybody, well I mean everyone is somebody to someone, but from this frame of reference, she's not really anyone, I don't personally know her, and thinking about it, I don't really care. As for her opinion, it only matters as long as you let it bother you, the first post bothered me mildly, currently it's bordering on childish, and I have stopped caring after reading more.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Her kids are going to play so many video games when they get their own money and/or leave the house.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Heres the deal: We're gonna kill her with kindness. Everyone for now on leave enthusiastic comments saying you agree and are banning games from your homes. In fact, your banning all forms of entertainment besides books. Act as Republican, conservative, and idiotic as possible. Be Frumpy Mom * 1,000. Show her an example of herself. If you've used a name on momblog before besides anonymous, switch. DO NOT LET THIS REACH HER!

(Sorry if this counts as spamming, but I want this plan put into action. Copy paste this until it has attention. But remember, if you wanna thank someone go to EboMan7x.)
Nov 25, 2009
EboMan7x said:
Heres the deal: We're gonna kill her with kindness. Everyone for now on leave enthusiastic comments saying you agree and are banning games from your homes. In fact, your banning all forms of entertainment besides books. Act as Republican, conservative, and idiotic as possible. Be Frumpy Mom * 1,000. Show her an example of herself. If you've used a name on momblog before besides anonymous, switch. DO NOT LET THIS REACH HER!

(Sorry if this counts as spamming, but I want this plan put into action. Copy paste this until it has attention. But remember, if you wanna thank someone go to EboMan7x.)
Seriously, no more spam, for the love of god and all that is holy. I don't agree with her, but really you're only throwing gasoline onto the fire if you try to follow this. You know what else would stop this? Not paying attention, as I am doing as of now.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I'm rather insulted. Now I'm going to go to my rottweiler and cry.

That aside.
Video games and other electronics are doing bad things to kids' brains.
Or, they're fine and you're messed up. The accuser is always as wrong as the hatred they share.

Chaotic Neutral

New member
Oct 7, 2009
@EboMan7x (because I'm not going to quote him)

That's a stupid plan. Retake high school psychology, and pay attention this time. In the meantime, stop spamming.

ToonLink said:
*also raises hand*

I'd like to personally volunteer to fly to California and club this woman in the head with a +6 mace.
And then after the club-fest, I'd quote the greatest of all video game quotes, everyone say it with me:

"I'm here to kick ass and chew gum. And I'm all out of gum."
I'm 99.9% certain that quote originally came from the movie, "They Live."

OT: If someone can convince 4chan to take down her blog, cool. If not, ignore her, she feeds on your hatred. For serious.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Chaotic Neutral said:
@EboMan7x (because I'm not going to quote him)

OT: If someone can convince 4chan to take down her blog, cool. If not, ignore her, she feeds on your hatred. For serious.
I'm afraid that if she feeds on anything anymore, she'll explode. :3


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Jbird said:
You know what? I'd rather see kids sucked into video games. You know why? It's a hell of a lot better than seeing them dabble in drugs, alcohol and gangs. It may be vice for some, but it sure is safe when compared to the other evils.

In fact, let's see what results from each evil:
Drugs = internal damage, mentally and physically; may result in prison sentence or death.
Alcohol = internal damage, mentally and physically; may result in prison sentence or death.
Gangs = may result in prison sentence or death; may be salvageable, but results in convicted felon status.
Video Games = damage to social and mental functions; may be salvageable, if parents have common sense.
Agree with you so much. Would she rather we capped hookers on the streets of GTA, or capped hookers in real life?


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Dear Frumpy Middle-Aged Mom,
I'm aware that you've received hundreds of responses to your "Video Games were Created By Satan" blog. Most of which were nearly unintelligible or just full of expletives. I would just like to tell you right off the bat that while I disagree with your reasoning, I'm not here to insult you or your beliefs. I only want to perhaps clear up some of the confusion you might have about games, and express my own opinions as a gamer.
First of all, I'd like to start with the story you linked from the Boston Herald. I had read this story when it was first released and dismissed it. But since you are using it as evidence I'd like to give my two cents on the issue. This mother completely over reacted to the situation. Early morning gaming is quite common for most gamers, (usually on weekends and holidays) but even if her child was refusing to obey her, could she not simply unplug the console? If he was playing the game on an Xbox 360, the mother could implement the built in parental controls to set a time limit for her son's gaming. Furthermore, Grand Theft Auto does not offer any specific reward for doing progressivly more violent acts. The game is rated M (17+) by the ESRB. The Entertainment software ratings board was implemented for this exact purpose. The ESRB rating is clearly displayed on both sides of the game box with an explanation as to why the game received said rating. An M rating requires ID to purchase, so the boy's mother had to have been the one to buy the game for her son. Rather than call the police, some simple good parenting and authority would have done wonders.
When do I ponder the universe or develop my own opinions? Pretty much every day. Not only am I an honors student, but I am a voracious reader on my own and frequently have philosophical conversations with my father whom attended bible college. In short, the kids who play games who want to think deeply an analyze the world around them will. Those who wouldn't have in the first place will simply continue to not contribute.
Video games are proven to improve hand eye coordination and problem solving skills. They are not proven however to increase violence and aggression. Anyone who is unable to differentiate between real life and the events unfolding in a video game already has deep seeded emotional or mental issues and should be given help by a professional. Many games like Scribblnauts and Brain Age rely on the player's creativity or logic to solve the puzzles within the game.
Now allow me to take a moment to get on my soapbox and tell you why games appeal to so many, and the double standard that video games suffer. For many, including myself, video games are an escape and a way to release stress. Playing a video game offers an entire new dimension to entertainment. By allowing the player to assume the role of a character, and take that character through moral choices and difficult trials, a bond is formed. I have found myself frequently more emotionally moved by games than books or films. By being a part of the story, and actually experiencing the action and plot, the player learns to solve problems, make moral decisions, and develop analytical skills. I encourage you to try games for yourself, because explaining this to a person who has never played games before is like trying to describe color to someone who was born blind. They simply can't comprehend it. (By the way that analogy came from a video game. Mass Effect, a science fiction role playing game with branching dialogue options and different consequences depending on the player's choices throughout the game.) It truly puzzles me as to why video games receive so much flak, when movies like Saw and Hostel portray nothing but human torture that looks much more realistic than anything modern video games can produce.
In the end it truly comes down to the parents. You have every right to stop your son from playing video games, but I think you should hear the story from the gaming community's side. If your child is spending too much time playing games, limit the time he is allowed to play, or take it away if the problem persists. Parents have plenty of tools to monitor what and how much their kids play, so demonizing all games with rash generalizations is a little unwarranted.
I hope you don't take offense to my criticisms, I only wish to exert my own opinion.

-This is my email to her. I thought some of you might like to read it. I don't know why. All I got was thanks for responding as her reply.


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
When the hell will this blasted torture end!?

It's bad enough that parents are the ones that brought on this whole R18+ rating debate in Australia because THEY let THEIR kids play those games.

Does this stupid woman not know anything about the fact that video games AREN'T harmful to kids for one simple reason. They enhance the brain/mind because you're constantly thinking and using strategy to solve a puzzle or get through an area in a RPG. Sheesh, even JRPG's show this with strategic battle systems.

..This world needs much less of the likes of Michael Atkinson, Jack Thompson and Ms. "Frumpy Mom". Are they jealous that they didn't have video games when THEY were kids? Did they do anything fun or even remotely entertaining at all? Great example, my step-dad. He's not interested in games and all, however my mother and I are. Not once has he been all bitter about our gaming interests at all, he just doesn't see the point himself. Last "game" he played was years ago and that was Pong.. xD It's okay though, I'd like to hope to lure him into something like puzzle games, etc.

Now, the other part of this article that infuriates me is this;

"I'm not too convinced by people who were such ardent gamers they became video game creators," she said. "That's like saying, "'Gee, I loved crack so much, I went to Colombia and started my own business and now I'm rich.'"
Firstly.. WHAT!? And secondly, you're a *****. You just can't compare crack and video games. People spend MONTHS AND YEARS developing and putting together creative and amazing concepts for the general public to either enjoy or end up ripping to shreds. They work their asses off and you still fail to acknowledge or credit that?

Face it, lady. Video games and the gaming industry are vastly improving, it IS the future. It'd be a damn boring one if it didn't exist. Need I even mention Desert Bus for Hope and Child's Play in general? Gamers are NICE PEOPLE. We WANT to help others.

This crap is never going to end. There's -always- going to be someone who stands up and voices some outburst against video games and what have you and we're always going to either ignore it or completely prove every single "fact" they come up with wrong.

EDIT: Actually, I couldn't have said anything better than JUMBO PALACE did. Nicely worded, good sir! It really disappoints me when these games skeptics constantly bash the entire industry, but they don't have solid facts or they don't know the actual truth. It's just clutching at straws, which is quite sad actually..


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Okay... Just read through two of her articles and a large body of comments.

She's a troll.

She only responds to the negative and doesn't defend her position when someone of competence throws her an argument. Regardless of whether or not she really believes her own opinions, her reactions to the comments are identical to trolling... she sparks an argument by targeting a general subject that many people are accustomed to and by takeing an opposition to the general consensus she starts a flame war. Occasionally she will come back to prod the subject just to keep the attention on her. By all means this is trolling.

Some one should warn her of the anonnymous phenomena... when you give your opinion on the internet someone will make it their duty to offend you in some way or form, hence all the comment nukeing she's been doing. I gaurantee that only a tiny precentage of them were genuinely overly upset individuals... the rest were just gas on a fire for the LULZ!


EDIT: Oh fooey... I fed the troll.

Jing the Bandit

New member
Jan 4, 2010
Does she realize that referring to Albert Einstein as 'the dude with the hair' is just as vague as referring to Agent Smith as 'the dude with the face'?
Plus, everyone should know this by now. Einstein is the guy with the tongue.
Feb 13, 2008
Dear Frumpy Mom, (I think the fact you decided to use that as your username says as much about you as mine says about me)

Your thoughts on video games are - almost without fault - ill-advised, unsubstantiated and apocryphal.

It's not just that you attacks video games though

Also amazing to me, the kids cherished their phones. They didn?t lose them. They didn?t break them. I?m using the past tense about the phones because, well, Cheetah Boy did leave his in his pants pocket and it got washed.

He had to buy the next one himself. Curly Girl, on the other hand, cared for her phone so lovingly that I agreed to buy more minutes for her after her time period expired, since she hadn?t even used up the 60 minutes she?d been alloted.
The two names refer to her two kids:

Let's see what's actually going on here though:
The 7 year old boy, who it's earlier revealed "kissed her for the first time since 2005 when she brought him a phone" (Doesn't that say an AWFUL lot?) is a bad boy and you can't be bothered to check your kids pockets when you wash their trousers?

The 9 year old girl though, loves her phone and you HAD to buy her extra stuff, despite saying that you'd already decided she should only have the 30 minutes a week.

If you seriously cannot see how you are treating your OWN kids, how can you be expected to advise others.

Oh, and as for swapping Satan for Voldemort. Brilliant touch. You've managed to swap a fictional character (given there are numerous differing interpretations of who "he" may be) for a totally fictional character, thereby doubling any criticism laid against you.



New member
Feb 5, 2009
These are the only things I got from the article that weren't tainted by bias or lack of research and sources:

Children behave differently than they once did.
Children enjoy doing things that they find fun.
Some children behave differently than others.
Parents worry about their children's social development.

You can't blame these things on media, video games, movies, comic books, or even bad parenting. There will always be a generation gap, every child is different, and nobody has the same reaction to any sort of stimulus. So go ahead and raise your children however you want, but no matter what those children are going to do what they want when they (hopefully) make the wise decision to get faaaar away from their overbearing parents. You're not saying anything that is going to change the world or hasn't been said before here, frumpy. Your kind are getting boring and unoriginal.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Wow......... This calls for a

[http://media.photobucket.com/image/double facepalm/Xx_Komoriuta_xX/Xx Stuff/633775495275400070-doublefacepalm.jpg?o=1]

I'm just at a loss for words, I mean really I though we were past all of this. Every sane person on Earth has acknowledged that video games don't turn normal people into violent monsters and sex offenders, and we all know that video games don't make us into brain tomatoes. Well thats not true, a small minority of our group suffers from video game addiction and they should recive help, but condemming the whole group because of the minority would be like condemming all Buddhists because some nuts released Sarin gas in a Tokyo subway.

I love video games, they keep me entertained and I actually found a group of friends I can hang out with. This is really inportant for me, because for around 3 or four years, I really didn't have any friends, I would hang out with some people, but I really didn't hae a group of people that I really gelled with, and for a high school this sucked. My games allowed me to connect with a group of people at my school.

I have short comings, I mature enough to admit that, I'm a bit of a slacker, I like to goof off, Sure my 3.5 GPA could go higher if I was willing to focus a little more. Sure whenever I get the chance to play a game I will (I only play on weekends and holidays) and as a result I may not do as much homeowrk as I could. However the knowledge of the fact that I could lose this source on entertinment if I don't perform well in school is a carrot to make me want to do well in school (well than and I want to get into a good college) and motivates me to do well.